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Cheeky Mercenary Recover Evidence list


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Have this bouncing around in my mind, let me know what you think about it

New Viktoria Chambers Crew (Outcasts)
Size: 50 - Pool: 10
  Viktoria Chambers
  Viktoria Chambers 2
  Desperate Mercenary
  Desperate Mercenary 2
  Prospector 2
  Prospector 3


Then you take 1 more master (At first I was thinking Von Schill, Parker, or Zipp, but the more I thought about it, I could see Levi, Tara, or even Hamelin [for the lure]).

The prospectors just hide as far back as possible and generate resources to make your 3 masters superpowered. The Desperate Mercs are there basically just because they're the cheapest way to hold an evidence marker, but if they're hiding with the Prospectors, that means stacking focus. When you're opponent finally gets to them, well 2 focused shots with a 1/3/5 damage track might surprise them. You could also have the Mercs attack each other so you get that demise card draw and have the Prospectors protect the dropped markers on your back line.

I also think you'd be surprisingly good at scheming. The Viks, and especially with Parker, could do spread them out, breakthrough, or sabotage. Likewise, Tara and a 2 summons could get that done. Von Schill getting rocket boots on your minions mean they could do those or possibly catch and release. Land Mines would put research mission on the table. Levi should make Leave Your Mark or Claim Jump doable.

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I mean that build is basically exactly what makes Hamelin so strong on Recover Evidence. Opponents get to choose between putting tokens on Rat Kings, which will kill themselves turn one to summon Rat Catchers and extra rats and thus drop the tokens in the deployment zone, Nix, who is borderline impossible to kill and has no pressing need to commit to the front lines until he feels safe, or the Prospectors and other backline models who are part of the Benny summon engine. You basically tell your opponent that if they want to score they need to fight their way through Hamelin and waves of summoned Rat Kings and get to the deployment zone if they want a chance.

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On 3/14/2021 at 10:13 PM, Azahul said:

I mean that build is basically exactly what makes Hamelin so strong on Recover Evidence. Opponents get to choose between putting tokens on Rat Kings, which will kill themselves turn one to summon Rat Catchers and extra rats and thus drop the tokens in the deployment zone, Nix, who is borderline impossible to kill and has no pressing need to commit to the front lines until he feels safe, or the Prospectors and other backline models who are part of the Benny summon engine. You basically tell your opponent that if they want to score they need to fight their way through Hamelin and waves of summoned Rat Kings and get to the deployment zone if they want a chance.

How's Nix so resistant in your opinion? On paper, he seem good but not a real "tank". I'm probably missing something as I don't play Hamelin since M2E lol

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3 minutes ago, ElPuto said:

How's Nix so resistant in your opinion? On paper, he seem good but not a real "tank". I'm probably missing something as I don't play Hamelin since M2E lol

Incorporeal is best countered by severe hits, but cruel disappointment prevents that. You can try using a min 3 beater, but it takes four attacks to take Nix down.

You could go for moderates, but even at moderate 4 it is going to take 3 moderates to take him down.

I hadn't realised, but when you run the numbers it takes a surprising amount to take him down.

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22 minutes ago, ElPuto said:

How's Nix so resistant in your opinion? On paper, he seem good but not a real "tank". I'm probably missing something as I don't play Hamelin since M2E lol

If Nix is in the middle of a scrum and has soulstones to burn he is honestly a little ridiculous. Any time an opponent fails a duel within 3 for any reason he heals, so a Rat King attacking another model nearby will heal him. Hamelin's bonus can lead to so many attacks I've had Nix go from 2 health to full in Hamelin's activation. Hamelin's keyword in general is very good at shooting into Nix's melee and passively healing him, even before you account for factors like no cheating against the Wretch or Hamelin applying so much Injured the opponent is guaranteed to lose every duel. I will usually have two Prospectors in my crew and will generally save those stones for keeping Nix alive as well, since Hamelin is usually too hard for opponents to bother trying to kill and Benny is rarely close enough to attack. The attacks you choose to let through without stones promptly get healed back. While it's not impossible to kill him, especially with ranged crews or by isolating him from other models, he's a real tough cookie. 

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