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Best models for each scheme? Ressers edition.

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The more I play, the more I find schemes dictate a lot of my choices. So I want to get a feel for opinions on which models are best for each scheme (scoring or denying). I posted the same post in Neverborn, but want to hear about ressers too!

Ressers are awesome schemers in general, IMO. Plus they have access to one of the best scheming abilities in the game: By Your Side! Two models do it super well, but Lost Love seems only okay for it.

To start us off...

Hold Up Their Forces: Crooligans and Undergraduates can be great for last minute positioning to score the points. Ashigaru stand out as super good for this scheme, with their 2" engagement range, hardiness and low cost. Toshiro of course works really well to summon them as well.

Take Prisoner: I've struggled with this one, not sure who is great at repositioning enemies. Dead Rider stands out, but he does a lot of damage when he does it. Can always clear out the enemies near the target, of course!

Outflank: Archie is fantastic for both scoring and denying. I imagine the same is true for Valedictorian. McMourning has a tough crew that can break into a few groups and can probably handle it on some deployments, but would struggle on corner for example. Seamus can probably sneak it with the right terrain.

Assassinate: matchup dependent, of course, but worth noting that most of our crews will struggle to chase down an enemy master that wants to stay safe. We're not like Nephilim where we can potentially use tons of stones to chase down an enemy master. And Archie by himself is not going to cut it.

Deliver a message: By Your Side is great for this.

Claim Jump: I find Philip and the Nanny to be one of my favourite claim jumpers. Deadly Pursuit is fantastic for it, and their manipulative ability also makes them a bit tankier (though watch out for ruthless). The fact that you can keep them safe and deadly pursuit into position is huge though. Grave golem is also great for this, as he struggles getting around the board. Claim jump gives him one spot he can focus on.

Vendetta: Archie weirdly is one of my favourites for this. He can be fantastic for taking out stronger targets with a little assistance, and he can avoid enemy vendetta-ers by just leaping away. Extremely hard to score two points against him.

Scheme marker schemes! 

Molly if of course great for all of these, as are crooligans with by your side and free marker eating. Molly and P&N are fantastic for denying, being able to remove scheme markers anywhere on the table.

Detonate charges: This one is particularly tricky, but crooligans again are great for it since they can often jump straight into a spot where they can do it. Just don't try it against crews with movement tricks. Molly also has the ability to drop schemes into base contact with people, making it much easier to secure the second bomb.

Breakthrough: Archie + crooligans, Valedictorian + undergraduates, Kentauroi + anything, Dead Rider + anything... We have tons of good teams for this! Sometimes a bit tricky to score the second point, especially on corner deployment. But it can often take people by surprise and be an easy solo point!

Harness the leyline: tons of options. We're pretty interact efficient with great schemers all over the faciton.

Dig their graves: Gravedigger. Does more need to be said? 

Power ritual: same as breakthrough. Just need a mobile tag team to move and place.

Search the ruins: Any of the above.

What are your thoughts?

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11 hours ago, Maniacal_cackle said:

Hold Up Their Forces: Crooligans and Undergraduates can be great for last minute positioning to score the points. Ashigaru stand out as super good for this scheme, with their 2" engagement range, hardiness and low cost. Toshiro of course works really well to summon them as well.

Molly's minions in general are good here, along with the Forgotten Marshal. She can field so many 4&5 stone models. I love it when this is in the pool with plant. 


Take Prisoner: I've struggled with this one, not sure who is great at repositioning enemies. Dead Rider stands out, but he does a lot of damage when he does it. Can always clear out the enemies near the target, of course!

Dead Doxies can take them by the hand. 


Outflank: Archie is fantastic for both scoring and denying. I imagine the same is true for Valedictorian. McMourning has a tough crew that can break into a few groups and can probably handle it on some deployments, but would struggle on corner for example. Seamus can probably sneak it with the right terrain.

By your side is a nice way of getting troops to the flanks. 


Assassinate: matchup dependent, of course, but worth noting that most of our crews will struggle to chase down an enemy master that wants to stay safe. We're not like Nephilim where we can potentially use tons of stones to chase down an enemy master. And Archie by himself is not going to cut it.

Seamus can chase down quite a few of them and it a bit hard to pin down himself. 


Dig their graves: Gravedigger. Does more need to be said? 

The Restless Spirit is a stone cheaper and accomplishes the same thing. 



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@Trample, great points, especially about Seamus.

Personally I much prefer Gravedigger over restless spirit though. For 1 stone more, you're getting blasphemous ritual, stitch up, extra movement, recent funeral, field of corpses, and better synergies with models like Toshiro.

Edit: and don't forget ritual can eat enemy corpse markers after they try to set up dig. Tricky to position, but a small bonus.

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I've had good luck with Jaakuna and Take Prisoner.  Especially in Tormented, when you get Monty's obey and possibly Dead Outlaw's fast and the models are just so tanky. 

Reva's Shieldbearers actually seem like they might be decent for Take Prisoner.  Two inch knockback on their shield slam with a trigger for four more inches and Take the Hit.  And Reva has a second knockback and a two inch engagement.  

The Emmy can help quite a bit with Claim Jump just with gumming the area up with coffins and zombies. 

Mourners and Gravediggers both have ways to turn corpse markers into scheme markers.  I've gotten Harness off either.  Especially if you're bringing Asura or the Emmy for mindless zombies.

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