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Gremlin Grenadiers


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Hi all. In our local malifaux chat born idea for new gremlin model: Gremlin Grenadiers. 

Minion, Gremlin, without Rare, 5 SS

Df 3, Wp 5, Wd 4, Wk 5, Ch 5, Ht 1


Unplaned detonation - At the start of this model activation this model make a flip which may not be cheated. If flipped 0-1 all model in :pulse 5" suffer 5 damage, then sacrifice this model.

FOR THE BAYOOOO!!! - When this model killed, not sacrificed, all model in :pulse 2" suffer 3 damage.

Attack actions

Big Burta

Sh 5:ram/Rst: Df/Rg: :ranged8" - Target suffer 2/3:blast/3:blast:blast damage. This attack ignore cover. Before flipping damage, but after declaring a trigger this model make a flip which may not be cheated. If flipped 0-6 this model becomes the target for this attack action instead of original target. If flipped 7-14 resume attack as normal.

:ramDumb luck - Instead normal damage, target suffer 4/6:blast/6:blast:blast damage, but this model suffer half of damage.


Big Burta

(1) Sh 5/Rst: Df/Rg: :ranged8" - Target suffer 2/3:blast/3:blast:blast damage. This attack ignore cover. This attack must declare a trigger if able:

:maskSomething in trunk, need to glance - After resolving this model suffer damage instead of original target. This damage flip receive :-fate

:tomeStrabismus and concussion - After succeeding make a randomization flip between models in 4" of original target to define new target for this attack action.

:ramDumb luck - After succeeding instead normal damage, target suffer 4/6:blast/6:blast:blast damage, but this model suffer half of damage.

:crowShrapnell - After succeeding target suffer 2/3/3 damage instead of normal damage. After target suffer addtioinal 1/2/2 damage, this damage flip receive :-fate


Busket with ammo

(1) Ml5/Rst: Df/Rg: 1" - target suffer 1/2/3 damage. This attack must declare trigger if able.

:crowOoops, I droped it! - After resolving all model in :pulse 2" include this model suffer 3 damage.


Tactical actions

(0) Stashed bacon - this model may discart two card, to heal 2 damage.



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5SS with 3Df and 4Wds means that this would never be playable. Quite a few factions will have access to some good snipers that are taken somewhat consistently and that alone means that this model is going to die immediately in many games. Even without that problem, at Rg 8 with those stats they will often die to a glance from enemy models who just outrange them.

The first instance of Big Burta is also completely unusable. A 50/50 chance for this model to be kill itself with every attack? I understand the damage track on Dumb Luck is pretty obscene but having such an extremely swingy model is just unfun imo.

My suggestions: up the Df and Wd count to something reasonable and instead of Dumb Luck as a trigger, give your enemy a choice. Something like:

(1) Big Burta (Sh 5/ Rst: Df / Rg: :ranged8): Target suffers 2/3/4 damage. This attack ignores cover.
       :ramGRENAAAADE!: Before flipping damage the target may discard a card to suffer +2 damage from this attack. If the target does not discard a card then instead of its normal damage, this attack deals 2/3:blast:blast/3:blast:blast:blast damage to the target.

Maybe a fun ability like: Shock and Awe: after this model kills an enemy model it gains the Terrifying All (12) ability for the rest of the game.

Coming up with models is fun and the core idea of gremlin grenadiers is interesting.

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Rambo gremlins sound excellent but I'm not thrilled by any of the suggestions yet.  Jinn has a good point that original suggestion would more likely explode into the gremlin crew doing extensive damage.  Either do to being killed by sniper or being killed by 50/50 flip, even Russian roulette has better odds.


The suggested change though sounds too strong though.  +2 damage or blasts? If you have a strong ram you're going to do blasts or min damage 4 with a 5ss model? Nuts!


I've not got specifics so sorry to just be criticising. I think of this model idea in the generalists terms and let more knowledgeable denizens deal with numbers.  To me this model for 5ss would have grenades but some element of mishap (what about an unresisted/uncheatable sh 4 with tn 12 or so that if succeeds, target takes dmg (to be specified) with blast and if under tn then blast marker is placed on target, then pushed 2" by this player and then 3" by enemy)  

They natively would have a self destruct of some sort. And a big unwieldy knife, because Rambo.

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