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If you were the Errata man...


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I'd love a change to make Guild totems overall more playable options.

Printing Press, Enslaved Nephilim, and Luna have been playable since they first came out. 

Errata and new upgrades have gone a long way towards making Purifying Flame and the Scribe playable.

Mechanical Attendant mostly sees play as just a cheap activation that Hoffman can sap AP from, and Zombie Chihuahua in Guild is basically an easy way to give McMourning Poison +2 for if he has That's the Stuff.

Governor's Proxy and Scales of Justice are laughable options. I'd love to see Proxy not have a flip for the heal, or for Scales to not have an opposed flip for it's ability to give a + or - to the next flip. 

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4 hours ago, RhiaCat said:

I'd love a change to make Guild totems overall more playable options.

Printing Press, Enslaved Nephilim, and Luna have been playable since they first came out. 

Errata and new upgrades have gone a long way towards making Purifying Flame and the Scribe playable.

Mechanical Attendant mostly sees play as just a cheap activation that Hoffman can sap AP from, and Zombie Chihuahua in Guild is basically an easy way to give McMourning Poison +2 for if he has That's the Stuff.

Governor's Proxy and Scales of Justice are laughable options. I'd love to see Proxy not have a flip for the heal, or for Scales to not have an opposed flip for it's ability to give a + or - to the next flip. 

I disagree about Scales. Its not Enslaved Nephilim level but I would take it most of the time.

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With Jury and a death marshal recruiter in your list the scales is basically an upgrade of your hand size by two cards that also happens to be able to waste an activation. I call that pretty great value for invested soulstones. Most arcanists happily pay two soulstones and an upgrade slot for a hand size increase of one.

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3 hours ago, Ludvig said:

With Jury and a death marshal recruiter in your list the scales is basically an upgrade of your hand size by two cards that also happens to be able to waste an activation. I call that pretty great value for invested soulstones. Most arcanists happily pay two soulstones and an upgrade slot for a hand size increase of one.

Even now with just sword fighter I can usually get the cards, unless I'm playing against Tara.

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