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Hog Whisperer - how, when and why?


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As I am painting this guy I'm thinking how to fit him in me crews. Obviously it must be pig-heavy crew so naturally Ulix comes to the mind however I just can't imagine why should I include Hog Whisperer in the crew. He is mobile with Wk5, Cg8 and Reckless but with Df/Wp 4 he can't stay to close to the enemy models or will fade away soon (even 7 Wds won't help here). The only way to use him as I can see is to move forward and Sooey! Pigs to move them around but again it means he must sprint forward to get it done and I already said something about getting closer to enemy models...

I wish he had some kind of push like 1AP action to push friendly Pig within 6'''/8'' its walk in any direction so he could just walk behind them and help them with re-positioning.

His second action to Reactivate Pig is too situational as it requires Mask and unless he is close to Somer who is willing to grant him Mask you can't really depend on this action.


So please tell me if I'm wrong too see this guys a poor, unhappy Gremlin who never is wanted in any crew? 

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It's such low Masks that I tend to get them either in hand or through top decking. I really love him with The Sow as Reactivate makes her so much better. Mech Pork is also surprisingly fun to Reactivate since Armor lowers the damage from it and Bayou Two Card helps heals from Slops.

But even a humble little Piglet can become ridiculously annoying when they do their Pig Charge Defensive Stance routine. I once held off half a McCabe force with a lone Defensive Piglet (though there was lots of luck involved there). 

And Reactivate using Truffles gives good mobility boost to the rest of your guys.

After giving out Reactivate, my Hog Whisperers tend to either do Schemes or kill something gigantic in a suicide Dumb Luck Attack. I've killed for example Wrath and Izamu with Dumb Luck from one. It tends to be a bit of a shock to my opponents :P 

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Nellie + 4 Hog Whisperers is the ultimate meta pick.


But for reals I agree with Math (what a surprise!), definitely a fairly niche pick imo but their Melee is surprisingly good. I've got to try a Reactivating Sow at some point. Just don't do it vs Shenlong.

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Lol @Dogmantra I was about to say the same thing Nellie with two hogs whisperers Burt and Gracie. Not bad and lots of ap to go around in guild where they dont get those types of options. Overall in Gremlins I don't think they are worth it. Especially as our model pool keeps getting bigger

It's saving grace is that it's tactical actions are super powerful for being on a 5 stone model (giving our reactivate or pushing many pigs between 6-8 inches on a reckless body). The main reason I don't think it sees play is because pigs are just overall worse than gremlins so even though it's abilities are great for them the fact that pigs are so under represented the value isn't there. Also the fact that ulix is so starved for stones I feel like he just doesn't have room for the hog whisperer.

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Wait I just thought about it some more..... Wouldn't it be freaking scary with two swine-cursed in a wong list? I mean damn first turn put two swine-cursed in decent positions and turn them into pigs. turn two you have the potential to get 6 ap out of a swine-cursed with 3/4 /6 ignore everything.

It might be even scarier with somer because you could keep activation control and do it like this for masks meaning both will get reactivate. I mean turn 1 the threat range is 30 on the charge (with 6 inch deployment edge to edge lol) .Also this lets somer do his normal summoning and he  can get  pushed up a bit to grant the hog whisperer masks.  Two 2/3/5 6 ap swine-cursed is pretty crazy (they heal twice and end the turn with at least three wounds....probably 4 or 5). Also they probably shouldn't super alpha and just do it turn two getting a metric ton of damage in. 

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49 minutes ago, lame0 said:

Wait I just thought about it some more..... Wouldn't it be freaking scary with two swine-cursed in a wong list? I mean damn first turn put two swine-cursed in decent positions and turn them into pigs. turn two you have the potential to get 6 ap out of a swine-cursed with 3/4 /6 ignore everything.

It might be even scarier with somer because you could keep activation control and do it like this for masks meaning both will get reactivate. I mean turn 1 the threat range is 30 on the charge (with 6 inch deployment edge to edge lol) .Also this lets somer do his normal summoning and he  can get  pushed up a bit to grant the hog whisperer masks.  Two 2/3/5 6 ap swine-cursed is pretty crazy (they heal twice and end the turn with at least three wounds....probably 4 or 5). Also they probably shouldn't super alpha and just do it turn two getting a metric ton of damage in. 

This has been suggested before ;) 

It's a bit tricky since Swines start in Gremlin mode but the rewards are pretty cool. It is very potent when you pull it off.

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3 hours ago, Math Mathonwy said:

This has been suggested before ;) 

It's a bit tricky since Swines start in Gremlin mode but the rewards are pretty cool. It is very potent when you pull it off.

Ohh for sure it has but I think people undervalue how well swine-cursed work with somer.

Normally I feel like its if I take swine-cursed I take Wong but I think reviewing the hog whisperer and the fact that the trigger is a pain to hit more than once without do it like this makes me feel like they got some game in somer. Nice to think of damage options outside of the typical Francois, Burt & Taxidermist.

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2 minutes ago, lame0 said:

Ohh for sure it has but I think people undervalue how well swine-cursed work with somer.

Quite possible. Everything works amazingly with Somer, though (he's a bit annoying like that!). :P 

But in all seriousness, it's not a bad idea at all. And I do agree that there is certain tunnel vision re:Swine Cursed and Wong. Let us know how it fares!

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