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Levi and Undead


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Hello, first time posting, dipping my proverbial toe into Malifaux (and apparently diving in at the deep end) with Leveticus.

Seen a lot about the fact he can take constructs and undead from any faction, and most things I see is basically saying sack off undead as a bad job and go constructs. Which is a shame because the undead theme looks a lot more interesting to me.

Am I making a stupid mistake considering taking over constructs or is he still going to be viable?

Apologies if I put this in the wrong place :)

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Not sure who says that but I'm pretty sure you can do great with undead. There are some really strong control pieces that are undead.

People tend to exaggerate shamelessly, it's not like construct Levi auto wins qhile undwad Levi always loses so go with whatever you feel like. If your sole purpose for taking Leveticus is to win major tournaments then there might be some small edge to constructs but if you're starting the game to have a good time with friends you won't notice the difference.

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16 minutes ago, DreadManWalking said:

Until I start getting stomped every game and end up crying myself to sleep at night at least...

You won't. Well, not because you play Bone Levi you won't.

There is a power curve with models, and I think few are a bit too far ahead or behind it. But online especially it seems to me that people often pick whatever is the most optimal, even if by a tiny hair, and everything else gets absolutely trashed. Maybe Iron Levi is better, I don't know. But that doesn't mean Bone Levi is bad. Not by a long shot.

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Iron Levi is usually pushed not because it is strictly better than Bone Levi, but because Iron Levi allows for a much larger number of unexpected combinations whilst almost all Undead are in the resurrectionist faction and are intended to function together. Iron Levi can do things like give reactivate to Teddy or take a Terracotta Warrior in Outcasts. I've mostly played Bone Levi before and it worked fine for me. If you do intend to take this path though, you will definitely have to look into Tara and Jack Daw, as they are the other two outcast masters that can make use of resurrectionist models. You should also consider if there are any resurrectionist masters you like, since their boxes will most likely come with useful undead models.

Flesh Constructs, Necropunks and the Iron Zombies from the University of Transmortis box are all both constructs AND undead, meaning you can use them with either Levi playstyle. Necropunks are interesting scheme runners who can heal themselves which is good if your abominations damage them for card draw and the Flesh Constructs or Iron Zombies make excellent "anchor" models for Levi.

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I am glad of this; seen a lot of message boards where the general theme is 'If you take Undead you have the brains of a squashed apricot' :)

For my first Crew I had narrowed it down to Leveticus, Jack Daw, McMourning and Titania, so there is a rather large undead theme, so probably lots of crossover.

Knowing me I will likely end up getting all 4 crews when I have a bit more funding behind me, just went fr Levi first because I love the 'He's dead...wait what!?' style of his mechanic, and the minis are just plain gorgeous :)

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I think it boils down to what other non-outcast stuff you want to play.  Many good things are both (flesh construct, necropunk...).  The best construct only stuff would be Joss, Teddy, Mech rider, and terracotta warrior.  The best undead only stuff are bells, Bete, and Doxie.  So far, I am a Bone fan as the lures/pushes are something that we lack in outcast.  Also I love the idea of something that can be thrown into their face and they know won't die (just like the A&D and Levi himself).  Please note, this is just my 2 cents and feel free to add to the best of construct or undead list.




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4 hours ago, DreadManWalking said:

I am glad of this; seen a lot of message boards where the general theme is 'If you take Undead you have the brains of a squashed apricot' :)

For my first Crew I had narrowed it down to Leveticus, Jack Daw, McMourning and Titania, so there is a rather large undead theme, so probably lots of crossover.

Knowing me I will likely end up getting all 4 crews when I have a bit more funding behind me, just went fr Levi first because I love the 'He's dead...wait what!?' style of his mechanic, and the minis are just plain gorgeous :)

McMourning and Levi will have lots of crossover in what models they will want, but the only model from McMourning's box Levi will use is the Flesh Construct. However the two nurses will greatly aid Jack Daw, who can take advantage of Crooked Men which are useful to McMourning to spread poison. I don't think they are out yet, but when they are Rougarou are another Neverborn undead model so Levi and Titania will use those plus Teddy isn't a bad idea if you think you will sometimes try out Iron Levi. Of particular note to Levi, Jack Daw and McMourning is Killjoy, who works fantastically with all of them, especially with McMourning's little chihuaha and its tendency to run into the middle of the enemy crew.

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Has anyone ever run Frame for Murder on McMourning's chihuahua?
As people have already said, both styles of Levi play are viable, but bone is a little more manipulative/tricksy, and iron is a little more face beaty. There's not much in it, and Bete plays quite well with Levi being another model that doesn't really die (provided you keep a 10 in hand).

Basically run whatever looks good to you. If Levi leading a bunch of mechanical monstrosities looks good, good, and if you prefer him surrounded by zombies twirling parasols, that's good too. He himself plays more or less the same, pick a weaker target, kill it (preferably turning it into an Abomination) and move on.

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