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Please provide feedback on our map





Please could you tell me if this map is ok?


I played Guild vs Neverborn melee and seems this map set up i can't win. I cannot use my pushes on this map properly and seems like i cannot use Perdita's range too.

My opponent is playing Lilith and casting Illusionary forests on the top of that.

Best regards,


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On the whole I would have said that the board looks to be on the low end of the suggested terrain, but its hard to tell what scatter you have, and that Perdita would have a slight advantage. Although some of that will depend a little on how you have ruled certain bits of terrain (Are the fences all hard cover, and climable, or are they severe or impassable)

If a nephlim is behind cover (especially of the buildings), then they probably can't charge, so assuming they went there, you will typically get at least 1 normal attack against them (using Focus to counter the effect of hard cover) before they got to walk up to you and attack once. 


According to the rules you should see the board and the strategy and schemes before you build your crew, so if you think the board doesn't have long line of sight options and favours melee models more, you should build your crew to do just that. And Perdita does more damage with close combat attacks than she does with shooting so she can still be a good choice here. 


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Looks a little bit lacking in diversity of terrain types, and you probably want a bit more scatter as well as to make the buildings not quite so evenly spread along straight lines. Also if the mat is 3'x3' then you need a bunch more terrain round the edges of the board, as a general rule of thumb there shouldn't be open lines from one side of the board to another.

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