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Is Trixiebelle a dirty cheater?


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Hi chaps! I am experimenting at the moment with Trixiebelle as an aggressive scheme runner (if you allow me the expression). I let her pick up a scheme from old cranky and go reckless turn1. walk tow times and drop 2 scheme markers. turn2 go reckless pick up one schemearker, walk, interact for one scheme marker, walk, drop the other one. boom. convict labour is down and Trixie is there to push people away from it. concidering that trixie can cheat for her lure (especially when cheating to lure friendly models) and she likes going reckless  (she is a naughty girl... what to say) i find "dirty cheater" upgrade very useful on her. she just going reckless for free as long as you can spare a 6 (card) to lure one of your models. with a little set up you can either lure some gremlins towars the centre, or push a pig 8" away to someone's face. i tried it only once and it worked. any ideas? any flaws on this idea? anything better to generate free ap? please let me know since i love this little monsterous big-bazzoka lady and i litterally use her in every single game!

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Dirty Cheater is great on her as she heals when she cheats the Initiative and keeps her alive to do that for longer (in my experience, she tends to have a target painted on her..). Plus all of the above. The only problem is that Dirty Cheater is Rare 2, and everything wants it, so it really depends what else I'm taking!

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It has its uses, depending on exactly what you have her doing.  I typically use her for scheme running, which is why I don't put it on her.  She isn't doing many duals during her turn when I play her to justify it.  This is also why I've replaced her in my crew with The First Mate, typically.  I have a plan for her to be in my Brewmaster Kill list, and in that situation I think it'll make much more sense to have Dirty Cheater on her.

Another option, if you just want to be able to counter the Reckless, is to spend the extra soul stone and give her Quality Mash Liquor.  As I said, it's an extra soul stone, but it's a heal for other models, and you don't have to cheat to do it, since you're already relying on the heal happening during her activation.  The heal is one of the reasons I like bringing Fingers, so having it on her is just as effective.

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I love it on her. I cheat in gremlin lure typically at least once an activation which cover the reckless cost, and I also like to take A Gun For a Lady with it, I am cheating virtually every single one of my activations, and being able to have 3 ap every turn (almost like 4 with her 0 dropping a scheme marker) is pretty fantastic. 

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