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Other enemy hand controll options than Jack Daw?!? - (Misaki in outcast?)

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Hi =),

I'm kind of new to malifaux (just a few months) so i thaught i could ask for some opinions and advice =)

So, could misaki work with some hand eating outcast guys? 

I was thinking about using Hans with 2 shots at the enemy master, montresor with his new upgrade and maybe some of the crossroad7s for some decent hand pressure. Ama no zako should have a similar effect i guess. 

When i read about outcast misaki it was basicly always about TT offering more [+], focus... and outcast misaki being more durable but not viable due to her low weak dmg. So i thaught about a way to overcome her low weak dmg and what outcast misaki could do better then her TT version. 

With a full crew of hand eating fellows and assassinate, the weak dmg would be less of a disadvantage. Also, other then yamaziko (who can join her outcast crew aswell) and misdirection, TT doesnt have that many ways of making the enemy discard cards. 

Do you think this could work?

Do the upgrades for Hans and Montresor make them playable for this kind of playstyle? 

Are there other ways to discard the enemy hand in outcast or any mercs?

Maybe just for certain scenarios or against some very card dependant masters this might be worth a try at least? (I'd really love to make this work)

Thanks =)


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I'd not generally found her weak of 2 to be that low, especially if you take stalking bisento and give her the positive damage flips anyway. 

Hand destruction is a potent approach anyway. 

There are two ways I can think of to go about it, the first is the one you have gone for, selecting actions that force card discard. These are pretty strong, especially if you have enouigh that they have to lose good cards to the discarding. 

The otehr way is just exert pressure on their hand. Make them take lots of Horror duels, even easy ones will fail on the odd flip forcing them to cheat to pass. abominations, Desolation engine, Ashes and dust can all work here on lots of simple duels. Crossraod 7 models also all put hand pressure on people (they all make people takle damage if they do something unless they discard a card).  Unfortuantly the outcast one, Pride is the cheating one, and he punishes you for cheating, which is the opposite of what you want. But his Song is pretty good for you, doing 6 damage, which they can reduce by discarding cards.

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The Emissary has a built in trigger on his call of the lost attack that is after damaging discard a card or gain slow. This would help apply pressure additionally he can give out trinkets which can be beneficial such as giving A&D companion or Sue regen so that Hurt is basically a zero cost ability. Not sure how good Misaki's conflux is though with him.

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Thanks for the answers! =)

I didnt really think about the secound way of forcing enemies to spend their hand before - nice advice, that changes the option by a fair bit! 

So in case of terrifying i dont own desolation engine or ashes and dust. But I have a killjoy and thaught about using him but that would always come with a kind unignorable risk for my crew unless id go full disguised with misakis upgrade disguised aswell.. But then id give away some of her killing potential and therefore hand pressure aswell because stalking bisento gives her another ap to atk. 

Pride's song seems very interesting for that kind of crew, even tho the cheating tax would be kind of wasted, like you said. And i had a chat with a friend of mine who was interested in splitbuying the crossroads7 box anyways. =)

I've considered the emissary, because it just sounds pretty fun to get free ap with misaki if u set it up the right way. But what i didnt see was his actions for discard or slow (my mind was kind of stuck with the shadow emissary when thinking about misaki, dont know why) - also it would kinda fit the playstyle to buff the crew with trinkets and then follow misaki for the free ap and a 2 person flank while montresor and the rest of the crew try to get enemy models involved in combat. 

Didnt hear a lot about sue before, is he worth his points in general? His anti totem atk seems powerfull against some masters.


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4 hours ago, Drunken Kung Fu Kid said:

Thanks for the answers! =)

I didnt really think about the secound way of forcing enemies to spend their hand before - nice advice, that changes the option by a fair bit! 

So in case of terrifying i dont own desolation engine or ashes and dust. But I have a killjoy and thaught about using him but that would always come with a kind unignorable risk for my crew unless id go full disguised with misakis upgrade disguised aswell.. But then id give away some of her killing potential and therefore hand pressure aswell because stalking bisento gives her another ap to atk. 

Pride's song seems very interesting for that kind of crew, even tho the cheating tax would be kind of wasted, like you said. And i had a chat with a friend of mine who was interested in splitbuying the crossroads7 box anyways. =)

I've considered the emissary, because it just sounds pretty fun to get free ap with misaki if u set it up the right way. But what i didnt see was his actions for discard or slow (my mind was kind of stuck with the shadow emissary when thinking about misaki, dont know why) - also it would kinda fit the playstyle to buff the crew with trinkets and then follow misaki for the free ap and a 2 person flank while montresor and the rest of the crew try to get enemy models involved in combat. 

Didnt hear a lot about sue before, is he worth his points in general? His anti totem atk seems powerfull against some masters.


Sue is a toolbox who's almost always useful. Suppressing Ca attacks around him, setting things of fire, destroying corpse markers (without a resist), sometimes even shooting things (a potential 4/5/6 track with a ram in hand is no joke), giving card draw at the cost of a wound. He's worth his points.

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5 hours ago, Freman said:

Sue is a toolbox who's almost always useful. Suppressing Ca attacks around him, setting things of fire, destroying corpse markers (without a resist), sometimes even shooting things (a potential 4/5/6 track with a ram in hand is no joke), giving card draw at the cost of a wound. He's worth his points.

I almost always take Sue in my crews and generally miss him when I haven't taken him. Hurt is a really good ability to allow you to draw a card, even better if you can give him regen from the emissary's trinket. The ability to make an area of the board beneficial to your crew or harmful to the enemy from his 2 zero actions can be really powerful. 

I tend to find he doesn't do much shooting in his activation early game as he is trying to position to best effect however by putting return fire on him you can get some extra shots from him by enemies attacking. 

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I would second what Adran was saying. Pressure the opponent with Attacks, TN duels, etc. Ashes and Dust is very good with Misaki for this. Ama might have some merit, being a cheaper henchmen with high moderate and severe damage. A pair of Trappers is as always a very good way of putting pressure on the opponent's hand. The TT merc Lust is great at forcing several tn duels, can chip damage a lot, and she can also push Misaki with a (0). Even with his fancy new upgrade, I think that Monty is too squishy for what he wants to do. Hans might have some merit, but I haven't had the chance to try him out with his new upgrade. Librarians (a Misaki staple) can force a lot of cheating with Furious Casting.

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