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Need advice/ideas abot iron Levi crew core/list.


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Until now i always played Leveticus with Pariah of bone.

i would like to make some changes. I had thought this (iron) list:


Leveticus (1ss pool)

-pariah of iron (1ss)

-desolate soul (2ss)

2x Hollow Waif ()

Rusty Alyce (10ss)

-from the aether (2ss)

Ashes and Dust (13ss)

Lazarus (10ss)

3x Abomination (4ss)


Why this list?

I would like to play A&D with Lazarus and Desolation Engine.

(A&D : anchor, scheme runner on the edge of table, beater)

(Lazarus: anchor, shooter, tank)


But there are several problems in this list:

- pool of soulstone it is ridiculous..

(if i used 2 abominations only i'm afraid i haven't time to summon desolation engine, at least until 3/4 turn.. with alyce, if goes wrong something, i can evoke desolation in second turn, with two 0 actions  with upgrade)

- not sure that the upgrades on leveticus are good for summoninng new abominations
- the pieces in this list synergize very well (i do not know if eventually there would be something better)
I would have also (eventually) Joss, soulstone miner, coryphee, and effigies

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1. Why do you take Pariah of Iron in this list? All your models are from Outcast faction so you are wasting 1SS for a start.

2. I don't really think From Aether is good upgrade. Better is get Oathkeeper and soften the targets for Levi to finish them off and summon Abomination.

3. Shooting crew like this (Lazarus + Alyce) benefits strongly from something which helps them dealing with cover: either Watcher or Mad Dog.

4. If you want to summon Abominations with Levi then you need 5-6SS pool as you'll need to use stones for suit quite often. Drop one Abomination. Then you can drop another one and take Hodgepodge Effigy.


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Thanks as always Dan for the excellent advices, i honestly do not know why i put iron upgrade :mellow:

What would you change in the list? (i would, however, be able to summoning in the early rounds the desolation..) only upgrades and add hodgepodge or other?

Unfortunately i haven't watcher.

Edit: i sincerely thought about "from the aether" on alyce, looking your last report :P

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From the Aether would be brilliant if we had some model which generates scrap markers with his action (not killing like Joss) or ability - something like Mechanized Porkchop.

If you really want to summon Desolation Engine then you can't really change that much and to be honest this would be depending on schemes/strategy as at this moment you have strong kiling crew but not that great with schemes which required dropping many scheme markers.

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I'm new to this game and mostly played Levi, but personally I'm really looking forward to Dead Outlaws. They look like good anchors for exactly 6ss, and are solid models overall. Maybe the synergy isn't 100% there, but they are very competitively priced for what they do and for their stats. At least  Levi can use the undead teleport if need be, I guess.


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37 minutes ago, marke83 said:

I'm new to this game and mostly played Levi, but personally I'm really looking forward to Dead Outlaws. They look like good anchors for exactly 6ss, and are solid models overall. Maybe the synergy isn't 100% there, but they are very competitively priced for what they do and for their stats. At least  Levi can use the undead teleport if need be, I guess.


They are not bad but I think they shine in Jack's/Parker's crew rather than Levi's one. For 6SS you can get (few examples only):

- among Outcasts: Trapper (forward deployed anchor), Johan (don't need to recommend him), Ronin (solid anchor which can't be charge, is HtK and can commit seppuku to give you 2SS/cards)

- among Undead: Dead Doxy (movement shenanigans), Flesh Construct (multi-wound anchor which can Reactivate)

- among Constructs: Soulstone Miner (good scheme runner which can generate soulstones), Flesh Construct (as above), Warden/Large Arachnid (solid anchor)

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Well i find the Desolation Engine is very difficult to summon midgame, i prefer to hire him, one-two abominations then use Alyce/Levi to create at least one more abomination during the game, this way if the Desolation Engine dies it can reform straight away!

The Desolation Engine is very strong and scary, especially on the second turn where you can potentially reactivate him using Alyce and have him heal himself right back up! I think risking not having him out is silly!

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1 hour ago, Nukemouse said:

The Desolation Engine is very strong and scary, especially on the second turn where you can potentially reactivate him using Alyce and have him heal himself right back up! I think risking not having him out is silly!

Thanks, this is exactly the reason of 3 abominations in my list.. (if all goes wrong, with from the aether on alyce, in second turn i get fourth abomination) only i would not give up to A&D and Lazarus. I also know that the list is "killing oriented" but it intrigued me much to try it in this way..

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You know if you don't hire the 3 abominations and  "from the aether", you can just hire a desolation engine, and have change...

I will admit, Levi isn't my go to master if I want to summon a desolation engine, but ashes and dust, levi and the desolation enngine normally summon plenty of abominations on their own. At least when I use them.

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On 19/11/2016 at 0:51 AM, TeddyBear said:

Thanks, this is exactly the reason of 3 abominations in my list.. (if all goes wrong, with from the aether on alyce, in second turn i get fourth abomination) only i would not give up to A&D and Lazarus. I also know that the list is "killing oriented" but it intrigued me much to try it in this way..

3 Abominations is going to be 1 less soulstone than Desolation Engine and the upgrade from the aether means in the end you are paying MORE.

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On 18/11/2016 at 5:14 PM, Adran said:

You know if you don't hire the 3 abominations and  "from the aether", you can just hire a desolation engine, and have change...

I will admit, Levi isn't my go to master if I want to summon a desolation engine, but ashes and dust, levi and the desolation enngine normally summon plenty of abominations on their own. At least when I use them.


On 21/11/2016 at 0:11 PM, Nukemouse said:

3 Abominations is going to be 1 less soulstone than Desolation Engine and the upgrade from the aether means in the end you are paying MORE.

Thank you guys, i have done a few games..actually your advices to deploy desolation engine were very helpful.. and also i can use reactivation trick (with alyce) on desolation starting from first turn. It is true: it works better with strategies and schemes that requires kills, but when opponent don't have pieces in play it is difficult for him to do schemes or strategies ;)

Tonight i will try again same list

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