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So which master is good with Bete Noire?

Anung Un Rama

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Tara is good with Bette, I start Bette deployed and ping her for 1 damage and fast first turn which works well.

I also like her with Seamus sometimes, because I find Seamus doesn't mind hold a 10+ for her.


I imagine Yan Lo, McMourning, and Reva wouldn't mind having her, though I have no (or very little [Reva]) experience there.


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I've only ever used her with McMourning (because my cat chewed by poor bete model and its never been the same since) and i find she works pretty well there because the Zombie Chihuaha is relatively likely to die and unleash her on the foes and after that point there will likely be plenty of canine remains around or enemy models to unleash her. Because she is extra deadly against living models and shoot attacks i would suggest bringing her against guild or outcast, even though outcast might have void wretches anyone could bring aionus so living in fear of that is a bit silly these days, those guys tend to bring both SH and living in some form or another in every one of their crews except Hamelin who usually only brings living but even he is going to be pretty tempted to bring a trapper or sue half the time.

Another reason to bring her with McMourning is his nurses, sebastian and potentially guild lawyers are all living models he likes to take so if you lose one near her it could give her fast. I believe Reva has Vincent and shieldbearers, but shieldbearers turn into spirits before they figure out how to properly die so they won't give her speedboost iirc.

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11 hours ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

Reva and Tara are probably the best in my opinion. She has uses with all lesser masters, its just the card requirement that becomes problematic for most lesser builds.

I'm guessing that "lesser Masters" is non-Seamus and non-Molly?


(Yeah yeah, I know you meant Ressers and autocorrect took its toll but it was funny in that it sorta fit there)

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