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Jacob Lynch: Neverborn focused


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Hello peoples! So I currently own Master of Puppets box as my first for Malifaux and I'm heading to my LGS tonight in an hour or so to pick up Dark Debts so that I have 2 masters I can play with (I have serious faction A.D.D. in all games I play).

There are a few posts on the boards about Mr Lynch but most of them tend to focus on Ten Thunders, or they have questions regarding other masters as well and the focus always shifts away from him. So my question is what is Mr Lynch's actual play style? I LOVE the look of his box, but after reading the pullmyfinger wiki I'm a little confused. Is he basically just a solo running around doing his own thing? Does he debuff? I mean, Hungering Darkness and Illuminated sound amazing but I don't really understand how his box fits together.

Lastly, what would you recommend as the next 2 purchases to go along with Dark Debts on the Neverborn side?

Thanks :)

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They play like a school of sharks. The Illuminated hover around and generally beat on things until Brilliance is thrown on someone, after which they zero in and destroy the target. Basically they're a melee focused crew where damage can be boosted by throwing Brilliance on a target first.

Next two purchases, I'd go for a box of Depleted and a box of Beckoners. Depleted are tough tarpits that spread Brilliance when they die, and Beckoners lure enemy models around and spread more Brilliance. In general, you'll want Depleted, Beckoners, Mr Tannen, Mr Graves and a Doppleganger. If you want another big beater, maybe a Teddy. If you want scheme runners, grab Terror Tots - if you get an ace of masks, Lynch can recycle it when other models cheat with it, so Tots essentially gain infinite Sprint making them lightning fast.

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To my experience - Neverborn Lynch was my first Master - Loki basically summed it up (though I've not gotten Depleted yet).


The main function Lynch serves is not a solo objective-runner; he's entirely too slow for that. He is a mid-range artillery piece, focused on grabbing cards through cycling and Waking Up with a Hand,then positively annihilating anything foolish enough to come into range with him. He hits like a truck full of other trucks with proper setup - if you can hold onto a hand full of cards and collect those Aces, with proper upgrades he can  drop somewhere in the vicinity of 18 damage onto a target in a turn - and, that's not even the scariest bit. All Lynch needs is to be within 10" - 4" walk, Play For Blood, Final Debt, 52 Card Pickup  (if he's within 6" he can even stack another attack on) - but the scariest bit about Lynch is that his attacks are both highly accurate (CA8 for Play For Blood, CA7 for Final Debt TN 11; 52 is automatic) and, horrifyingly, none of them need to worry about threshold of success  if Lynch so much as ties the defender, they're going to be eating all the damage he's throwing at them.

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And I'm back from my LGS with a bounty of Netherborn! I spent WAAAAY more than I was expecting to because Wyrd, you bastards, you make such gorgeous models!


Ok, let's see, I got...

Dark Debts box set

Mother of Monsters box set




Unfortunately they didn't have Depleted or Beckoners, so I'm stuck with just Lynch's box set for now, but I'll try and make it work. Outside of the Coryphee, which I got for my Collodi army, I hope the rest of these models can work together. I know Nekima works amazingly well (apparently) with Lilith, and Loki you said Terror Tots work with Lynch, so I think I made some good purchases. Next up I'll have to get Arcanist and Brutal Effigies for Collodi, Teddy, Doppleganger, and... maybe Lilitu and Letu for Lilith, and... Beckoners for everyone!

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You've got the benefit that the Illuminated are just great beater minions in general, so they work well with Lilith as well. Those two boxes mix pretty well. Nekima is a Neverborn Allstar. She's a fast glass cannon beater that works well with anyone, provided you don't mind the massive 13ss investment.

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I'm primarily facing Ressers atm, until I can rope more people into the game. I have no idea if Nekima is any good against Seamus, Molly, and Nico, but she looks so amazing.

Question: Of all the stuff I bought, aside from the Coryphee, does ANY of it work at all with Collodi? From what I read only the Hungering Darkness works well(ish) with him.

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Earlier, Lynch was way better in NVB than he was in TT. I'm currently playing him in TT because I'm currently focusing on TT.

But nevertheless:

The Lilith Box was already a good purchase because of the Tots. I'm playing Lynch relatively aggressive...in a defensive midfield if you want. Lilitu, for example, has an excellent Lure (in comparison to a Beckoner). You could Lure either Lynch or the enemy.

Besides that you could consider adding Stitched Together (Little damage machines), Mr Graves (more mobility), Mr Tannen (more board control), Depleted (tarpits).


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I was actually looking at Mr Graves because he looks like a bad ass British bouncer lol. I don't know what Mr Tannen does, but I guess he looks ok too. I know Depleted can... um... I guess slingshot each other is the best way to put it. My understanding is that they also spread Brilliance when they die, which is also sweet if true, but their combat stats appear to be god awful.

Lilitu is something I want to get for sure, but she's much further down the road when the rest of my collection is more fleshed out.

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2 hours ago, Velcro said:

I was actually looking at Mr Graves because he looks like a bad ass British bouncer lol. I don't know what Mr Tannen does, but I guess he looks ok too. I know Depleted can... um... I guess slingshot each other is the best way to put it. My understanding is that they also spread Brilliance when they die, which is also sweet if true, but their combat stats appear to be god awful.

Lilitu is something I want to get for sure, but she's much further down the road when the rest of my collection is more fleshed out.

Depleted are just kind of supposed to exist. They have 8 Wds, HtW and HtK, meaning they're taking some effort to put down, and who knows, you may even get lucky with their attack.

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8 hours ago, Velcro said:

I'm primarily facing Ressers atm, until I can rope more people into the game. I have no idea if Nekima is any good against Seamus, Molly, and Nico, but she looks so amazing.

Question: Of all the stuff I bought, aside from the Coryphee, does ANY of it work at all with Collodi? From what I read only the Hungering Darkness works well(ish) with him.

Huggy is Lynch's dedicated Totem. No one else can use him?

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My favoured tactic is to use the beckoner to move models where you want them. Then use Lynch to give them brilliance (cast 8 is hard to beat) and then use illuminated or Huggy to finish them. I usually take the Addict upgrade to give positives to attack and damage meaning that illuminated are likley to take pretty much anything down as they have a damage spread of 4/6/7 (against anything with brilliance) and can still use the flay trigger if they're still on a negative. Lynch can be used in many ways as either a support piece, like the above example, or a damage dealer by taking other upgrades.


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