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Som'er Crew


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Got tired of painting figs. I figured I'd build a crew. Was going for more Shoot'em Up.

I did this just for fun but would like some input.


50ss Crew

Somer Teeth Jones 
 +Can O' Beans 
 +Family Tree 
 +Quality Mash Liquor 

Old Cranky 

Bayou Gremlin 

Bayou Gremlin 

Francois LaCroix

Burt Jebsen 
 +Dirty Cheater 


Rami LaCroix 
 +Dirty Cheater 

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I bring along 1 slop hauler to keep the Bayou Gremlins going.  Som'er summons off of both, then the Slop Hauler can heal them to full (most of the time).  Since the Bayou Gremlins are the ones making the healing flip, they can Bayou Two-Card and get a second chance at moderate to heal up to full.  I usually hire Sammy LaCroix and have her with Family Tree so that Som'er is free to crank up the board and shoot stuff.


Other than that, this looks good.  Burt is a great melee monster, so is Francois, so I don't know about shoot 'em up, necessarily, but a firing line of Bayou Gremlins wouldn't be horrible.  I might ditch Gracie for Lenny, maybe.  Even if you don't push Lenny up the board, he can hang out with Rami so Rami can always Dumb Luck at a huge range.  It's a lot of models to hold back, but one idea would be a back-field bubble of Lenny, Rami, Sammy, 2 Bayou Gremlins, and a Slop Hauler.  Lenny can spend his actions throwing up the newly summoned Bayou Gremlins after the Hauler heals them, getting around their slow a little bit so they can move up the board where they're needed.  That way he's still semi-useful, and Rami can always have Dumb Luck at his full range and pick off models pretty effectively.


Another thought would be Trixie.  If you want the Bayou Gremlins to be a gun line, giving her her upgrade (not her gun, can't think of the name of it, but it gives a different crow trigger) might be pretty necessary.  Without it, the Bayou Gremlins can land a crow trigger and start damaging your own models.  At least with her upgrade, they can declare the different crow and avoid ricochet.  The other option would be to keep Som'er near the line so he can hand out a different trigger for them instead, assuming you have a low card to trash for the suit.  Only thing with that is it's a (0) action (I think, cards aren't with me), and if you're going to be telling them to Do It Like 'Dis then you don't really need his upgrades with other (0) actions.

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Personally I feel like this list is almost great but is a little unfocused. Did you have a strategy or scheme pool in mind for this crew? It looks like it's tooled towards a more killy confrontational strategy like Reckoning. In that case I'd probably suggest not summoning because you're giving your opponent lots of fairly squishy minions to score points off. Also IMO at a minimum for summoning Som'er you want 3 Bayou Gremlins (so you can use all 3 of his AP to summon first turn, and in case they have a sniper they have to kill one more model to stop you summoning), and something to heal them up, either a Slop Hauler or a Lightning Bug (I prefer the Bug when summoning, but either or both works fine). Instead of the two Bayou Gremlins and Family Tree upgrade, I would personally take something like a Slop Hauler and a Bayou Gremlin, or drop another upgrade and take a Lightning Bug instead of a Bayou Gremlin.


For Som'er himself, I wouldn't take the upgrades you've taken. Family Tree is good and obviously necessary if you want to summon, so definitely take that if you're aiming to swarm the board, but I explained why I wouldn't summon in this crew. Can O' Beans is fantastic too, but I find that Som'er rarely uses either of the actions on the card himself (especially when summoning, where he'll be using his 0 action for "Do It Like Dis!), and those actions are normally relegated to being used by the Skeeters (they can cast Som'er's 0 actions, including off upgrades). Old Cranky is great and I think he's probably a better fit if you're looking at an elite aggressive crew like this, but I think Can O' Beans works better with Skeeters instead, so I'd drop the upgrade. Finally, it's great to have a source of healing, especially when summoning but in my opinion a Slop Hauler does healing much better than the Quality Mash Liquor upgrade, since you're not spending your master's AP, and you can heal up to four models with 2 AP instead of only 2 models.


Other than those two points, there's not much else I would change and you're looking at a very solid aggressive crew well suited for something like Reckoning or Turf War. The only other thing I'd change is shuffle around some of your upgrades (these are partly personal preference, and they're generally fairly minor changes). I would move Dirty Cheater off Rami because he has a self-heal already and is generally situated far from the danger, and put it on Francois, Gracie or Som'er. Like Burt, Gracie has Hard to Kill so will survive annoyingly well if you can keep her on 2 wounds left and she also deals damage to herself and has an action you're likely to cheat up (Riled Up). You can also use her Riled Up action on her second activation even though it won't do anything - you still need to make the duel and you can use this opportunity to cheat in any old card and heal 1 damage. Francois also has a (0) action with a duel attached and that can be great for cheating any old card in to heal him 1 wound per activation (a great use for low cards).

As Omenbringer says, Encouragement could be very powerful on Som'er. You mentioned potentially picking up Sammy - she can hold Encouragement and then Som'er can take damage in order to gain :+fates.

The other upgrade I love, especially on Francois, is On Yer Tip Toes. After you determine the winner of a duel, you can discard it to just re-do the duel, discarding all the cards already used. It's an extra safety net beyond Stilts, and it makes cheating in a high card against Francois really annoying for your opponent - they might cheat in a Red Joker to be sure of hitting him only to have you discard it and make them flip again. Just the fact you can do that can discourage your opponent from wasting a high card.

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13 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

The other upgrade I love, especially on Francois, is On Yer Tip Toes. After you determine the winner of a duel, you can discard it to just re-do the duel, discarding all the cards already used. It's an extra safety net beyond Stilts, and it makes cheating in a high card against Francois really annoying for your opponent - they might cheat in a Red Joker to be sure of hitting him only to have you discard it and make them flip again. Just the fact you can do that can discourage your opponent from wasting a high card.

I agree with everything you've said, except this. Why do you think "On yet tip toes" is strong with francois?

I don't generally like this upgrade, but it could be nice with a high defense model like sammy or anything with Df6...because when your opponent has trouble to get through it, you force him to redo the duel. Francois has a poor Df4 so it's likely that every attack will come in...and you have to cheat first.


Is "Encouragement" worth for 2 SS? Am I right saying that if I charge, after taking 1 damage, it will give me :+fate to both attack action in the charge? And I can take another damage for each attack to get a second :+fate for that duel? resulting in a double :+fate:+fate duel ?

I've never tried this upgrade...not yet.

13 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

As Omenbringer says, Encouragement could be very powerful on Som'er. You mentioned potentially picking up Sammy - she can hold Encouragement and then Som'er can take damage in order to gain :+fates.

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Encouragement is absolutely worth it especially if you have a lot of models in the crew or you plan on using Bigger Hat Than You a lot. Also keep in mind it doesn't just effect the Attack flips but any duel that occurs as a result of Action, so Terrifying, Manipulative, etc. You will get the :+fate on both attacks from a Charge Action though I don't believe you can suffer 2 damage to get :+fate:+fate Typically if you are able to do that sort of thing it is written as 1 or more damage to gain :+fate for each damage suffered or something along those lines.

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10 hours ago, Blacks85 said:

I agree with everything you've said, except this. Why do you think "On yet tip toes" is strong with francois?

I don't generally like this upgrade, but it could be nice with a high defense model like sammy or anything with Df6...because when your opponent has trouble to get through it, you force him to redo the duel. Francois has a poor Df4 so it's likely that every attack will come in...and you have to cheat first.

Honestly I think it's an amazing upgrade. Francois is an important piece that you want to survive as long as possible. Generally I play a pretty risk-averse style where I try not to commit to anything unless I have the cards and stones to back it up. A black joker or red from your opponent stops you cheating and screws with this style of play, and on yer tiptoes lets you ignore it once per game. It also means every time your opppnent cheats against him, they have to consider that he could just waste the card and call for a do-over - very powerful on offense where it can create a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation (e.g. he's winning a duel that could kill an important model, if they don't cheat, he hits and could kill them, if they do cheat, he could discard their good card and potentially hit them anyway). It gives you a lot of control over the uncertainty of the game, especially with jokers which usually can't be controlled.

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