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The Arcane Emissary, one year in (ish)


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So, I’m looking at picking up my Arcanists for the first time in nearly a year and was wondering how often people reach for the Emissary with each master. Are there masters that a heavily improved by it’s presence (here’s looking at you, Toni) or find it unnecessarily/possibly even restricted? If your answer is ‘depends’, then on what? Do you run it for some schemes and avoid it for others? Please, share your knowledge with me :)

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The obvious one's Tony, like you mentioned, but there are more subtle reasons than just the upgrade. No Ml attack* means it can be You Looking At Me'ed a massive 10" forward without having to make an attack on Ironsides. Then, start of turn it can Flesh and Metal the Captain to Airburst it 5" forward. That's 15" movement out of activation... and then it takes a Charge action. It's pretty brutal, if expensive. That said, the cap's good for MANY other things, and IS can always You Looking at Me him back should he get into trouble (again, with no attack).


Haven't used the emissary with any other master, but damn it's a lot of fun with IS.


*No Ml attack that can be taken outside of a charge action. YL@M doesn't give it a charge action, just pushes it its Cg value.

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I have had success running him with Raspy and Colette.  The Raspy synergy is fairly obvious as mirror and control piece.  With Colette his 0 action teleport can be good to pull him out of combat and allow him to charge back in.  Also if the Emmisary is stuck in with multiple enemies a performer can use it as a scheme marker in a bid to put the seduced condition on multiple models.  This usually ends up being a big card sink or with a dead enemy model.  If you do it before the Emmisary activates it can almost always heal up the 2 damage with either destined or the earthen shield trigger.


Regarding of Flesh and Metal I do not have my book in front of me but I thought the action occurred at the end of the emissary's activation would prevent the Captain/Angelica slingshot.  If I am wrong then that may have to be a trick to keep in the back pocket for later.

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2 hours ago, Rogue1 said:

Regarding of Flesh and Metal I do not have my book in front of me but I thought the action occurred at the end of the emissary's activation would prevent the Captain/Angelica slingshot.  If I am wrong then that may have to be a trick to keep in the back pocket for later.

I'm 90% sure you're right.

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The action is at the end of the activation, but it's still nice for doubling up on Captain/Angelica push abilities.


I think the Arcane emissary is great. It's a very good wrecking ball on its own, and the master synergy is occasionally very useful. Best part about it is that unlike several other emissaries, it isn't an intricate part of a chain you're setting up - it's a direct killy model with a 10" charge that will do a great job even in games where the master related synergy doesn't do too much. It competes with Howard, who is more killy, but the push effects are worthwhile, and the healing and high defence makes it much more resilient.

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9 hours ago, Rogue1 said:

Regarding of Flesh and Metal I do not have my book in front of me but I thought the action occurred at the end of the emissary's activation would prevent the Captain/Angelica slingshot.  If I am wrong then that may have to be a trick to keep in the back pocket for later.

You might be right. I was going off of the final beta pdf's from way back; I thought they were unchanged in the final version. I'll get the book at some point soon and catch up, but I'll have to make sure to use my friend's book for the true rulings from now on.

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I think the emissary is great. It has so much versatility that I think it'll almost always be doing something cool in any given game. It's not as specialized as other models around its point cost, but it makes up for that with having in my opinion the largest toolbox of any other arcanist model. Seriously it has almost everything.

With regards to specific master synergies I think there is a few definite winners, a few losers and the rest are somewhere in the middle. 


Rasputina: I think she got the best of the bunch. In fact I think this model pretty much completely invalidates the golem now. I see almost no reason to hire the golem when this model is around (not that the golem was really all that necessary anyway). With this model around it almost gives Raspy a free attack since it allows her to efficiently use her (0) mirrored through it. Before this model, I rarely ever used her (0), now I use it almost every turn. 

Kaeris: Kaeris always felt like she was missing something when I played her and having access to two (0) went a long way in addressing that problem. Being able to flare and read the flame is so powerful and can't be understated. The reason why I wouldn't rank this above Raspy is only because of the careful timing involved in making this work. Also Flame-o-taur is a seriously lame name for an ability... 

Mei Feng: I don't need to explain why giving a master a free attack, especially since that free attack could then turn into potential other triggered attacks. Also despite it not being a construct, it offsets it with it's super scrap. 


Marcus: I know turning off Df triggers can be huge. The problem is that your gambling that it's even going to be relevant at all. Spending 10ss on a non-beast for the off chance it'll tag the one or two enemy models that have Df triggers seems like a bad investment. I know you can make it into a beast, but I hate waisting AP and forcing hiring choices in order to efficiently run this model. I'll take a rogue necro or cerberus over this model any day of the week.

Ramos: At least it's a construct, but otherwise thats all it's doing for Ramos. The watered down magnetism doesn't really do a whole lot and I just feel like Ramos can do better with hiring Langston, Mech, Joss or Lazerous. It's not a terrible inclusion, but I just felt like this upgrade is boring and uninspired. 

Everyone Else:

Colette: The abilities are alright but I kind of feel like Colette has a harder time spending the points on this model as she generally likes a more specialized model to prompt. His 4 damage charge is great, but Howard can just do that and while being prompted no less. It does make a good bodyguard for her, but generally I don't usually have problems getting scheme markers where they need to be. However I feel like the teleport is probably the best or the "push" effects that many other upgrades give out. 

Ironsides: I think it's abilities are excellent, but where I see this model loosing points is the lack of M&SU. 10ss is a fairly large chunk of list that is not going to be benefitting from Ironsides best ability and really the main reason to be taking her. I've seen first hand what a Joss can accomplish when benefitting from hand picked men and it's difficult competing with that. However if your playing her to try and maximize the adrenaline play style (not really her strength IMO), then this model is almost an auto include. 



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I think you're way off on Marcus' conflux. Marcus essentially doesn't rely on having beasts aside from his defend me trigger. Marcus' emissary is the most independent of the confluxes - not only does it have it's huge toolbox, it also has ignore defensive triggers stacked on. It's nice if something else happens to to be within the aura, but boosting itself is something few of the other confluxes do. It also gains a push to clear it out of engagement so you can always charge the most ideal target.

If you do turn it into a beast, that means you can alpha and double up on all the good stuff the emissary does. 

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7 hours ago, Jordon said:

Mei Feng: I don't need to explain why giving a master a free attack, especially since that free attack could then turn into potential other triggered attacks. Also despite it not being a construct, it offsets it with it's super scrap. 

I hear Shadow Emissary is dope with Mei as well. 

I think it's a good thing that our beloved Emissary isn't a construct though. We get enough anti-Construct hate from Relic Hammers and the like when we announce Arcanists, and also, Leveticus already steals half our faction. Let's not give him one new toy.

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