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Colette initial purchase


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Hi there,

what for inital purchase woul you recommend for a colette crew?

Ok, I think the smoke & mirrors box is mandatory, no argument there :D

But whats next? In my minde I have two ideas:

No. 1 Ramos and the M & SU

No. 2 Angelica, Mech Rider, Coryphee

What do you think?

Best regards


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Coryphee and Angelica are must buys in my opinion.

After that, the M&SU box for sure. It has some of her favourite prompt targets (joss and Howard) in it.

Beyond that, prompted December Acolytes are pure filth and Silent ones work very well with Cassandra.

Gun smiths can be neat, but internet wisdom is kind of so-so on them (Personally I love them, but objectively speaking December Acolytes are just plain better).

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I'm not sure I'd prioritize Angelica as an early choice for a Colette crew.  The box isn't really looking for more ancillary mobility IMO.

The Colette box is probably looking for some prompt-able damage output as a first addition, for which the M&SU box is an obvious choice.  That said one way I like splitting the difference would be adding Johan.  He hits hard and has condition removal, which is golden.

Mech Rider is a great choice but unless you already own models to summon from it I'd probably choose Coryphee first.

As Sordid has said Acolytes are a top choice for Colette.

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Angelica is good, but you might play without her.

Mechanical rider is - imo - the most versatile model in this game...it gives you the possibility to score extremely easy from many schemes and strategies. But you have to purchase at least some archnid or things to summon...a couple of at the least.

Johan is a stand-alon underpriced always strong model...that plays incredibly well with all M&SU but also alone

Gunsmith are very nice for output damage in my opinion.

Then you might point at Ramos box...because promp tlangston and Joss....is just strong. :D And it gives you model for mechanical rider too! 

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You may want to sneak in the Arcane Effigy pretty early as well depending on what you usually play against. While the Master buff doesn't do much for Colette it has condition removal that doesn't require a suit (like Johan) and it's a very solid 4 stone model.

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I'd buy something like: Coryphee box + Acolyte box + Johan and/or the Effigy doll. Maybe Angelica for the sake of having Angelica.

Of course the M&SU box is a good buy (although a bit expensive because in this case you'd mainly buy it for Howard), and the Mech Rider is a strong piece (although you'd have to buy a fistful of 4SS constructs with her), but I think those models are as powerful as boring. Get them sooner or later, depending on the competitiveness of your gaming environment.

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Well it sort of depends on if your trying to build up a thematic list or something leaning more towards highly competitive (even though she's still exceptional even within the showgirl package). Personally the fluff gamer in me cringes at the thought of an acolyte with Colette. However there is no doubting their power.

Thematically you'd be looking at Angelica, Coryphee, and Ice Dancers (not yet released). 

Competitively you'll want some big resilient hitter such as Howard or Joss. Mech rider is also a great include for all of it's scheme related abilities (which Colette can utilize) as well as solid summoning 

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On both posts I agree with decker-cky.

Colette works well with a good number of models and in particular several of the models in the Ramos box (in fact everything but Ramos and his totem) in particular when you get the excellent Mech Rider for summons.

The Coryphee's are simply excellent if very expensive (you normally have to think of them at the Duet cost, its rare and not optimal to take only one).  You need to field them singly but will as soon as possible combine them, from a modelling, transport, painting and gaming perspective it is far simpler just buying two sets and making separate singles and a duet, the cost is ultimately not that prohibitive, but you can magnet model just one box for either. Also theme+.

The December acolyte is a great piece and shines with Colette, well worth the purchase.

Ice Dancer I have not played it only releases soon, so not certain here, but she is a Showgirl, so theme.

Angelica is good but a model which brings "more of what you have" to a Colette crew, it really lets you max certain tactics but she does not cover the Colette weaknesses as well.  She is fun and worth taking but on a budget and if not staying on a Showgirl theme I'd hold off, but yeah theme+.

The Arcane Effigy and Arcane Emissary are both really good, the Effigy is cheap (in $ and SS) and well worth taking, the Emissary, well its good but I'd go Mech Rider first.

Mech Rider is versatile and if the scheme/strat pool is right and your opponent does not immediately plan against her she feels almost unfair to play.  The Mech Rider simply always pulls her weight even if it is in distracting large amounts of resources in order to kill her.  Great model, but she needs other models (like Ramos's spiders) to summon.

Orian is a mercenary/TT Showgirl, so thematic.  But in a Colette crew not particularly useful and honestly rarely worth the Merc tax in order to take her, but I mention her because she is a theme Showgirl which can be taken.

Miss Fire, not sure because I've never taken Willie with Colette, but the theory is certainly valid and the model is gorgeous, so I will be.

In essence I'd always go Coryphee first, simply makes theme and build sense.

Then I'd grab depending on budget, power and theme.  For theme Angelica and Ice Dancers.  For power and value Ramos (multiple models and bonus master).  For budget the December Acolytes because they are awesome and a cheaper purchase and maybe the Arcane Effigy.  Mech Rider makes excellent fourth choice sense for any build (she is kinda a general Arcanist theme) and I'd only buy Orian's if I was a theme fanatic and I'd get the Arcane Emissary after I'd bought the Mech Rider.


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