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The wife's crew?


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So far this is what she has. Some because they seem to be what I thought she might need. Most because she thought the figures were cool. She will be playing against Gremlins. Som'er and Ophelia box sets. 

Viktoria of Ashes

Viktoria of Blood


Sister of Conflict?

3 Ronin's




Malifaux Child?

I put (?) by the ones that maybe swapped for one or the other. I also didn't pick any upgrades. Cards are not in front of me. 

Is this a good starter for her?

Does she need more ranged attacks!?

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Hired Guns (Von Schilland crew) gives you a Trapper and a Librarian, both are near staple models.

If you want a sting model, Johan(a) at 6SS is hard to beat. 

The Hodgepodge Effigy can help with a cheap activation. Don't expect it to last to long, it has a large target in it...:blast


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Gremlins can be tough to play against because your Wife's crew likes melee, and Gremlins have a trigger allowing them to run away after being hit.  Personally I prefer Malifaux Child to the Sister, but against Gremlins the extra movement the Sister provides can help drag the other 2 into range more.  She's got a good start.  Probably won't want 3 Ronin on the table, but certainly got enough models to play with at the moment and making a fairly solid crew.  Johan is not a bad model, 7SS beatstick.  Convict gunslingers are reasonably cheap shooty models too - but as others have said, hired guns is a good addition.  Trappers fit in any crew, Librarian gives a different healing option to Vanessa and the Freikorpsmenn are a nice alternative to  the Ronin

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8 hours ago, Blacks85 said:

Unfortunately Outcast have no cheap activation..at least now that rat engine is gone.

Only options are effigy and winged plague.


At least we can with pure heart go back to be out-activated by summoner crews and Gremlins now.

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8 hours ago, Blacks85 said:

Unfortunately Outcast have no cheap activation..at least now that rat engine is gone.

Only options are effigy and winged plague.


Void wretches are also 4 ss. And you are still allowed to hire the obedient wretch at 4 ss. It can still summon Rats into your crew, they just won't be allowed to activate the turn they are summoned. Thats a pretty solid number of 4 ss options. Ignoring the Gremlins with their 3ss bayou, outcasts are do fairly well with the cheap activations. 


Back to the original question, yes I think you have a reasonable set of models to make some solid lists to begin with. You have a decent number of options for ranged attacks if she wants to play it that way, and You'll probably be fielding a 7 or 8 model crew which is about normal. I would strongly suggest playing a few games with what you own and seeing what you think you are missing, because that crew could be played with almost  every model having a ranged attack if you wanted, or as a close combat slaughter option. 

I would consider future options to include lower costed figures, or add some more big models, Lazarus or the Strong arm suit are certainly possible things to consider. 


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13 minutes ago, Adran said:

Void wretches are also 4 ss. And you are still allowed to hire the obedient wretch at 4 ss. It can still summon Rats into your crew, they just won't be allowed to activate the turn they are summoned. Thats a pretty solid number of 4 ss options. Ignoring the Gremlins with their 3ss bayou, outcasts are do fairly well with the cheap activations. 

Yeah, choice is so fierce...  That's why when Winged Plagues were announced people were overjoyed to finally have an access to cheap, scheme runner alternative to Void Wretch who suffers huge stress at the start of each turn :)

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Depends on what you want and why you want them. 

Factions with non-totems at cost 4 or less

Outcasts have 6 at 4 or less, all of which are signifiicant. (Taking away rats, since they can't all hire them anymore)

gremlins have 4, 1 of which is insignifigant.

Thunders have 5, one of which can't even activate,

Guild have 6, 1 of which can't activate, and one which is insignifigant unless near another hound. 

Ressers have 7, and only 1 is insignifigant. 

Arcanists have 10, 3 of which are insignifigant

Neverborn has 9, 2 are insignifigant, and 1 can only interact is near another hound. 


For a cheap model to run schemes that puts Outcast at 4th out of 7 in terms of choice. what they don't have is something which as specialised as the Gupps/Tot/cruligan/wind gamin at the scheme running job. In terms of quality of cheap scheme runners, I'd place them 5th out of 7, still beating Guild and Ten thunders. (and that s before you take into account bonus hiring that 3 of their masters have to bring). 

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32 minutes ago, Adran said:

Void wretches are also 4 ss. And you are still allowed to hire the obedient wretch at 4 ss. It can still summon Rats into your crew, they just won't be allowed to activate the turn they are summoned. Thats a pretty solid number of 4 ss options. Ignoring the Gremlins with their 3ss bayou, outcasts are do fairly well with the cheap activations.

Cheap activation usually means high mobility and/or scheme presence. The void wretches lack of both....moreover, they have to activate first being the cheaper activation but they have like Df0 so it's not an option imo.

Obedient wretch blown up just looking at her and brings only summoning with "hand :crow"...but without giving you activation on first turn. Considering you need them on 1,2 turn at the most... :(


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Walk 5 incorporeal isn't a high mobility? 

I agree its not sprint, or leap, but only 2 leapers and 1 sprinting model at this cost (plus 1 reckless).

I honestly think you're either setting your bar to high, or looking too narrow at the options compared to the other factions. 

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2 hours ago, Blacks85 said:

Cheap activation usually means high mobility and/or scheme presence. The void wretches lack of both....moreover, they have to activate first being the cheaper activation but they have like Df0 so it's not an option imo.

Obedient wretch blown up just looking at her and brings only summoning with "hand :crow"...but without giving you activation on first turn. Considering you need them on 1,2 turn at the most... :(


Strange reasoning. A cheap activation should not at the same time be both powerful and durable. Do you really want an ability that just says "I win"?

Void Wretches are plenty fast, especially on boards with severe terrain, and the flipside to them being vulnerable early on is that if can keep them hidden in the beginning they get stronger. With a full hand it has df2, which granted is pretty weak, but use a few cards and it can potentially get df8. Add in the ability to hand out slow and a somewhat decent attack and you get a reasonable model.

Also, if activation is the only concern you have several good options. Desperate Mercenaries are 4ss, but can give you back a ss when they die. Low sh/ml stats, but decent damage and cheap, and cannot be charged. The outcast effigy is also pretty strong for four ss. An Obedient Wretch and a Rat Catcher can still generate a lot of additional activations as a package, especially when the Wretch dies near the rat catcher. Add Nix and infectious melodies you can easily generate four rats turn one, and you can easily outactivate most non-Hamelin crews turn 2. Is it as strong as a full on rat engine? No, but stronger than most other factions can manage...

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1 hour ago, tmod said:

Strange reasoning. A cheap activation should not at the same time be both powerful and durable. Do you really want an ability that just says "I win"?

Not really :D it's more likely...oh well, this one deserves a spot because it can bring me something !

I'm always speaking on a competitive perspective, not judging the background / theme / fun part of playing these models.

However, we are kinda off-topic so I stop replying on this argument. Maybe we will open a new - very interesting - thread for it



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On June 13, 2016 at 10:07 AM, asrian said:

Not sure. I sent a couple people a message about it, but if need be you can download it from my google drive folder for now. Go to the link below, then click the download button (downward pointing arrow in the top middle of the screen). It's a 92 MB file, so you'll get a warning saying it's too big to scan. Still, it's there if you need it.


You can try this. Hope this works.

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