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Neverborn tournament lists


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Title pretty much says it all ;)

I'm no tournament player but I'm at least very interested what's going on in the tournament scene. Therefore it would be really interesting to see a few Neverborn lists that placed well at previous tournaments. Maybe someone can provide a link or something.


I heard a lot of things that Lilith works really well at tournaments, maybe you could enlighten me what she usually has in her list.

Also there seems to be some really out of the box lists like Zoraida with weird stuff like Piggapult for example.


Would be cool if some could share some lists, would be really insightful :)
Thanks, cheers!

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On 7/3/2016 at 7:14 PM, Vanilla_Dice said:

Problem with your question there is that there is no real "list" that would win a tournament.... sure lilith may have a couple of usual suspects she would bring along.... but the list would change from game to game depending on schemes and strats.



As much as I wish you were right, there are players that take the exact same lists regardless of Schemes and Strats, and they are competitive in tournaments.  One of them down here int TX runs a pretty straight forward Lilith list and has placed in all the tournaments I've been to.  He uses Lillith with a Nephilim heavy crew, using the core of his crew to distract/kill while dropping markers, and adjusts accordingly after that.  It's surprisingly straight forward and yet incredibly effective.

I've also played against another competitor who's base Arcanist list is...

Silent Ones x3

Ice Gamin

December Acolyte x2

And they do most of the heavy lifting.  The Gamin buffs the Silent Ones and then they just attack, attack, attack through any ice mirrors they can until your crew is dead.  Meanwhile any other models present are dropping markers or doing whatever else they want.  I've seen it with Rasputina, Collette, and Mei Feng to pretty much the same effectiveness.


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There is also the "standard" Greg Pizkosz list.  Here is the crew and a podcast where he talks about it:

On 7/3/2016 at 11:05 AM, Kirby said:

A very strong crew that has few weaknesses and can complete nearly any scheme so long as you plan for it.

  • Lilith - Beckon Malifaux, Wings of Darkness, (sometimes Aether Connection) - 6ss cache (5ss with Aether Connection)
  • Primordial Magic
  • Nekima
  • Mr. Graves
  • Johan - Retribution's Eye
  • Doppelganger
  • Terror Tot
  • Mysterious Effigy

Here is the podcast explaining it:  http://schemesandstones.podbean.com/e/episode-18-master-spotlight-lilith/



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I was surprised to see Young Nephilim in any tournament list. Personally I find them under whelming, but I'm glad someone's finding a use for them. 

Lillith rarely leaves without Doppelganger, Primordial and the effigy. I also rarely leave without Nekima. Then swap in various models depending upon strats. I really like Silurids for any marker related shenanigans.

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I've also posted it in another thread but I'm testing the following Zoraida list:

Zoraida (Neverborn) Cache - 6
-Hex Bag
-Crystal Ball
-Wings of Darkness

Bad Juju
-Fears Given Form
-Eternal Fiend




I take Convict Labor no matter what along with another Scheme based on what I think I can get out of my opponents.  Juju and the Waldgeist run defense while the Gupps and Doppelganger drop Markers on the table.  Zoraida Obeys and Bewitches as need be.  McTavish picks off wounded models, joined by the Doppelganger after the Markers are in place.  If Juju has died then I throw the Gupps at something to bring him back.

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On 7/7/2016 at 9:30 AM, Twg said:

I was surprised to see Young Nephilim in any tournament list. Personally I find them under whelming, but I'm glad someone's finding a use for them. 

I was too, but he uses them very well.  Turn one they mostly get into position to drop a marker or attack if the chance arises.  He'll also soften up models with Barbaros or Lilith and then finish them off with Graves or a Young to turn them into a Mature.

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5 hours ago, HegemonyKrcket said:

Zoraida (Neverborn) Cache - 6
-Hex Bag
-Crystal Ball
-Wings of Darkness

Bad Juju
-Fears Given Form
-Eternal Fiend




No Hexed Among You? Sounds like it would fit the list (on Mc Tavish).

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I just haven't seen the necessity.  The only reason I can think of is to deploy a Waldgeist up in hopes that it gets killed so I can unbury Bad Juju, but I've found I actually want to start with Juju on the table because otherwise I'm giving up at least 4 SS just to have him move up, when I can more easily Obey him 4-12 inches up, have his Activation, save on the stones, and keep the Psychological advantage of him being on the table.  It's tempting to try to treat Juju like Killjoy, but I've found that the restriction of friendly Swampfiend really hinders doing so.  Instead, I've found using him to create chaos and waste opponent AP on Turn 1 and 2, then punishing them for killing the rest of models later is a far better use of the stones.  It pigeon holes you into using mostly Swampfiends, but that's becoming less of an issue over time.

Otherwise there's no real reason to be that far up the table.  With the Waldgeist ran as blockers I only really need them to move far enough to meet my opponent, which is rarely more than 16".  If I go into the game with a plan of how to control where we fight then I don't need to be in their face immediately.

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On 7/7/2016 at 9:30 AM, Twg said:

I was surprised to see Young Nephilim in any tournament list. Personally I find them under whelming, but I'm glad someone's finding a use for them. 

Lillith rarely leaves without Doppelganger, Primordial and the effigy. I also rarely leave without Nekima. Then swap in various models depending upon strats. I really like Silurids for any marker related shenanigans.

Young work well as Scheme runners for Turn 1 and 2 and then shift gears to killing on Turn 3+.  I'd really only take them if I'm doing Rapid Growth and then throw them at Enforcers, because getting a Mature is a game changer.  They're also really good Personal Puppets for Collodi because they murder face, their open loop of Blood Frenzy can be really brutal and is worth it even to cheat to match as it's going to effectively double your damage if you hit on the second one.

Doppelganger is awesome, but I'll only take her if I have 2 good attack option to Mimic.  Otherwise she's an expensive scheme runner that could be replaced for 4 SS.  I do, however, love her in the right lists (see my Zoraida list for example).

Primordial Magic is amazing and should almost always be taken.

The Mysterious Effigy is underwhelming to me.  The (0) is good, but the cheat aura is hyper situational (and thus not that good).  It's an okay scheme runner that's more survivable than a Terror Tot or Gupps, but with less mobility or other tricks.

I've only ran Nekima a few times, and I've only really seen her shine twice.  She's super expensive and though she does kill face I find myself building around her more than just using her.  At that point I normally take a Mature and move on with my day.

Silurids (as I've posted elsewhere) are way overpriced and don't bring much to the table that I can't get else where.  95% Gupps/Tots can do the same job, and that 5% just isn't worth 3 SS to me.  If you can get a 7-9 model count with a Silurid then by all means take it, but I'm generally moving around 1-2 stones to avoid waste and keep my 6-7 Cache.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just used a mature Nephlim as a slightly cheaper replacement for Nemika yesterday and was pleasantly surprised. The [+] on attack more than makes up for loss of single point in Ml and with a mask built in flay from the talons upgrade becomes an option. I think Nekima will be riding the pine for a while.

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