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TT healers?


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Hello! I'm starting up some Ten Thunders (Misaki) and I can't seem to find any TT units with healing abilities (except from Shang to Misaki). I'm normally an Outcast player where healing is abundant from several different units (Malifaux Child, Freikorps Librarian, Johan, etc.). Am I missing something or does TT not have any units with healing actions?

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Sensei Yu with Low River Style, Wastrels (granted, it is a (2) action with only 6" range, but in center-focused strategies it can work like gold, since it can heal both the target and the healer by 2), Tengu (gives regeneration). That's just off the top of my head, there are more sometimes quite situational (like Kamaitachi, who can heal models in aura when they discard an upgrade).

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2 minutes ago, Rurouni Benshin said:

Pretty sure the Librarian can only do it once if Misaki is a declared TT Master for the game, even though she's cross factioned.

Sorry, but you are incorrect. Dual faction masters retain their faction qualities even when hired into another faction.

Ruling on Misaki Healing

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Chiaki can heal on a trigger. Obsidian Oni can heal a non-leader with an upgrade attaced.  The problem with Sensei Yu is that Stones on the River uses Ml, so Brutal goes off. So, while TT doesn't have a lot of good options for healers, especially compared to a Librarian, many of our models have self-heals. Ama, Ototo, Kang, Sidir, Izamu, Shadow Emissary, Dawn Serpent, Illuminated, Low River Monks and Jorogumo all have some form of healing. 

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4 minutes ago, Definitechoice said:

The problem with Sensei Yu is that Stones on the River uses Ml, so Brutal goes off. 

True, but part of the ability with Stones on the River is removing a condition.  As the player controlling how the conditions and abilities are applied, you can determine the order they're done.  So you can apply the condition, and then just simply remove it.  Unless you're targeting yourself or Shen Long, it's not really a problem.

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1 hour ago, Skaven123 said:

Hello! I'm starting up some Ten Thunders (Misaki) and I can't seem to find any TT units with healing abilities (except from Shang to Misaki). I'm normally an Outcast player where healing is abundant from several different units (Malifaux Child, Freikorps Librarian, Johan, etc.). Am I missing something or does TT not have any units with healing actions?

sound like you have faction shock, healing outside of gremlins and outcast tends to be more limited. It sort of like Armor outside of arcanists or min 3 damage for less then 9 stones outside of neverborn. It is there but you will not go from having a near dead Von Schill to a near full one. There is a lot of self healing in the 10 Thunders and the faction as a whole generally do not like direct or prolong engagements from what I have seen/played. Not saying that they can not do it but it is not the general mode for them.

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9 minutes ago, Rurouni Benshin said:

True, but part of the ability with Stones on the River is removing a condition.  As the player controlling how the conditions and abilities are applied, you can determine the order they're done.  So you can apply the condition, and then just simply remove it.  Unless you're targeting yourself or Shen Long, it's not really a problem.

Seems like there was some confusion on the topic, but the consensus is that Brutal would happen before resolving Stones on the River, so you could remove the applied condition. The only issue is that the argument relies on other FAQ entries in order to figure out the timing. 


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I'm hoping that our Low River Monk upgrade buff (that we got from voting during the Nythera campaign) has an others-heal. It would be thematic since they're not a hugely offensive piece, they already have a self-heal, and their condition removal has great defensive aspects (granted, it can also be used offensively).

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Quick Master breakdown:

  1. Misaki has her totem (only works on her though) but no other model healing inherent.
  2. Lynch has no inherent healing.
  3. Mei Fang has an upgrade to heal when she kills (Price of Progress, situational).
  4. Brewie has an upgrade that discards scheme markers to heal and his On The House ability.
  5. Yan Lo has a really good heal, and Sensei Yu can copy it.
  6. McCabe can pass out regeneration on an upgrade or use it for a heal (only in emergencies as its 1/2/3 for a master AP).
  7. Shenlong has his healing upgrade which is really solid and can heal a bunch. Yu can use it as well.


  1. Wastrels are solid healing (double walk them up to where you need them for defensive and then park them there for their two action heal, which actually heals and does another action so it's not as AP inefficient as it looks).
  2. Obsidian Oni have a solid heal, but it's only for enforcers and henchman as it requires a non-leader with an upgrade. Though there is shenanigans here with mccabe :D
  3. Tengu can pass out regen 1 (regen 2) on a trigger, which is situational but useful.
  4. Chiaki CAN heal, but it's trigger related, so not reliably.
  5. Kamataichi (WONDER WEASEL!!!) can heal a model that discards an upgrade, so couple of generalist upgrades and McCabe/Shenlong shenanigans
  6. Librarians have the merc tax and are way better with Misaki for healing more than once
  7. Malifaux Child has the merc tax and requires a moderate ram (Plus our totems are pretty great)
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Now that we list it off... there's actually LOADS of healing in TT. Most of it self heal, but still... to update Invoke's list above, Mei Feng has the Price of Progress upgrade to heal when she kills (though I don't find Mei a reliable kill-bot), Brewy has the upgrade to discard scheme markers to heal, not to mention the drinks he hands out which can be taken by friendly models at will, including himself I believe (?) and the Kamaitachi heals when discarding an upgrade. As well as giving out regeneration, McCabe's Elixir of Life gives him a 1/2/3 heal... pretty mediocre for a masters ap, but there if you need it.

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It's funny - I was under the impression that 10T was actually the BEST faction for healing (and condition removal, for what is worth), with a huge variety of models across all SS costs able to do it either to themselves, or other models around them.

I know I've certainly had no problem at all fitting in some healing for my crew when I've felt the need. :) 

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Brewmaster's heal can be taken by ANY model within :aura3, friendly or enemy, at the cost of Poison +1. To make his healing even better, the Drinking "Problem" upgrade allows OTHER (emphasis intended) friendly Tri-Chi models within :aura6 to double the healing result of healing flips they make. Currently the only other 10T Tri-Chi model is the Fermented River Monk.

Further to this, if you take Brewy's Running Tab upgrade he can bring along out-of-faction Tri-Chi models (some of whom could take the Drinking "Problem" upgrade to allow Brewy double healing). This leads to Fingers, who has an action to heal a model within 2" 1/2/3, and the Whiskey Golem who can self-heal 1/2/3 and gain Poison +1 for a 1AP.

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2 hours ago, Rathnard said:

It's funny - I was under the impression that 10T was actually the BEST faction for healing (and condition removal, for what is worth), with a huge variety of models across all SS costs able to do it either to themselves, or other models around them.

I know I've certainly had no problem at all fitting in some healing for my crew when I've felt the need. :) 

I remember when I first started playing, thinking TT lacked 'heal other' abilities, but I'd gotten over that. This topic has been a real eye opener as to how proficient we are at healing. I wouldn't say we are the best at it though: a single model gives that accolade to Gremlins, surely?

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57 minutes ago, Skitt_Happens said:

I remember when I first started playing, thinking TT lacked 'heal other' abilities, but I'd gotten over that. This topic has been a real eye opener as to how proficient we are at healing. I wouldn't say we are the best at it though: a single model gives that accolade to Gremlins, surely?

They have a Slop Hauler who's great at it, sure, but he's also got some significant limits attached to his healing talents. For one, he's in the Gremlin faction. That means alot of the Slop Hauler's work tends to be to balance out the damage they deal to themselves, before even considering what the opponent might be doing. Also the fact that it's a 2AP heal targeting up to 4 models, while efficient, limits Hauler's mobility and makes it much less cost-effective if you're just trying to heal up a single model. I'm not saying he isn't great of course. Rather, as the only real healer they've got (?), he's got some restrictions that limit just how useful he is.  

So while the Ten Thunders might not have a healer as efficient as the Slop Hauler, it instead has a huge variety of other healers that can suit the crew you're trying to build AND can do stuff in addition to their healing duties. 

So at least in my mind, the 10-T still win out in the healers category. ;)

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My first impressions of the faction were (apart from the obvious disparity in the looks and themes of different crews) that TT have a lot of movement, healing and condition removal. I didn't even start to register the special stuff like Focus, ++, etc. until later. The fact that much of the healing is self-sustained just means that many models can be more independent and self-sufficient. This does not change the fact that there is a LOT of healing in-faction :P

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