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Another suggestion for cuddleing belles. Again.

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This is not a thread if belles should be Cuddled or not. This is a thought experiment on the ramifications of what would change in the resurrectionist faction for specific cuddle to lure i have in mind.


What if a model was only allowed to be effected by an enemy lures 1-2 (feeling like 2, but would love if people discussed which is fairer) times a turn?


Would this change much how you, as a resser, uses belle? Would this fix some of the bigger NPE that can exist? Would this be fair to the resser players? Things along those lines.


I have seen to many what if cuddle belles that i feel either invalidates the model or will just make us grab other luring mercs to really accomplish much and had this thought that may accomplish a fairer "cuddle" then what they suggest. 


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Tis true. Which is why my first thought would be to allow 2 lures against each enemy model a turn. Most other factions that I'm aware of can/usually bring up to 1 luring model in a list. Such as baby kade. This won't effect him at all unless they are bringing multiple lureing models in which case they are trying to do the same NPE as belle spam and i feel that initially this would be an acceptable cuddle but could be wrong and would love input. 

Edited by Kinginyello
Clarified text to be closer to what i mean
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The issue with the premise is that Belles are specifically designed (read as almost 100%) to Lure models, restricting them severely alters that design and their use. I would venture to say that most of the NPE's caused by Belles derive from two things ; the first, is something that could be addressed by the company, i.e. lower their Ca Value so that the resist isn't quite so high (I personally think it is 1-2 points to high). The second, though, is largely controllable by the players themselves, i.e. use a suitable amount of LOS blocking terrain. This second part is why a lot of the "sniper" models are also considered NPE's or OP'ed by a lot of people.
 This is one reason I am hopeful that the "free version" of the Rules Manual will be changed to mirror the recommended terrain amounts from the Quick Start rules in the 2 player starter (The recommended amount has gone up substantially from the M2e Big book and Mini Rule Book).

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3 hours ago, Omenbringer said:

 This is one reason I am hopeful that the "free version" of the Rules Manual will be changed to mirror the recommended terrain amounts from the Quick Start rules in the 2 player starter (The recommended amount has gone up substantially from the M2e Big book and Mini Rule Book).

What does the 2 player recommend? 

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It seems unusual to say that Belles luring models multiple times leads to a negative play experience, when that is precisely what they are designed to do. It seems a bit like saying that having a beatstick model with loads of armour killing off your models in melee creates a negative play experience. Limiting belles to 1-2 lures per turn seems like it would negate their purpose a bit. Like if you limited killjoy to only killing one model per turn.

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In addition to Baby Cade Beckoners, Lilitu, Jaakuna Udume and Oiran have Lure (just of the top of my head), so a change to how Lure in general works will mean changes to a lot of models, which might upset quite a few balances.

A twice a turn limit on Lure seems like an odd solution, it would be a unique mechanic since no other action works like that (as far as I can recall its always once or unlimited uses) and it would therefore clutter the rules system. Also, you can get a maximum of 4 Lures per chain activation, but it requires a little luck or some cards, positioning and the complete attention of a fifth of your crew (you could make 2 Belles Fast for a total of 6 Lures, but then it becomes really ressource intensive).

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For your thought experiment you might be better thinking that a belle can't target the same model with Lure twice in activation. (Like obeying attacks).

If you limited it to a model could only be lured twice a turn, then you are increasing the book keeping, and lowering the versatility of the lure. You are also then subjection a model to counter lure protection. (I've lured my model twice, so you can't lure it at all). It also only kicks in if you have multiple Belles. This may have been your intent, and depends on what you think you are trying to counter. 

There are also several other Lure type effects out there, so how would you want it to interact with Sirens call for example?

As to actual effect? I don't think it would make a huge difference. I don't often see a model being lured more than twice in a turn. But then I don't see a lot of belle swarms. 

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