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Don't Back Down, Northampton, Saturday 18th June - 3 Rounds, 50SS


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It's that time again fans - announcing the next bimonthly Malifaux throwdown at the home of the UK's most statistically anomalous gaming team the Warzone's Own in Northampton.

Don't Back Down will be running on Saturday June 18th at the Warzone Workshop store in Northampton. We have investigated going back to Sundays, but with the store being in a shopping centre it is so much easier logistically to run on a Saturday...

The tournament will offer 3 rounds at 50SS. The best received events have been the ones where I haven't messed with the format so I'll take the hint, at least for a while!

We can promise the usual laid-back atmosphere along with our traditionally generous prize pools. As a minimum the following will be on offer;

1st, 2nd and 3rd place gaming
1st, 2nd and 3rd place painting
Best Sports
Best Loser, aka the Dreaded Wooden Spoon...

A prize pack has arrived from Wyrd and the contents duly raffled off. As in the Normal One, you'll only be eligible for the raffle if you hit the painting targets - of your starting crew, at least half of the models by number must be painted (3 colours and based), in 2 games out of 3. Note that it's a target - painting isn't required but it is strongly encouraged, and it's a pretty easy target to meet.

24 tickets are on offer at £12.50 each. This doesn't include lunch but being in the middle of a busy town, there are enough options within 2 minutes' walk to satisfy any palette. It does however include all the tea and coffee you can drink, along with all the doughnuts I can cram in my car boot on the way in. 

A 32 player prize pack has been ordered and the contents will be given away during the day. As the event is in a well stocked shop, if there's anything you want ordered in for the day we will happily oblige!

The rules pack is available from here; https://www.dropbox.com/s/7jz76396ymim65b/Don't Back Down.pdf?dl=0 

Tickets can now be purchased from here; http://warzoneworkshop.co.uk/Events/Malifaux%20Event

Any questions, please feel free to ask!


What crews can I take?

On sign-up you'll be able to either use a fixed faction for the day, or select a Trinity of Masters to use for the day. Full details will be in the rules pack. 

What are the painting requirements? Do I need to use painted models?

There are no painting requirements - models must be assembled and firmly fixed to their bases, but you don't have to have done any painting.

BUT. Only players who have used mostly painted models (3 colours and based as a minimum) in 2 out of 3 games will be eligible to enter the prize raffle. This isn't a hard target to hit and you don't need to have hit it in order to play, but if you want to grab any of the cool toys on offer, get them thar brushes out!

How will the painting competition be run?

Anyone wishing to enter the painting competition can enter a crew of approximately 50SS, which they can set out for the player vote at lunchtime. I won't be counting the values of models set out but there isn't going to be room for you to dump an entire faction plus intricate display boards if that's what you're planning! 

Note that entrants will not be able to put their name next to their crews as the competition is anonymous, and anyone entering will be required to take part in the voting.

What are your rules on proxies?

My usual rules - no using a Malifaux model as another Malifaux model without doing conversion work. James Doxey's magnificent brass / large steam arachnids are a great example of what is acceptable (and an example I use with permission!), as they've been reposed and rebased. Sticking a Canine Remains on the table and saying it's a Guild Hound is not acceptable.

Avatars are fully legal proxies for any Emissary, as per Wyrd.

It is acceptable to use non-Wyrd miniatures as long as it's clear what they are - for example, I've been known to use a Wild West Exodus Native American model as the Outcast Big Jake.

If in doubt, it's the player's responsibility to ask the TO (me) ahead of time to clear up any potential issues.

Will you be publishing the schemes and strategies in advance?

Yes. The scheme pools and strategies will be as follows;

Squatter’s Rights, Standard Deployment
- Convict Labour
- Take Prisoner
- Hunting Party
- Covert Breakthrough
- Catch and Release

Collect the Bounty 2016, Close Deployment
- Convict Labour
- Exhaust Their Forces
- Hunting Party
- Search the Ruins
- Occupy Their Turf

Guard the Stash, Flank Deployment
- Convict Labour
- Leave Your Mark
- Show of Force
- Neutralise the Leader
- Set Up


1. Rik Phillips
2. Graeme Nicholls
3. Joel Henry
4. Karl McConnell
5. Craig Woods
6. Steve Wilson
7. Mike Marshall
8. Mr Graves Lee Battrick
9. Andrew Neil Other
10. Marcus Rose
11. Ross Baker
12. Matt 'Birthday Boy' Ledgerwood
13. Mike Ross
14. Rob Hallam
15. Ross Mason
16. Benjamin Crowe, First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm
17. Zak Foote
18. James Boots
19. Dave Wigley
20. Joe Jackson
21. Callum Edens
22. Thomas Henry
23. Paul Dean
24. Tim Brown

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers Rik and Graeme - be great to have you both on board!

Papa Squig has also coughed up so things very much starting to take shape...

Prize pack has arrived so I can pay my scrip debts from the last event. We're looking at whether we can expand to accommodate a few more players and hit the magic 28, by knocking down a couple of walls. With me and Mr Ledgerwood locally, demolition work is pretty easy.

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You mean getting Pandora'd by Joel last time out won't trigger flashbacks? 'Tis indeed an honour sir! :) 

Up to 13 confirmed players now with Mr Ledgerwood's birthday ticket and the Gruesome Twosome ( :P ) Marcus and Ross on their way too.

Guess we better get the hammers out for extra space. Or just tell Matt there's a doughnut on the other side of the wall.

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