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New Guy's Starter Seamus Crew - Please Help!


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So, having read around various reference sites on the web, this is my first effort at slapping together a shopping list / crew list for a 50 SS Seamus crew. I suspect it will be terrible, and feedback is welcome and appreciated.


* Seamus (Mad Haberdasher, Sinister Reputation) [3 ss]

* Madam Sybelle (Bleeding Tongue, Not Too Banged Up) [10 ss]

* Sue [9 ss]

* Copycat Killer [3 ss]

* Dead Doxie [6 ss]

* Rotten Belle x 3 [15 ss]

* Soulstone Cache +4 [4 ss]


My (likely flawed) understanding would be to use Sue's Ring of Fire and the Belles' Luring shenanigans to sucker in targets for Pouncing and burning damage, while Seamus and the Copycat (and Sue as well) provide ranged fire support or sniping on those getting out of the deathtraps, and Sue protecting the massed Belles from bursty AoE spellcasting.


So, am I being completely wrong-headed at this, or am I on the right track, pards?

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I think Red Chapel Killer is too good to pass up, especially with 4 unspent soul stones. It gives Seamus extra options for teleporting around

I'd consider swapping a Rotten Belle for a Nurse. The sheer utility of the Nurse is too good to pass up. She can heal you, turn anything in your crew into a scheme runner for a turn, paralyze an enemy model and much more. It also frees up a Belle for your summoning pool.

Other than that, remember that you can adjust your crew to the strategy, scheme pool and declared faction of your opponent. For some schemes it might be handy to include a dedicated scheme runner, like a Canine Remains, Necropunk or Crooligan and for others you might need to throw in an additional beater, like Yin or the Valedictorian.

I think Seamus, Sybelle, a Rotten Belle and a Dead Doxy is a good base crew though.

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Im looking into a Seamus-crew as well and Yin comes up everywhere you look but also Bette Noire. 

Valedictorian has come up as well, though im to newb to understand how good she actually is. Looks like a solid resilient beatstick to me and thats always useful. 

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There are 3 issues with Bete Noire, you need to hold on to a 10 card to ensure that you can bring her back if she's killed, she doesnt cause horror checks (I think, I'm away from my books atm) and the fact that she wants to be in melee. The Valedictorian (and a lot of other beaters too) have the "wants to be in melee" issue too, but to a lesser degree because Bete Noire usually pops up close to the enemy.

The thing is, when you've got Seamus and the CCK teleporting around and shooting models, you dont want those models to be locked in combat because Seamus only gets one shot and if the target is in melee, it will randomize.

It might not sound like a big deal, but the enemy could potentially hide models from Seamus just by engaging your models. You can get around it by taking Bag o Tools, but then you cant have Sinister reputation.

The Valedictorian does cause horror checks, she's mobile, tough, hard hitting and pretty selfsufficient.

Yin causes horror checks, she has a (1) CA that targets WP that can stop a model moving and a (0) that targets WP that give the target -WP. She basically causes a lot of checks that heals Seamus and the - to WP is great in a crew that targets WP as much as Seamus and co does.

The Rogue Necromancy could work as a beater too, since its got a decent range attack.

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Not sure what exactly Sue is bringing to the crew.

I personally don't ever hire Doxies with Seamus unless you have a very specific model to use them on, like Philip and the Nanny for card draw, or Yin to speed her up. Otherwise you are spending too much for a model that doesn't bring much to a Seamus crew unless you are going for a Belle Bomb play style, which I don't personally recommend unless you know for a fact what your opponent is bringing. Crews full of black blood or models that explode when killed really ruin Belle Bombs. You can always summon one if you need her for combat.

Personally wouldn't leave home with a sinister rep Seamus without at least 1 nurse. She can be a slow scheme runner when you don't need her, and at a moment's notice she can paralyze an enemy model through many of the ways she can steal AP, or turn one of your models into a good scheme runner, or turn Seamus into a combat beast, or keep him alive through a full heal, or through Feast of Fear. I've never regretted bringing a Nurse with him.

The Emissary is not bad for him either, as the blocking markers it can drop can help control the battlefield, the Zombie is a good mobile corpse for Red Chapel Killer or Belle Generation, it hits decently, and you can use it to boost your belles walk so you can bring it instead of sybelle, or bring sybelle as well and get rocket belles with walk 7 if the activate within 6" of both. The Seamus only upgrade gives it decent healing if you bring wp focused crew, and the basic conflux can help with your belles and Doxies casts so you don't have to cheat from your hand when the invariable low card makes its way into your casting flip.


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