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Speedy troops.


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For speed I use void wretches. Little buggers run trough everything and have decent Walk. Easy to hide and easy to run to objectives. For vonus you can try to give slow to enemy models.

If you want something with speed and muscle then I suggest Ama no zako. Used her in a campaing and loved her. Card intensive if you want those sweet 0 actions to work out but works well without them too.

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Bishop, Ashes and Dust (with Scramble of course), Rusty Alyce, the Strongarm Suit...

Anything can be fast when it needs to be if it's got Oathkeeper. Anything that Jack Daw torments.

As far as masters, the Viks and Levi are blindingly fast, Tara has 6 ap, Jack Daw can get around. Even Von Schill has a decent charge.

Outcasts do tend to pay a premium for fast beaters, but you certainly have access to them.

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I've always figured that the Outcast's biggest weakness are with fast scheme runners. On the cheap side there's Void Wretches, Desperate Mercs and Winged Plagues and while they're quick, they don't really compare to the likes of Tengu, Necropunks or Crooligans for instance. Mind you, the latter two can stiull be hired in if you bring Hameling or Leveticus of course! 


Oddly enough, the best scheme runners for Outcasts (IMO) are at the 10+ soulstone level - specifically Ashes and Dust and Bishop. They're a big investment, but the positive is that they tend to just roll over other scheme runners or in fact quite alot of the models who might try to stop them. ;)

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