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Lucius with Specialist


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With Lucius, does anyone have experience with using his Command Presence with a Freikorps Specialist to remove paralyze on any models that fail the Horror Test?


With Move or Burn, the Specialist can clear paralyze off of any models within ten inches at the cost of a wound on each model. I think that provides some useful insurance. Activate Lucius early, do his thing, activate the Specialist and remove paralyze on any models that were adversely affected.

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That is a good point. The only advantage I can see on the Specialist is that it appears to affect every model in range, and you don't have to flip, it's an automatic action. As you say though, Witchling Stalkers have synergy with Lucius, and you can nearly get two of them for the cost of one Specialist.

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On 3/5/2016 at 10:37 PM, Freman said:

With Lucius, does anyone have experience with using his Command Presence with a Freikorps Specialist to remove paralyze on any models that fail the Horror Test?


With Move or Burn, the Specialist can clear paralyze off of any models within ten inches at the cost of a wound on each model. I think that provides some useful insurance. Activate Lucius early, do his thing, activate the Specialist and remove paralyze on any models that were adversely affected.

It might be the cold meds but is sound like you are using Command Presence which target minions to try and target and enforcer (Freikorps Specialist).  If so you can not do it.

Or if you are talking about trading 1 point of damage to clear the condition, why not bring Johan and have the target relent, have you had experience where a lot of the minions fail that horror dual?

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I was meaning using Commanding Presence on the Minions, then Move or Burn to clear paralyze off any of them who failed the test. You're right that Johan or a Witchling Stalker is a more economical use, but both use cards and suits whereas the Specialist just does it as an (1) action affecting every paralyzed model within ten inches.

It was just a thought I had after reading Lucius's card and the Specialist's card. I haven't played with the two of them together.

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I feel like a Lawyer is a usual hire with Lucius, and with the +flip I would think the odds would skew towards not seeing Paralyze all that often, and questionably so if you're able to cheat in response to it. It also kind of forces you into a specific set of activations, where Lucius goes before the Specialist and the Specialist goes before the minions in question have their next opportunity to activate. You could wrangle something with Lucius doing a bunch of stuff at the end of a turn and the Specialist activating first at the beginning of the next, but then that presents a different set of activation problems.

I like the Specialist in general, but the question I think you should be asking is if the Specialist contributes to your crew independent of the Paralyze clear first. If so, take it and treat the Paralyze clear as a cherry on top.

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