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Hello Everyone

I had time again to play Malifaux (after a few months break). Had a game with Levi (man he was killy as hell, one activation and 3 dead bodies )
But back to the main topic, I have a few questions, and hope you can help me. I
Currently I have access to:
- Levi plastic box
- VS plastic box
- Sue
- Johan
- Desolation Engine
- Death Marshall
- Hannah
- Lazarus

Question #1
Cheap scheme runners. I miss cheap models in my collection. After I read forum i think that Void wretches are best, but maybe in future that thing for Hamelin may be better. Are there any other options for that role? I think about Desperate merc and effigy? any opinions or advice?

Question #2
Summoning Levi. I tried it a few times, Rusty Alyce generates scrap, Levi creates a-bomb. It didn't work, firstly i had to have them both in same area, second I never had a right card when i needed it. Any advices on that? Anyone had success with that tactic?

Question #3
Jack Daw, I have an opportunity to buy single model for master with all cards and it's cheap. Have you ever played Jack without other tormented models? It will lose a lot of his playstyle, but can still be used . I never saw him on table so my experience is not too big. 

@ off-top

I didn't check things on forum for some time, where is Zfiend, have Guild got him? Or maybe other sinister forces? It's strange without him and his ressers posts.


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1. Get one or two proxies of Winged Plague. Best scheme runner in Outcasts. Cheap, with great Wk, flight and armour on the top of it. Hodgepodge Effigy is also good model - get it.

2. Forget summoning from scrap markers. Levi summons by killing another models. Rusty can do it too, but I prefer Levi for this task. Rusty can do summoning from scrap markers in Von Schill's list as he can take Engage at Will upgrade which allows friendly models do two (0) actions so Rusty can drop scrap marker and summon Abomination in the same turn.

3. For Jack you need one Guilty and then you will Torment two main pieces of your crew. I would recommend to grab one Nurse as she is wonderful support piece. Rest Tormented models is rather optional than necessary although if you can take Hanged as well. He is very good.



I heard the news that Zfiend was hired to pose as the guy who is trapped inside Brutal Emissary cage when they were sculpting it the model but they forgot to let him out after sculpting work was done...



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1. What daniello_s, but for Levi in particular you can also grab some Necropunks or Crooligans. Both make excellent scheme runners for Levi.

2. Summoning via scrap is trap. It'll just slow down Levi and Rusty from what they do best: killing things. Your much better off summoning via Desolate Soul (both in Melee and through the Shooting upgrade). It will be more reliable, and has the advantage of popping Abominations near your opponents models. Folks tend to get caught up in summoning Desolation Engines but that isn't the real strength of the Abominations. They are premier tar pits. Not super easy to kill (and can do damage back if an enemy misses them), stops zero actions, strips suits from CA actions, and causes compulsory duels when the end their activation. Opponents are forces to stop to deal with them, which means that they'll likely absorb 2 AP before they go down, meaning one less model for your opponent to do what he or she wants because it's dealing with a model you don;t really need to do anything with (or it strips AP off a master). Plus they are minions so count for scoring or contesting in multiple schemes. IMO they are very best minion model that Outcasts have, point for point.

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Thanks for all help, I have additional question regarding Jack:

12 hours ago, daniello_s said:

3. For Jack you need one Guilty and then you will Torment two main pieces of your crew. I would recommend to grab one Nurse as she is wonderful support piece. Rest Tormented models is rather optional than necessary although if you can take Hanged as well. He is very good.

How can I torment two models? One from Guilty action, and the second source? Pass one of cursed upgrades?

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Take the twist and turn upgrade, which allows Jack to do a 1 action prionted on a friendly Tormented model. 

The model he shares guilt with will be tormented until Jack takes the action again.

You can play him without a guilty model, but I do find them hugely useful. 

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