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Outcasts and GG2016

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I've seen similar threads in the other forums and thought: hey why not here? So as the title suggests, what are the rest of you doing differently for the new schemes? what have you found that works, what schemes are you avoiding, are you still going for the 10 VP finish, or is it more about denial now.

In addition to the standard discussions, I would like to hear more of the outcast communities thoughts on the suited schemes (including 'Take Prisoner') as they will be showing up most often, and will therefore have a greater effect on our play stiles. For example, I think that the 'Leave Your Mark' scheme is going to be very hard to get more than 1-2 points out of; The reason being that unless your opponent is playing an elite crew, they will have ample opportunity to both remove scheme markers and simply move their minions within 4" of one or more markers. We could probably get the first point without trying but after the 'surprise' first point, the next one is going to be tough unless you start killing in droves with the vicks, or have great placement with the emissary.

I also realize that we have some of the most... diversely specialized masters in the game, and that each of us play very different lists most of the time; even so, I would love to hear about how your results have been for any given master under the new schemes. Also, how has "Inspection", "Occupy Their Turf", and "Public Demonstration" been for the rest of you? Right now I think that Misaki is the only one that really likes the second two no that list, but I just don't know about "Inspection", although that might just be me. 

Other than that, I have a few random master related thoughts I'd like to leave you with:

  • Since all of the new schemes are now tougher to get the 3VP on, Have your games started to focus more on denial than just "get to ten and try to deny one or two points along the way"? I ask because my thoughts on this are shifting more towards "deny the likely face down schemes, and after they flip them for the first point don't let them get the second."
  • Given the above, does this make Jack Daw stronger in certain situations? He seems to be one of the most scheme dependent masters that I have ever attempted to play. If faced with multiple scheme marker based goals, then Greed seems like gold. same for Lust in 'turf war'/'show of strength' games. Before GG 2016 dropped, I was having trouble figuring him out. Even now I am not great with him, but I would like to be able to see him hit the table more over the coming months and I am hoping that GG 2016 helps because of the "denial" mindset that comes with playing him. (deep and meaningful thoughts would be nice. lol.)
  • Is Hamelin the factions new go to guy on more of the "non killing" and interact dependent schemes? between the obey, and the activation control that he can get things into position and interact/deny areas/drop markers better than most. 'Take Prisoner" is also easier with him than with some others. Thoughts?
  • Assuming that "Neutralize the Leader" DID NOT come up in your scheme pool, what Schemes does Leveticus Like to see? what are you hiring to do those schemes? What If anything has changed?
  • Has anyone/Is anyone planning to play pubic demonstration/occupy their turf with Misaki? How did it go? Can they be accomplished reliably with another master?
  • And finally, where does Tara fit in with the new scheme pool? I don't have any experience playing with her (only against), and I am a little confused as to when I would want to take her for a given scheme pool or even which ones she likes in general nowadays.


I think that covers all my questions and thinly veiled conversation starters. so let me know what you think and where you disagree.


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I can give an opinion on one of those questions.  Tara likes center of board schemes and strats.  Extraction, and turf war are great for her(but I'd contend with Hamelin for these personally depending on schemes), and she likes schemes like inspect the ruins, convict labor and show of force.  With Tara's ability to run up to the center line and bomb the enemy with a big beater turn one, she can make a really strong presence in the opponent's line and put them on the back foot for getting into range of those schemes while scoring them herself.  Combine that with handing out slow and it can be really hard for the enemy to get up to where they need to be.


She can also set up convict labor on her own on turn 2 if she got the center line on turn 1.  Drop a marker, move, drop a marker, reactivate, repeat.  Tara has always been great at bodyguard.  She can pull the bodyguard target out of danger real easy, and if need be, keep it buried until the end of the turn to keep it alive and healthy.

 She's similarly good at stomping your zone scheme runners with eternal journey, so while she doesn't have a strong advantage with scoring things like covert breakthrough or leave your mark, she's great for wrecking your opponent's plans there's nothing quite as fun as stopping your opponent from having fun.


She's also decent at killy schemes through supporting your beater models with fast and quick repositioning.  I think the only one that stands out as good for her is hunting party.  While she helps with others, there are masters better suited for indiscriminate killing.  She might also be nice with marked for death but I think Hamelin and his nonsense obeys is better suited for that.


Just my two cents on Tara.  Let me know what you guys think.:)

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As far as public demo Misaki goes, I haven't played her yet myself but I played against her with a public demo smoke and shadows bomb and it was nuts.  Turn two and my crew is all stuck engaged with misdirection Misaki and three minions, scoring him three points and tying me up.  I eventually wiped all of it, but in the meantime I was losing out on interference points.


I think most of the craziness was from my lack of knowledge of misakis capabilities.  In future games, I plan to spread out significantly more.  I'm sure it's pretty dang hard to deny a Misaki 3 points from public demo but at least then I can just accept shell get it and keep moving everything else towards my own plans.

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I personally have been having a good time in extraction with hamelin due to amount of prescence you can give in the middle scrum with rats popping up everywhere. 

For guard the stash I've been leaning tara as most games have half the crew split each way and occupy one maker the. Shift into take the other last second. The bury mechanic gives an easier way to keep the markers clean and a great way to deny positioning. Along with heavy scheme marker control from aionus she's my go to master for heavy scheme marker games as well as take prisoner due to her basic reactivate.

levi has actually been kinda benches by the viks for me as headhunter and Killy missions are where he shines but I've struggled to get heads as follow ups to his carnage as he usually buries or is to far away te viks give melee presence however that sticks around.

javk I think is the biggest winner in this faction though due to his ability to adjust on the fly and deny points. He's so good at just controlling your opponent through movement and action control with curses it's hard to justify not takin him a lot o games. My standard jack crew of a nurse three abombs ashes and dust Johanna and a trapper/Liberian dependent on the table is so goo at denial game you win a lot of games 7-4 type of range.


not a fan of Von shill or misaki honestly and public demonstration is bad for outcasts in general. However inspection a occupy are totally doable with jack or tara 

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