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Advices about Pandora/Lucius

Arlequí Bergant

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33 minutes ago, Arlequí Bergant said:


I need advices about Pandora and Lucius.


Can you help me?

What Valhallan said.

Please provide some some more info or ask specific questions. Have you read up on them on pullmyfinger? Are you already playing them and have trouble in certain strategies? Do you want a starter guide?

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Pandora functions well layering her synergies throughout her crew, or creating "attack teams" to go get things done. For the first example, consider overlapping Lust's aura, Barbaros's challenge, Candy's Sweets and Sours, and Pandora's Misery. The later would be a team of Pandora and Nekima, hunting down high-priority targets, while Candy, Iggy, and a Sorrow or two handle other objectives.

Lucius wants high-utility minions. Illuminated, Beckoners, Young Nephilim, etc., along with ranged support if you take Surprisingly Loyal, like Riflemen, or, if you hate your friends, Austringers.

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13 minutes ago, thebarbalag said:

Pandora functions well layering her synergies throughout her crew, or creating "attack teams" to go get things done. For the first example, consider overlapping Lust's aura, Barbaros's challenge, Candy's Sweets and Sours, and Pandora's Misery. The later would be a team of Pandora and Nekima, hunting down high-priority targets, while Candy, Iggy, and a Sorrow or two handle other objectives.

Lucius wants high-utility minions. Illuminated, Beckoners, Young Nephilim, etc., along with ranged support if you take Surprisingly Loyal, like Riflemen, or, if you hate your friends, Austringers.


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I am new Pandora player too, but I've already had a few games with her so I can offer you some basic tips:

- Pandora's best action is her (0) - Incite. It's a Wp duel so it triggers her ability - Fading Memory - giving her a free push. Thanks to that you can use her 3 AP for killing stuff. Also it gives a great condition - Mood Swing. Thanks to that you'll be able to control enemy's activations. If the target model is in Misery radius it gets damage too. Movement + Control + Damage -> All in one action. Always try to get the :tome trigger.

- Candy's Ca Actions are mediocre. Without a good Wp Debuff you can't reliably hit things. Use her actions to walk and catch enemy models in her huge engagement range. Then harm them with her auras: Sweets, Sours, Things Given Form. Keep her away from Pandora and Sorrows, though. They're vulnerable to Things given Form. My friend plays Candy as a field medic with some success. I haven't tried that yet.

- Don't underestimate the Sorrows. They do are vulnerable but they are very mobile (although their mobility is dependent of other models) and good at engaging things. Keep them close to each other and Pandora. The Mysery aura is our best way to chew through Armor, Hard to Kill and soulstone damage prevention. Don't forget about life leech, too. Occasionally you will paralyze something with Doldrums.

- Get the Teddy. Or other mobile beatstick that targets Df. It draws enemy's attention and gives you a way to deal with high Wp low Df models (i.e. Seamus).

- I highly recommend getting Iggy. He's cheap utility model and another source of Incite.

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An interesting way to play Pandora, and quite nasty for your opponent to face, is playing the orphan crew..

Take Candy (with Depression), Baby Kade and Iggy.. Why? Iggy gives you an extra Incite AP, and Baby Kade and Candy now have Melancholy (Iggy too, cos she's a Woe).. Add Pandora's incredible Incite on top of that and you suddenly have a crew that is tough and can disrupt your opponen'ts activation sequence like it's no one's business..

The disruption allows you to force your opponent to activate out of plan, giving you more freedom to position your more fragile support models like Sorrows, Madnesses or the Poltergeist.. It also makes it easier (with Melancholy and Incite) to set a model up for Candy's Sweets and Sours.. 

Out of all the lists I've played with Pandora, this is up there as one of the best! 

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To be honest, I've never found much use for Mr. Tannen - from my play experience with him, he's too situational and if something wants him dead, they're going to squish him easily. I've found that there are other options for the same SS cost than Tannen. 


Mr. Graves is a boss! Another cool option for Pandora, is Barbados. With his (0) Challenge, coupled with a couple of web markers from the Weaver and some Sorrows, he's suddenly causing a lot more trouble than your opponent initially suspected.

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