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Tara - Much-a-do about Nothin'.


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Hey All, 

Had Tara for a while now since the nightmare was available back-in-th'Day and while i initially had loads of fun using her and won a fair few games, my interest has since waned and find that she's getting less and less board time due to being a bit meh in comparison to other outcast/resser masters.. Don't get me wrong, having her reactivate and the like is great.. but her themed crew... I find them extremely lack-lustre. 

How are people running her these days? Are you dipping into the ressers or staying in the outcast faction - also how is the wave 3 stuff with her? (picking up loyalties tonight to see for myself).

Further does anyone feel like The Nothing Beast would have been a great Henchman rather than an enforcer? I feel 10 ss for him at the moment is simply a waste in comparison to other similarly priced models...

I'm really interested to see what people have to say about Tara and her crews as a whole so please stick your oar in on anything you believe is relevant :D

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Love running her with marshals, wretches, karina, friekorps (esp. hannah), most of the outcast heavyweights.

I don't really feel there's anything epic in ressers for her past the summon upgrade (which I'll always take if I'm taking her as a resser), though she works with just about anything since I don't know of anything that doesn't benefit from extra AP.

Wave 3- think the scion is too gimmicky, situational, fragile, and difficult to get mileage out of. I'd compare it to the nothing beast in a lot of ways. Slowly warming to the emissaries, not positive how I feel yet, same goes for hannah's sister. Love the new outcast native american dude. The Forgotten Marshal is pretty nice. Very interested in aionus.

Agreed that the NB could've benefitted from being a hench.


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I keep wanting to get back to her, I have done a few games and she looks like she can shine at ap control and works well with the new Aionus. I would be interested in trying this, and will let people know how it goes. Most Tara talk in my local is all about beast bomb, which though is useful is not the only way to play her. I am also curious to see how she works with Anna Lovelace and some bells to bring slow models into a kill zone.

I do think the Nothing Beast would be a good henchman but I do not think he is a bad enforcer, as a henchman I think he would run into the same problems that Nekima does and that is eating up all your stones to prevent damage which forces your master to rely on there cards more often.

Currently I am taking Tara the resser path with a horror and spirit models as back up but for the most part I feel her core crew does not change between the factions.

My core is: Tara, Karina, 2 Deathmarshal, Voidwretch, a big hitter which is about 34 stones after upgrades. The only real reason I could see running Scion of the Void is because the fluff is great and that it is yet another model that can unbury models (mostly those that Karina summoned).

I have not tried her with anything from book 3 as I hate to proxy.

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I love Tara, but i allmost allways play her with freikorps >.>
The only use I can see in the nothing beast, which i do not use often , is to attack low willpower targets.
Look at all the other nice beaters we can get, rusty, killjoy, deso engine, bishop, strongarm. Nothing beast is just overshined...

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18 hours ago, SpiralngCadavr said:

I don't really feel there's anything epic in ressers for her past the summon upgrade (which I'll always take if I'm taking her as a resser), though she works with just about anything since I don't know of anything that doesn't benefit from extra AP.

Belles are great for Luring in an opposing model in order to Fastify everyone. Also, if you want to do a Tara bomb, Decaying Aura makes it a lot scarier. Outcasts give I Pay Better + Double Trappers and the Rat Outactivation System but other than that I feel that Ressers are quite a bit better for Tara.

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When I play Tara as an Outcast I usually take the theme models and play the aggressive bury / small hand game. I'm a fan of Nothing Beast, Scion, and Aionus. Though I've never taken all 3 at once. I generally play in a style the forces a lot of tests. Nothing Beast, and Aionus are pretty great at this. Tara uses Knowledge of Eternity combined with Dead of Winter to force a lot of essentially TN 15 or get buried tests. Once the enemy hand is low the cheap members of my crew can run schemes with ease.

As a resser I don't use much of the core crew, just Karina. Nothing Beast does love the grave spirit. I prefer crooligans to void wretches if I'm not playing the small hand / bury game.


I think if the NB was a henchman it would be OP. NB loves a defensive stance it can tar pit pretty well with a defensive stance and especially with 2. If it could prevent with stones, I think it would rarely die in my games.

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Iv'e had a lot of success with he following:

Tara: knowledge of eternity, survivalist, scramble, Aionus, Nothing beast, Malifaux child, Freikorp librarian, 3x void wretches 

Leaves 2ss for a cache of 6. The idea is that its a super control based gameplay. I usually take this in any heavy scheme marker manipulation games. Aionus is a pretty good beater with slow being handed out by the wretches and tara. The biggest trick is the ability to be super aggressive with tara, aionus and the nothing beast since the child can use pull the void on one of them you fail the bury check then heal yourself up with wretches. With survivalist giving you + flips to healing meaning tara heals very quickly. Overall it all plays as trying to make your opponent at least trade card for card with you since the crew becomes better the lower the control hands get. 



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It really depends, if they kill say a 3 SS model and your key model, and you do nothing.  IT is a bad trade, if they bring your key model near them and it kills some of their heavy hitters, it is a good trade.  I think the worse instance is if they kill a model far away from the action and unbury the model stranded somewhere.

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I generally strive to use different lists in each game, but when Aionus arrived I played a few in a row with the following crew to just see how it stacked up -

Tara, Dead of Winter, Knowledge of Eternity, Obliteration Symbiote beside Aionus, Death Marshal, Malifaux Child, 3 x Void Wretches, the Nothing Beast (with Void Shield)


I found that having Aionus in the crew allowed me to play much much more aggressive with my fast bubbling Tara than before. In one of the games I went a bit too crazy pinging everything with Pull the Void, but in that same game I learned Aionus supports Void Wretches like nobodies business (and therefore stopped doing so in sequential games). If I am to run the Time Lord, I consider him a 20ss model with 2 Nether Ticks always at his side. This crew obviously suffers from the usual problems inherent to its crew box, weakness to Ca attacks, blasts, glimpse allowing for enemy manipulation, but its really strong once Tara gets into the thick of it (which should be at the top of 2 if the situation warrants it).

Now to tinker with the list! I'd Consider swapping the Time Lord out for the Scion of the Void and making way for a Librarian in the Crew, probably at the expense of one void wretch. Hannah and the Nothing Beast are interchangeable at will, although I might pull an upgrade from Tara to allow for Hannahs Void Record to enter the mix. considering the strength of the debuff from Dead of Winter, I wouldn't hesitate to throw in a few of the Xroads Seven either, as quite a few of them use Ca attacks to deadly effect.

While Aionus is expensive, I don't really feel like he needs any upgrades (or haven't bothered to take any on him yet) so that keeps his cost static at least. SS for AP, he is a very solid investment if you actively use that aura to ping fast even just on turn 1. Those cards aren't gonna use themselves! This also lends great synergy with the void beasts in general. A Control hand is a lie! Have faith in the Heart of the Cards! Bwahaha

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