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Carrion Emissary and EOT effects



Okay, for example, I have a Carrion Emissary and Sebastian hiding behind his two Shard Markers. These markers are removed, per the rules on his card, at the end of the turn. Say I have two enemies in front of the shards, both with Poison.

My question is, as I dont have the rulebook handy, in what order do End of Turn effects resolve? Do the markers fall off prior to Poison/Burning ticking? Or vice versa? Or simultaneously? If simultaneously, are they then also affected by Sebastians aura of adding +2 damage to poison ticks if they are within range? 

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The effects are both resolved in the Upkeep step. The First player will resolve effects first, so if you are First Player then you will resolve the removal of the Shards first. The other player then resolves their model's effects, which will include Poison doing damage. At that point Sebastian's aura will result in the increased damage being taken by both models, as they are now within his aura. However, if the other player is First Player then he will take Poison damage before the Shards are removed, and so will be blocked from Sebastian's aura and only take 1 Damage each.

So the person who won initiative == First Player?

The person who went first that turn is the first player. 

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The effects are both resolved in the Upkeep step. The First player will resolve effects first, so if you are First Player then you will resolve the removal of the Shards first. The other player then resolves their model's effects, which will include Poison doing damage. At that point Sebastian's aura will result in the increased damage being taken by both models, as they are now within his aura. However, if the other player is First Player then he will take Poison damage before the Shards are removed, and so will be blocked from Sebastian's aura and only take 1 Damage each.

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The effects are both resolved in the Upkeep step. The First player will resolve effects first, so if you are First Player then you will resolve the removal of the Shards first. The other player then resolves their model's effects, which will include Poison doing damage. At that point Sebastian's aura will result in the increased damage being taken by both models, as they are now within his aura. However, if the other player is First Player then he will take Poison damage before the Shards are removed, and so will be blocked from Sebastian's aura and only take 1 Damage each.

So the person who won initiative == First Player?

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The effects are both resolved in the Upkeep step. The First player will resolve effects first, so if you are First Player then you will resolve the removal of the Shards first. The other player then resolves their model's effects, which will include Poison doing damage. At that point Sebastian's aura will result in the increased damage being taken by both models, as they are now within his aura. However, if the other player is First Player then he will take Poison damage before the Shards are removed, and so will be blocked from Sebastian's aura and only take 1 Damage each.

So the person who won initiative == First Player?


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