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The next big thing?


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So we got a campaign setting for malifaux. I thing I feel we need next is a good set of multi player rules. Not the team rules that we already have, but 3 way and 4 man free for alls! I already know all the nay sayer will be here talking about the game being too balanced and no way you could do rules like that, but I feel we could pull them off. 5 new multi player strategies and 6 new multi player schemes. All skirmish games need multi player rules. And I mean more than what was in the Strategies and Scheme deck. 

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I've tried lots of 3-way games/scenarios for 2-players native games in the past (not Malifaux) and usually they didn't work as well as hoped. The first that come to mind among the well working ones is HeroScape. Quite a simple game, but not a stupid one, and it really did work great for 3-players battles. The hexed-terrain helped that, and lead me to think about a hex-shaped table for traditional miniature games. Would it help balancing 3-players games? i.e. deploying on alternating sides, so every player is equally far from each other and the center.

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-laughs- Oh no, I would never call for someone else to do something like this, I got the creative skills to handle it. I more wanted to see how many ripples it caused when I tossed the idea into a pond. As a die hard fan of skirmish games, from Mordheim, Necromunda, Confrontation, Warlord, and Chainmail (see who remembers that one), multi player games have always been the rules set that came out shortly after the game was release. When you are playing with a group of minis that small, there is always feeling of getting in a 4 man free for all to see who is best. There is also times (and I suffer from this the most) when there is an odd man out, thus the 3 way. Going to put the old noodle to this one and see what happens.  

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The multiplayer scenarios from Chronicles that I remember were for 1.5, close to the changeover to M2E and were pretty good! Might be fun to craft some more asymmetrical scenarios, where a much smaller force is protected by a larger one until they complete a certain objective against another larger force.

Still got to give that Raethford Story mission a go too...

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Here's my attempt at a 4-player ruleset. I don't think I'd actually play a 4 player game but hey, theory is fun.

Always corner deployment.

Initiative and deployment order simply go from highest to lowest (choose to reflip from lowest to highest). Any time that you would require a single opponent to do something, it's first the target of the action if applicable, otherwise the next in initiative order.

"Diagonal" refers to the two centrelines that can be drawn in a 2 player corner deployment game. A specific crew's diagonal is this line starting from the corner in their deployment zone up to the centre of the table.

A crew's table quarter is the quarter their deployment zone is in (drawn as in reconnoiter)

"Quarter Edge" refers to the two centrelines that can be drawn in a 2 player standard deployment game.


:crowThin The Herd: "There's too many of them! Fire at will!"

Victory points: At the end of each turn after the first, a crew earns 1VP if it killed or sacrificed at least one model from two or more enemy crews.

:mask Outpost: "We've gone and put our stuff near theirs again, haven't we?"

Setup:, place a 50mm Outpost marker 14" from each table quarter, on each diagonal. This marker is Ht3 impassible blocking terrain and is considered friendly to the crew whose table quarter it is placed in.

Victory Points: At the end of each turn after the first, a crew earns 1VP if it has at least one model within 6" of two non-friendly Outpost markers.

:tomeGrab the Stones: "They're just lying there! Let's grab 'em!"

Setup: Place a 30mm Stone marker in the centre of the table. Place four more Stone markers, one on each quarter edge, 2" from the centre. A model in base contact with a Stone marker can take a (1) interact action to place the marker within 3".

Victory Points: At the end of each turn after the first, a crew earns 1VP if its table quarter contains one or more Stone markers.

:ram Fight For Territory: "Everyone seriously wants a piece of this land!?"

Setup: Place a 30mm Territory marker in the centre of the table.

Victory Points: At the end of each turn after the first, a crew earns 1VP if it has 2 or more models within 8" of the Territory marker.

Jokers Ready For Action: "We gotta make sure we're ready to fight." "What about actually fighting?" "No no, none of that"

Victory Points: At the end of each turn after the first, the crews with the most and second most unengaged non-peon models each earn 1VP. If there is a tie for the most unengaged non-peon models, crews with the second most do not earn a VP.



Triangulation: At the end of the game, this crew earns 2 VPs if it has a scheme marker on each opponent's diagonal, at least 6" from the centre of the table. If this scheme is revealed, if a crew has at least one scheme marker on one opponent's diagonal at least 6" from the centre, it earns an additional VP.

Last Man Standing: At the end of the game, if this crew's leader is still in play, it earns 1VP for each enemy leader that is no longer in play. This scheme does not benefit from being revealed.

Protect Territory: At the end of the game, this crew earns 1 VP for each scheme marker that is at least 8" from its deployment zone and has at least one friendly non-peon model within 2" of it. Scheme markers with more enemy models than friendly models within 2" do not count for this Scheme. If this Scheme is revealed and this crew earns at least 2VP from this scheme, it earns an additional 1VP.

Messenger: This crew's non-leader non-peon models may take a (2) interact action targeting any enemy Enforcer, Henchman or Master that they are engaged with to reveal this scheme and score 1VP. This action may only target each enemy crew once. If this scheme is revealed and this crew earns at least 1VP from this scheme, it earns an additional 1VP.

That's all I've got for schemes for now. Need more scheme marker ones imo.

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