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Pine Box and Tara



I have been experimenting with Tara lately, and I've got a rules question regarding bury mechanics.

1) Death Marshall buries Model A using Pine Box

2) Model A is unburied later in the turn by Model B (e.g. Tara or Scion of the Void) before the Death Marshall has to check Pine Box again (either by dying, activating, etc)

3a) Model A is buried again somehow (perhaps by Tara again).  Does the Pine Box still check it's unbury timing (i.e. the Death Marshall dies, activates, or tries to Pine Box) if the model it originally buried has been..."re-buried" by something else?

3b) The Death Marshall takes the Pine Box action against model A sometime before it activates again (via Obey or something similar) and succeeds, burying Model A.  However, it has just taken the Pine Box action again though, so wouldn't the model just pop back out again due to the rules of the first Pine Box?


I feel like I'm overthinking this, and the new bury timing would just overwrite the original Pine Box, but I'm not sure.  Any thoughts, rules gurus?

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If the unbury effect is permanent, then it makes the most sense for Pine Box to "expire" or stop resolving.

If you unbury something temporarily, then it would make more sense for Pine Box to not expire and still resolve.  I could have sworn that Tara or someone else had an effect that let them unbury a model, punch it or make it do something, and then bury it.  But I can't find anything like that at the moment.


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