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Models that you thought weren't great but have surprised you.


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So i've been using the firestarter in my local campaign and he has been an absolute hero for me picking up vp's all over the place along with setting people on fire for my gunsmith to unload on and doing a decent bit of damage by himself.


When i first saw his card i was underwhelmed but he's proved me massively wrong, so any other models you've not been to sure of but been great once you worked them out?

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I was a passionate hater of Angelica, until I played her six times in a row at a tournament, preferably with Practiced Performance on her. She didn't do anything sensational, but every game she helped my other models accomplish unlikely things. So she became a keeper, and she sits in my case as a reminder that the single goal of the game is to collect VPs.

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Odd for Arcanists, but Sue. I always liked him in theory, but his cost was just enough to keep him out of lists due to the in faction models he competes against.

When I finally started taking him, I fell in love with his crazy versatile (and super damaging) guns, ruthless, bonus occasional burning and Hurt is just *fantastic*

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Might seem odd, but for me it was the Captain. When I started playing, I didn't see much worth in his pushing skills and thought of him as bit too fraqile and expensive guy with a nice hammer, that can light things on fire. As I matured as a player I learned the importance of positioning and began to value his skills more and more. Then I played a single game where I could justify him over Joss and now I'm in love with the guy.

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