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Multiple blasts - how much damage



Hi All. New to this forums and to the game itself. After a couple of games I've grasped most o fthe rules, but one section is a bit hard to me. How do I resolve multiple blasts in terms of damage? I know how to place them and basic mechanism of which severity to use. My doubts are how many times the damage is applied. Let's say Rasputina pulled off severe damage on one of her spells. We'll use 50mm marker, place it touching the target base(let's say it is Mr. Graves), it overlaps also a Beckoner. What if I place the second blst in such way that I:

- touch the first blast marker

- touch/overlap Mr. Graves

- touch overlap the Beckoner

How ,uch damage do Mr. Graves and Beckoner receive? Is it two times 5 for Mr. Graves(not resolving Armour yet) and two times 4 for Beckoner? Or maybe 5 dmg and 4 dmg for Mr. Graves and two times 4 for Beckoner or only 5 for Mr. Graves and 4 for the Beckoner?

I'm asking this because rules aren't too specific how to handle multiple blasts. They describe how to place blasts, but they are missing information about the outcome of being covered by more than 1 blast at a given time. Could somebody tell me how it should be resolved?

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To quote the little rulebook (page 59) "It is important to note that the original target does not take damage twice from the Attack. The Blast is place, and then all models suffer damage as noted above. Remember, th Red Joker's damae is stepped down to moderate (not severe) damage."

Although it's not brought up specifically in this question, it is also worth noting that on the same page it mentions that in cases where the order in which damage occurs, the Attacker my determine in which order the blast effects are resolved.

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The rules for blasts on page 50 of the rulebook actually answers all of your questions and has a nice little example.

The original target suffers damage as normal and is unaffected by the blast markers (at least the damage part). Any model touched by one or more markers are affected. A model affected suffers damage that is one step lower than what the attack flipped against the original target.

The trick is to remember that all the markers only tell you who has been hit, they aren't individual sources of damage.

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3 hours ago, Unbiasedmeeple said:

Can a second blast overlap the target model?

I don't think the first blast can overlap the model, but I am unsure if the second one can or not.

The second blast won't affect the target model at all:

On 2015/10/30 at 9:36 AM, Guslado said:

To quote the little rulebook (page 59) "It is important to note that the original target does not take damage twice from the Attack. The Blast is place, and then all models suffer damage as noted above. Remember, the Red Joker's damage is stepped down to moderate (not severe) damage."

but the second blast only has to be in base contact with other blast markers:


If multiple blasts are generated (such as :blast:blast), each blast must be placed so that it is touching, but not overlapping, at least one other Blast Marker.

which was FAQ'd reinforced with:


50) Q: When an Attack generates multiple Blast Markers, do all of the Markers need to be placed in base contact with the target?

A: No. Only the first Marker placed must be placed in base contact with the target. Subsequent Markers are placed in base contact with other Blast Markers, but do not need to be placed in base contact with the target (unless the model or Action specifies otherwise).

So, on one hand there are effects which specify that all of the blasts have to be in base contact with the target (like Willie's Dropped Load).  On the other hand, for the ones don't, the distinction between "touched" and "overlapped" doesn't usually matter for blasts because:


All models whose bases are touched or overlapped by one or more Blast Markers are affected, unless the model is more than 3" above or below the blast's target.

(so the target is already affected by the blast because it's touching the first blast marker) and the 'does not take damage twice' quote sort of eliminate a reason to walk a blast over the target unless you're trying to get a bunch of models that all surround the target.


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53 minutes ago, solkan said:

So, on one hand there are effects which specify that all of the blasts have to be in base contact with the target (like Willie's Dropped Load). 

Hmm, I've taken the "Follow the normal rules for placing Blast Markers." part of Dropped Load to mean that you can daisy chain them away from Willie. I don't think Dropped Load implies that they all have to be in base contact more strongly than the normal rules did before the FAQ.

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