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(2) Rapid Fire and focus.



If i have 3 AP like say with a gunsmith with fast and focus before taking the rapid fire action do the 3 attacks from rapid fire benefit from the focus? Asking as my gunsmith picked up the fan the hammer skill upgrade in my local mali campaign.

Edited by bertmac
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1) Q: If a model has the Focus +1 Condition, can it remove the Condition at the start of a Charge Action in order to gain the bonus to all Attacks generated by the Charge Action?

A: No. It would have to remove the Condition at the start of a single Attack which was generated by Charge and it would only gain the bonus for the duration of that Attack. Other Actions which generate Attack Actions (such as Flurry, Rapid Fire, etc) function in the same way in regards to Focus.

From the FAQ, the very first question, for the record.


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Another thing to note about focus is that you can take the focus action multiple times, but when you remove the condition to use on an Action you have to remove all of it.

With Guild Rifleman you Focus(1 action) then Focus(0 action due to Dashel) for a total of Focus +2. You then use your attack action to fire. That attack now has Focus +2 applied.

It cannot be split up between actions.

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