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Is anyone altering their cards?


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Since I have a lot of Wave 1 models, many images on my stat cards don't fit the models they represent.

I considered cutting out the picture of the old cards and glueing it on the new ones, but I guess it would look pretty shitty.


So I wanted to check if someone around here also has such "problem" (yeah, what world are we living in where I'd dare to call such a thing "problem" ...) and found a better solution for this.

Would be great to read, thanks a lot ;)

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I've done exactly what you you describe, only using blue tack rather than glue to preserve the card. It does make the card bulge a little, but is perfectly acceptable (to me).

Previously, I would put little notes in the corner (and still do that for some models like arachnids). For instance, my metal performers, one painted green and one painted blue, have the letter B/G written in the corner of the sleeve they're in. My silent ones have the same thing for the color of their pants. The arachnids have little codes based on the sculpt (old, alt, new) and base type (secret weapon urban ruins, so steps, dents, corner, etc.) so OC would be old sculpt on the street corner base. Used to do the same thing with my gamin before I printed the old pictures (based on the pose and the like).

Just something that's worked for me *shrug*

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I kitbashed three Void Wretches before they got a non-Nightmare release and as there is only one VW card in the arsenal I had to do extra cards anyway. So I took close up photos of their heads and extracted card graphics from the high res wave 2 beta files and made up the cards in a DTP program.

For my Steam Arachnids I paint numbers on the base rim, then cut up the sticky part of post it notes and write the numbers on it and stick it on under the sleeve.

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Its hard to tell which model is which from the pictures on some of the Wave 2 cards (Thunder Archers especially.)  I put a small strip of post-it note on the bottom of their pic with a "name".  The name is based on the miniatures appearance.  One of my Hollow Waif's dresses reminds me of a girl in a santa suit, so her name is "Santa".  I put a stick on the base of one of my Archers so his name is "Stick".  Etc...  

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Did a couple, but since I usually don't use too many copies of the same thing (I like variety ^^) I soon realized it was quite superfluous, so now I use cards as they are, eventually marking them someway.

On a side note, I mark on cards (with felt pen) stacking conditions, too, because while I like my tokens, too many of them are a hassle, so I write on cards things as Poison or Burning.

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