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Unboxing Malifaux - 'Dead Rider'


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The head doesn't seem uncharacteristically large to me. The horse is just very thin with all that decaying flesh and whatnot. With the way a horse's jaw is built, the open mouth also makes the head appear significantly larger. The thing growing out from its forehead seems kind of unnecessary though.

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I agree in that I like the metal version better. 

I find the pose on this one to be very confused, the horse's front two legs suggests it's rearing up, but the back to look don't follow this at all (this is a common them with the Mech Rider too).  If it's running, the either only one leg should be on the ground or one front and one back leg.  Otherwise, if it's rearing, the back to legs should be together and bent backwards.  I think it'd look better reared up even higher with him leaning forward into the swing. 

Also his cloak is way to flat, I'd much rather it billowing out behind him.  I also don't really care for the unicorn horn (easily fixed though!)

It's not all bad though, I do really like the rider's pose.  I just prefer my converted one better!


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