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Have 'Dita and Justice, where to go from here?


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So I have a newb question - what to buy? I'm sure Wyrd would like me to buy "all the things," and I may get to that point eventually, but let's take this in baby steps.

Currently I have the M2E core book and the Dita/Justice box sets. What models are good expansions? Also, are the supplemental books worth getting?

Sorry for the simplistic questions, and thanks for any advice up front!

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Hoffman's box gives you some useful models in the Guardian, Hunter, and Watcher. Sonnia also has a pretty good crew box. In terms of non-master stuff, Austringers are a solid Guild piece that can find a home in most lists. The Lone Marshal is pretty handy as a fast, durable scheme runner (he's also in theme for Justice!). Some people malign Executioners (and not without some reason) but they're still fun to play, and you've got Death Marshals already for the Pine Box delivery trick. Personally, I think the plastic models are fantastic as well.

The expansion books aren't strictly necessary, since everything comes with the relevant cards anyway, but they're still useful to have for seeing what the new stuff does, running proxies before you buy, etc.

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List of things you should get in no particular order:

Abuela Ortega


Hounds (once they are out in plastic)

Wardens (once out again)

Hoffman box


Sonnia box



General Upgrade Deck

These things will keep you occupied and competitive for a long time. No need to get everything at once either.

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Austringers really are good. They're the kind of unit that, if not going to win you the game, then can definitely accomplish a strat/scheme for you and win some points. 

You already have The Judge and Francisco, which I've found are two of the best units in the game, let alone Guild. 

One more suggestion: come over to the bayou. We're like the guild, but with more booze and we have more fun.

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One more suggestion: come over to the bayou. We're like the guild, but with more booze filth and we have more no one has fun.

Just fixed it up a bit for you. 

Trixie looks fun. Just sayin...

Well with the T'n'A that Trixie brings to the table I suppose some moderate awkward fun is bound to be had? 

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I think people forget about McCabe as Guild nearly as much as McMourning, especially with the more iconic LadyJ, Perdy, Sonnia and Lucius seemingly epitomising the faction a lot more.

His versatility is so fun! I really do want to find another Master other than Lynch who can make the Wastrels more worthwhile though. As you say, other than Sidir there's not much his box really brings to other crews.

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I thought about McCabe, but I didn't put him on the list because the stuff on there would be useful for every Master, and the OP specified that he doesn't want to hear "Buy everything!". McCabe is pretty great. I think Sonnia, Dita and McCabe are our holy trinity.

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McMourning is good in Guild, but his box set is not that great if you don't want to dip into Ressers. Pretty much like Lucius' box in Neverborn. I also agree with your list of personal preference. I like Dita theme-wise but I hesitate to play her. She's very hard on noobs.

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I think as far as themes and models in question, not game play, Lucius is becoming more and more a personal favourite of mine. Right there with Mcmourning and Seamus. Game wise. Well he has some seriously great mechanics and the basic idea how he works is pretty good. He just came out very underpowered from the beta and kinda seems like he came out half finished. Which is a huge shame. 

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I think as far as themes and models in question, not game play, Lucius is becoming more and more a personal favourite of mine. Right there with Mcmourning and Seamus. Game wise. Well he has some seriously great mechanics and the basic idea how he works is pretty good. He just came out very underpowered from the beta and kinda seems like he came out half finished. Which is a huge shame. 

Agreed on that, too. He is quite satisfying to play when he works... but hugely frustrating when he doesn't.

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McCabe is honestly not that complicated - or at least I don't find him to be. He's super fast and always has the right tool for the job. The only real question is figuring out how late to hold his 8 AP turn of doom...

Hoffman is McCabe's massively more touchy brother-in-mechanics - he requires much more specific placement and setup, but is arguably more devastating when things go right.

Edited by admiralvorkraft
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