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Desolate Soul: Levi or Rusty?

Rurouni Benshin

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Hi everyone,

Wondering who you'd put the "Desolate Soul" upgrade on.  I've only played with the upgrade once so far, and it was on Levi, who unfortunately never got the chance to use it during the game.  My logic for putting it on him was the fact that he can ignore Hard to Kill and Hard to Wound with his ranged attack, and he's got choices for all suits on triggers with it.  I imagine that having Rusty use it would be a good idea as well, so long as I had the right suit to finish the target.  Coupled by her ability to Rapid Fire, it would've seemed like a "no brainer" to put it on her, but despite that, I still put it on Levi.

Looking for some insight as to how you've used the upgrade, and who you find benefits most from it.


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I've yet to play him with Pariah of Bone yet, but Rotten Belles would make his crew scary, I'm sure.  I just can't say no to the Mechanical Rider, is all. :P

I hadn't realized it wasn't a Rare upgrade.  For some reason, since I only had one copy of the card, I imagined only 1 of them could use it.  But the Rotten Belle strategy does seem to work nice though...

Thanks guys!

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I always take it on Leveticus and pretty often on Rusty Alyce as well.  Her gun is quite powerful and decently accurate, and between the two of them I can usually get an Abomination running about in the middle of my opponent's crew.  Even if they kill it outright, that's still denying them a scrap/corpse marker they may have needed and if it's a scrap marker then A&D can push to it as a (0).  Because, ya know, A&D needs more mobility.  :D

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Daniello definitely gave the short and sweet of it.  Ashes & Dust turns Leveticus and his crew up to 11.  It allows Leveticus to use his alternate (0) action to either draw cards or reposition without permanently sacrificing a model, A&D gets added mobility from scrap markers generated by dead Abominations or by Rusty Alyce dropping them, Leveticus can freely fire into combat where A&D is and doesn't care if he hits A&D because it just generates more attacks, when A&D splits it is now two models for the sake of scoring VP, it can be worthwhile to leave them split if the Core is safe because the Storm is actually better in melee than the full A&D, etc.

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Desolate Soul works really well on both Leve and/or Rusty, so you really can't make a bad choice there.  I always try to ask myself what those two models' main job is during the game when I'm choosing upgrades.  Sometimes I use Rusty in more of a support role (Burn Out, summoning, etc.), and I won't bring Desolate Soul then.  Otherwise, it's really good on both models.

Like Kirby says, A&D turbocharges Leve's crew.  A favorite tactic of mine is to walk A&D 10" up the side of the board, have Leve teleport to it using Rebirth, and then have Leve murderize something that deployed right on the edge of my opponent's deployment zone.  Then A&D simply reforms at the end of the turn in a nice place to affect the game. It's fast, tough, doesn't ever die if you position it well, provides activation control, and can summon.  One thing people often miss is that the Dust Storm and Ashen Core are very useful pieces on their own.  The Core can give something like Lazarus or the Mech Rider Fast or drain your opponent's hand with lots of simple duels, while the Storm has a high damage output and is highly resistant to being killed.  

One thing to keep in mind is that all three pieces are immune to conditions, meaning that Rusty CAN use Burnout on them, but it will only reduce them to 1 Wd with no other effect.  I realize that Kirby already said everything that I did, but I really wanted to write the word "murderize"...

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If you take Scout the Field on Leve, you can walk an additional 4" with Ashes and Dust. Its pretty neat to have Leve shoot once with needing LoS in order to Snipe out anything with 4 wounds; like most runners have. And if the target is right, getting half wounds of an enemy master isn't that bad either.

Edited by Patzer
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lol, I totally read that with his voice in my mind too...

Wow, these are all great tactics, guys!  Thanks!  However, I do have one question...  If he's immune to all conditions, what would the benefit be for using Rusty's "Burn Out" on him?  Other than needing him to die, so that Ashen Core and Dust Storm appear, is there another benefit?

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Yeah, I can see how that'd definitely be ridiculous.  So the only thing he can't do when he's summoned is Interact then, with the only exception being on his first activation on the turn after he's summoned..  Essentially, you're getting 2 activations out of him each turn (provided he dies anyway).  Wow... *lol*... I feel kind of bad that I know all of this now... :P

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I always make sure to use Leve's Rebirth to sacrifice A&D every turn, unless I really need to summon a Waif or recycle Leve. There's nothing wrong with keeping Leve on the table in M2E as long as he has enough wounds to fuel Channel if you plan to attack with him next turn.

And technically, you get 4 activation out of him each turn that he dies: A&D activation 1, Ashen Core, Dust Storm, A&D activation 2. 

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Ashes and dust is summoned at the end of the turn, so doesn't get a second activation in that turn. So its just the 3. (anything else leads to the potential for infinite Ashes and dust activations, which I belive is seen as bad...)


On the plus side becasue it is summoned at the end of turn, it can interact next turn, so you can still interact every turn even if it dies every time

Edited by Adran
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I've only rarely used levis teleport to construct ability.

Every turn after the first is channel burn for ram shoot, channel shoot, channel burn for crow shoot make abomination draw card from tally sheet discard card for effigies get a stone ability, make waif.

Keeping him more than a turn means you're either losing a waif, or not channeling.

Exception is when I walk A&D or something to teleport to it turn 1 to kill a from the shadows dude or something. Then turn 2 he takes a couple pot shots and makes a waif.

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