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Grimjaw and company


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I can see orderly's actually working with Lucius. Kind of a poor man's illuminated in Guild. The self healing and potential card cycling can really help him not kill his own crew.


Dr Grimjaw himself is super fast, but he has no defense :(. Still the potential to add Soulstones is nice, In terms of raw damage though or support kind of hard to fit him in over The Judge,


Need to think more on Nurse Heartsbane

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McMourning is an obvious go to flavor wise. 

Nurse Heartsbane's movement shenanigans and taking away attack actions on enemy models? Doug loves that. It makes the things he's stabbing not stab back. Team her up with a pair of Nurses and they can tie up a few enemy models very nicely with attack action denial. 

Plus, Doc McMourning can make Doc Grimwell ignore armor, which is nice, especially on an attack that can do 4/6/10… Grimwell has nimble too, so taking both Doctors and Heartsbane with a couple nurses gives you a big old bag of hefty movement tricks filled with sharp, sharp objects. 

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McMourning uses the asylum to store Seamus till he can put himself back together in the m2e resser story.

I assume this would mean a working relationship between the two.


While useful to Lucius it doesn't seem befitting of his station, Criid...well they have the witch hunter type but unless it's in the chronicles it doesn't state how or why they are witchhunters or why the asylum would be under her jurisdiction.

So fluff wise I feel the good doctors have more in common and are more likely to liase than other masters.

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