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Struggle to get a win


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Really Really focus on schemes and strategy. It's really easy to loose focus and try to go for kills, but Kirai and Molly are not about kills per se.

Come to think of it I'd argue that this is true of Resurrectionists as a whole, only Seamus and McMourning are decent at straight-up killing stuff, barring certain Yan Lo playstyles, and even then they're not exactly Lady J or anything. Rezers are a faction focused on support and control playstyles, and really shine when you play smart and to the objectives, at least in my experience. Basically remember that none of our casters are Rasputina or Kaeris, Seamus isn't Von Schill, and McMourning isn't Lady Justice and they'll work wonders. Play Smart and Steal a Good-Looking Corpse. 

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Come to think of it I'd argue that this is true of Resurrectionists as a whole, only Seamus and McMourning are decent at straight-up killing stuff, barring certain Yan Lo playstyles, and even then they're not exactly Lady J or anything. Rezers are a faction focused on support and control playstyles, and really shine when you play smart and to the objectives, at least in my experience. Basically remember that none of our casters are Rasputina or Kaeris, Seamus isn't Von Schill, and McMourning isn't Lady Justice and they'll work wonders. Play Smart and Steal a Good-Looking Corpse. 


As a whole I am finding that there aren't many really versatile minions in ressers like in other factions. If you have great minions for schemes they usually are weak on the combat side. If they are good combatants usually they are Melee focused. Even Enforcers are more focused, not like the Peacekeeper that is resilient, good in combat and has scheme markers mechanics.

Last game I suddenly realized I was playing with Belles, crooligans, flesh construct, Datsue ba...only real powerhouse was Izamu and when I looked at the other side... Witchling stalkers... Executioner...hunters...I thought...man I'm done for, all of those are good in combat, have range, and work with scheme markers... only focusing on strategy and schemes saved me, and only because I think my opponent didn't focused on them...

And I am thinking... damn where is the balance? Control is fine but if you don't kill something you won't balance your own losses.

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a whole I am finding that there aren't many really versatile minions in ressers like in other factions. If you have great minions for schemes they usually are weak on the combat side. If they are good combatants usually they are Melee focused. Even Enforcers are more focused, not like the Peacekeeper that is resilient, good in combat and has scheme markers mechanics.

Last game I suddenly realized I was playing with Belles, crooligans, flesh construct, Datsue ba...only real powerhouse was Izamu and when I looked at the other side... Witchling stalkers... Executioner...hunters...I thought...man I'm done for, all of those are good in combat, have range, and work with scheme markers... only focusing on strategy and schemes saved me, and only because I think my opponent didn't focused on them...

And I am thinking... damn where is the balance? Control is fine but if you don't kill something you won't balance your own losses.

The balance? They can kill our models.... and we can replace them :D No body beats Resurrs in attrition.

A Nurse is always helpful, need Datsu to kill something, Dose her up with +2 Ml damage and she can still Weigh Sins to summon a Gaki/Onryo into play (assuming you hit the triggers) 



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Molly requires enemy models to bunch up for survivable summons, but that's not a big issue as she can summon in again. If the enemy is wasting AP killing the summons they are spending less AP on completing there Strats and schemes. That's always a win.

Seamus can only summon Rotten Belles and Dead Doxies, but they come in with full health. Your opponent dropped your Belle (which takes time unless they are using their real damage dealers to do so) you can bring her back for a zero action. 

Wound wise, Nurse and Chiaki are options to heal our models, and Sloth can heal in return for Slow.  

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I'v been getting quite a bit of millage out of Guild Autopsies lately.

Not saying they will games outright but for four stones are a bargain really esp when using their sh5 against big targets with low defence to soften them up.Plus wk5 and regen from poison and handing out poison make these pretty good hires imo.

I def would reiterate everyones comments about belles as they are just so useful they are pretty much auto include for me now.

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Where's the balance? Belle's are harder to kill than most Guild models (not minions, models) and that durability goes for pretty much the whole faction. I'd kill for an 8 wound model with HtK for 5ss - and one that destroys my opponents positioning game without even trying? Yes please. Ressers are also one of the faster factions with Belle's and Doxies on the board, and summoning is a crazy powerful mechanic - it's generally hard to get more than one kill a turn against a careful player, and activation control is massively important... I'll grant you it's not so much with Kirai because she doesn't generate extra wounds, but everyone else can at least replace their losses.

Guild kills things, but they're forced to do it in a really predictable way. Neverborn are fast and hit like a ton of bricks but if you land a hit on them they melt. Outcasts are generally self-sufficient, but they're really expensive and their masters are all low cache. Arcanists love their armor but lack other defenses. 10 Thunders have all the strengths and weaknesses of every other faction depending on the master. Gremlins... I guess if you manage to kill the slop haulers they're pretty balanced.

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I feel like the biggest trap of playing Nico is attempting to heal anything. That is wasted ap as far as I am concerned. I will try to summon as many models as I have cards and corpses to and if short on either will make things fast around him. I have had great success with Nico as he is my primary competitive master that I run and to give a sample of a list that I run with the new strats would be


Nico - Maniacal Laugh, Undertaker

Mortimer - Corpse Bloat


Bete Noir - sometimes Unnerving Aura


Belle x 2

Yin or Toshiro depending on strat

With this list I am very survivable with the models I have while being able to control the board and summon in what I need where I need it to intercept and hassle the enemy. I tend to summon and make a fast shikome turn 2-3 to help with any scheme running. Summon Hanged. If your summon does nothing but tie up a model and eat their ap to kill it you have won, as Nico will activate and summon another model up out of it's corpse marker to keep that model tied up. Mindless zombies are great at eating activations and shambling over and hassling models.

I find the reason I am able to win most of my games is that I will control activations starting turn 3 and using Nico and his ability to summon and hand out fast will have far more ap than my opponent. With these two things under your control it makes scoring Strat and schemes that much easier as you can react better to your opponents activations. Hope this helps and good luck with Nico, he is a great master with the way he is able to summon in so many silver bullets for specific situations.

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I feel like the biggest trap of playing Nico is attempting to heal anything. That is wasted ap as far as I am concerned. I will try to summon as many models as I have cards and corpses to and if short on either will make things fast around him. I have had great success with Nico as he is my primary competitive master that I run and to give a sample of a list that I run with the new strats would be


Nico - Maniacal Laugh, Undertaker

Mortimer - Corpse Bloat


Bete Noir - sometimes Unnerving Aura


Belle x 2

Yin or Toshiro depending on strat

With this list I am very survivable with the models I have while being able to control the board and summon in what I need where I need it to intercept and hassle the enemy. I tend to summon and make a fast shikome turn 2-3 to help with any scheme running. Summon Hanged. If your summon does nothing but tie up a model and eat their ap to kill it you have won, as Nico will activate and summon another model up out of it's corpse marker to keep that model tied up. Mindless zombies are great at eating activations and shambling over and hassling models.

I find the reason I am able to win most of my games is that I will control activations starting turn 3 and using Nico and his ability to summon and hand out fast will have far more ap than my opponent. With these two things under your control it makes scoring Strat and schemes that much easier as you can react better to your opponents activations. Hope this helps and good luck with Nico, he is a great master with the way he is able to summon in so many silver bullets for specific situations.

I agree. I used to make 2 corpses then make a Punk or whatever, then sac the other marker to heal it to full. mistake. Flood the board with bodies for the extra AP, and just re-summon once theyre up the board. 

In turf war, I have good success with Izamu and GY Spirit. Especially if you can nab an early Flesh Construct. Use those 50mm bases to hide GY Spirit and have an Armor 4 Izamu and Armor 2 Fleshie that just tarpit so well. Unnerving Aura helps too on Izamu so no one wants to try to get at them. If I heal anyone, and Izamu cant heal himself enough, I will Decay on Izamu a bit. Or Decay on Flesh to get a straight flip to cheat and throw down templates on enemies and friends for mass healing if necessary. Just using 1AP, as you said for healing, is silly. 

Crooligans and Belles are amazing. Crooligans place markers and eventually become corpses up the field. I still need to get Shikome, they look fantastic! 

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I will second the corpse engine trap. Try to avoid thinking of how any models can I summon a turn and how can I get corpse markers. Get a couple of corpse markers down if you feel the need (I don't even take Mortimer much) and then focus purely on your VPs. Do you need to use 2-3 models AP to create a corpse and then bring in a new model (likely to get into combat) or is there a better use of that AP to get you VPs right now?

Corpse Engine is a huge trap for Nicodem Players and many opponents expect it. 

I am just not seeing this Corpse Engine as a trap. I think you do not understand Nicodem, his best buffs happen whether he spends AP or not. + to ML and Def flips is fantastic. His removing slow aura is fantastic. Those all happen no matter what he does during his activation meaning this is reliable and unless he dies there is no need to worry about it. Making models fast can be a great help if you are in a tight spot and need that student or punk to kill something dead, otherwise you are just trading one AP for one AP, that does not make the crew more efficient at anything. I understand that there are variable ways to play masters, but I definitely do not think this is a trap, it makes Nico who he is and what makes him my favorite master

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