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Ironsides and Shikome



Shikome attempts to charge a poisoned Gunsmith with her last AP.  Her Scent of Death ability lets her do this as a (1) action if the target is poisoned.


However, at the time she declared the charge, she was within Ironsides' Come Get Some :aura   Come Get Some says "enemy models within 6 :aura  which decalred a Walk or Charge Action must pass a TN 13 Wp duel.  If they fail and the action was a charge, it must target this model, if able." (i.e. Ironsides)


Shikome fails the Wp duel.  What happens?


a) Shikome cannot charge Ironsides, and the Charge action outright fails.

B) Shikome charges Ironsides as a (1) instead of the Gunsmith and makes her attacks as normal.

c) Shikome cannot legally charge Ironsides, and therefore may charge the Gunsmith as a (1) and make her attacks as normal.


I want to say it is option C, but I am not sure.  Any thoughts?

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If they fail and the action was a charge, it must target this model, if able.


Well since it doesn't say anything about the actual charge failing if they won't be able to target Ironsides I suppose the Shikome just charges the original target. 

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I think the Shikome would charge Ironsides, and spend only 1 AP.

When the Shikome takes the Come Get Some test, the Action has already been declared and AP has been spent. At that point, the Charge doesn't care if it's a (1) or (2) - it's simply a Charge. If the Shikome can move to engage Ironsides, it's a valid Charge - if not, it will Charge the Gunsmith.

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I personally would go with B ), the Shikome charges Ironsides as a (1). This is because the action has been declared, and Ap has been spend. 


I am mostly basing this of the FAQ's answer for "Of Pity and Wind" when spirits wouldn't be legal targets, but became legal when switched. The only time I would say the Shikome wouldn't charge Ironsides is if the charge couldn't be made for some reason. (No charges may end in this :aura , for example)

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The Gunsmith was the target when she declared the action. The way I read it, is that the poison condition is the requirement for the Shikome to generate a charge action. After Shikome does this, then Ironsides aura kicks in, and if she failed, she would already have generated the charge, thus not needing the poison anymore to complete the charge, as the poison condition was just the prerequisite for being able to declare the action in the first place.


So, she charges Ironsides, if a legal charge can be made (movement wise)

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Yeah, "If they fail and the Action was a Charge, it must target this model, if able." seems to me to be "If they fail and the Action was a Charge, Change the target of the Charge to Ironsides, if the charge can reach her" since the game has that thing about not allowing charges that are out of range.


The AP has already been spent, that doesn't change.

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