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Death Marshal --> Fransisco Conversion WIP

Da Git

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SO I have the Lady J box & I want to use Fransisco but don't want to buy the box.  I also love Gigantor's (the giant crouching Death Marshal) pose but don't want to use him as a Death Marshal as the scale is off... I also wanted to use his casket for Lady J to stand on since she's so tiny.


With the stars seemingly aligning perfectly, I suddenly had the idea of chopping off Gigantor's hand & replacing it with a sword would make a great Fransisco!


Super simple conversion, I used a Warhammer High Elf Shadow Warrior's sword (my stocks are limited, my main bits box is in another country!).  At first I was skeptical but now I really like it as between Lady J's katana, Judge's gun-sword, it makes a nice mystical looking blade (an Old Malifaux relic perhaps?). 


The big one here is do I give him the flaming head & the Death Marshals the normal heads or vice-versa (they have to have opposites to help distinguish them).  Thoughts?


I've Christened (somewhat fittingly) him Priest (terrible movie, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine!)


Here're some pictures:






Yes, I know he needs some cleaning (it's amazing how much photos bring out mold lines!).  I also want to convert the chain so it's attached to the sword's pommel. 


What do you think? Thoughts on the heads?


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I like the idea, but I do think he needs his hat. A sombrero is kind of his thing in my eyes. lol. The sword looks okay. I'm guessing once it's painted up, it will look just fine. And the easiest way to keep him distinguished from the other marshals (aside from the lack of coffin) is probably to give the other two the flaming heads.

Also, huge bonus points if you sculpt him the facial hair!!!

can't wait to see this painted up!

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Ok, I should have been a little more clear, I don't want to make Fransisco (I like themed crews), but my own character using Fransisco's Rules.


Therefore, I've decided to go against all advice (although, sculpt some hair, hat and remove the chains & you'd have a decent 'Sisco) and give him the Flaming head.  This makes him a bit more special cookie too!  It also looks better.


I've written up some fluff for him.




Not all power corrupts.

Exiled from the church for being too extreme, Hicks came to Malifaux as an exorcist, hoping to end the Resurrectionist threat before it could cross Earthside.  His passionate oratory quickly became an annoyance to the Guild although it also ended the threat of many an up and coming Resurrectionist.  That was when he discovered the sword.  Tricked into drawing it by his quarry, he was struck down by the Dark Magic within.  Collapsing the Necromancer fled. 

In his coma, Hick’s fought a grim battle for his soul against the malignant will of the blade.  It was only his faith that allowed him to triumph.  Awakening, Hicks was forever changed for whenever he drew the blade, his skin would burst into flame and reveal his skull’s rictus grin beneath.  Returning to the City, the Guild was horrified at what he had become and almost ended him on the spot until Lady Justice herself made her presence known.  Seeing the purity within, she bade inducted him into the Marshals. Chaining the blade to himself, for he realised that few would be able to resist the blade’s evil, he continues his hunt for Resurrectionists alongside the Undead division.




Also, I need to get some chain to link the sword to his wrist, does anyone know a good way to bind it so it remains rigid?

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Rather than Dark Magic I would say it is the Soulstone embedded in the hilt that seeks to dominate Hicks. Maybe the soul within the stone is a minor Tyrant or something. That also gives you a reason for the fancier blade.


Maybe Hicks is so weakened from the fight for his Soul that his body is now failing him. The soulstone sword knows this and rather than be lost for aeons gives Hicks strength, but like all dark pacts, a price must be paid. In this case, in order for Hicks to draw strength from the blade he must wield it. In doing so he reveals the price of his victory, as his skin burns away and the flaming skull appears.

Does Hicks chain the blade to himself to stop others from claiming the blade and walking his dark path or does he do it to maintain his life a little longer? Is Lady J his patron, or Jailer? How far will Hicks go in pursuit of those who would cheat death, before he cheats death himself?

Hope that gives you some inspiration ( I like Priest too :D



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@ Kogan Style: Thanks for the ideas, I have a few other ideas to extend it to include some more rip offs from the movie & I'll be sure to include a lot of your ideas in there!


@ Zfiend: one mention of the word church turns you off?  There was nothing mentioned good or bad other than he was exiled from the organisation.  Is that all it takes to turn people away?  You must really hate the warhammer universes then. 

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@ Zfiend: one mention of the word church turns you off?  There was nothing mentioned good or bad other than he was exiled from the organisation.  Is that all it takes to turn people away?  You must really hate the warhammer universes then.


I don't play Warhammer. :) 

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I don't play Warhammer. :)


Note: none of the above was trying to be offensive, just mostly curious.  I'm not religious at all and it is beyond my understanding on how people can be so sensitive about it (this actually goes for a lot of other topics too).  I can understand & respect Wyrds deliberate non-inclusion of religion in the game, they're a company in the States, but for a piece of fan-fiction?

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Note: none of the above was trying to be offensive, just mostly curious.  I'm not religious at all and it is beyond my understanding on how people can be so sensitive about it (this actually goes for a lot of other topics too).  I can understand & respect Wyrds deliberate non-inclusion of religion in the game, they're a company in the States, but for a piece of fan-fiction?


I didn't take it offensively, but I appreciate it a lot that you are clarifying it. :)


I was more of making a joke with the you lost at me church than being judgmental about your choice to add such an entity to your piece of fan fiction. Sorry if that came across wrong. :)


EDIT: I like the bit about the evil within the sword and the sword being a living entity. Reminds me of Khazid'Hea. 

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Ok, Updated the story of Hicks.  I'll put it in the Fluff section. Here's the linky: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/109582-priest-my-the-fluff-behind-my-counts-as-fransisco/


Kogan Style, it would be great if you took a peak, as I included a fair few of your ideas in there!


I need to chain the sword to the wrists, to make the chain stay rigid, do I just coat it in a thin layer of glue?  Which glue should I use?



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Ok, Updated the story of Hicks. I'll put it in the Fluff section. Here's the linky: http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/109582-priest-my-the-fluff-behind-my-counts-as-fransisco/

Kogan Style, it would be great if you took a peak, as I included a fair few of your ideas in there!

I need to chain the sword to the wrists, to make the chain stay rigid, do I just coat it in a thin layer of glue? Which glue should I use?


I'd use cyanoacrylate. PVA sometimes comes loose, whereas CA will stay rigid. Just smear a little drop at each joint, and yoy should be set...

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