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Best Choices for objective runners in outcasts


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So I'm just starting out with outcasts and I'm looking for what models in the outcast faction make the strongest choices for objective runners.


I know that Leveticus can hire outside of faction and get access to necropunks, crooligans, and such but I'm curious what options inside of outcast faction or mercs we can hire without relying on master specific connections do we have access to?  


Any advice is appreciated as I'm just starting out in in the game and in the faction

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First off, welcome to Malifaux!


Second, and most relevant to your post, I would invest in Void Wretches (out as plastic models separate to Tara's box very soon), Rat Catchers (not out in plastic yet, but available... somewhere... in metal), and to a lesser extent, Freikorpsmann models (along with Von Schill's box or available as 2-of in their own box - I recommend getting VS's box though as it is filled with really good Outcast pieces).


Hope that helps! :D


~Lil Kalki

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If you're running Misaki, her Torakage make excellent runners, especially if you take smoke and shadows. Agile and teleporting make for easy scheme placement even in your opponent's deployment area, and they can out fight many other scheme runners. You do pay for them, mind, but no more than a ronin if Misaki is your master.

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