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Gen Con! Gen Con! Gen Con!

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Gen Con is only 67 days away!!!! Half of my office is already gone for the holiday weekend and I am all finished with any possible work. So this leaves me way to much time to browse more Gen Con things and contemplate what awesome shinies Wyrd might have in store for us. 


Who here is going?

What events are you doing

What do you think the Nightmare model will be?

Who is going to get the Miss Model treatment this year?


Getting so excited! I plan my year around this event!

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I hope the Nightmar/Miss is going to add variety to some of the sculpts where we're lacking enough different sculpts. Say Bayou Gremlins. We have five different sculpts, far to few for a Som'er summoning factory, and with highly distinctive sculpts (very cool ones at that), it's going to look out of place unless we combine with older metals. One fishing rod bayou in a crew looks amazing, two looks stupid. Since we're also lacking enough skeeters, and every gremlin player seem to be wanting Lenny, all of a Nightmare Bayou Boss would have reuse value... Besides, the skeeter art in the book with a bug sucking dry a guy would both look awesom and fit on a base!

I guess you could say the same for Abominations, but the rest of Leveticus' box is rather useless in duplicates...

A miss minion box would also go down well with me; bayous, aboms, mindless zombies, seishin (?), all could use more sculpts. Basically spammable models with few existing sculpts. Guess there are more; Whitchling Stalkers and can't Dreamer summon quite a few Alps?

I love the Miss Ery Sculpt, but there should already be more Teddy sculpts ou there than anyone could use. It was nice to get Miss Step without having to buy Ramos' box set, but given Joss most probably did anyway. The NE Whiskey Golem was amazing, but didn't add any real variety either, as it's a Rare 1 model.

Wyrd is amazing at making most sculpts in abundancy (who'd use more than three Samurai?), but some of the spammable models do suffer a bit from the uniqueness of the poses many Wyrd minis have...

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Nightmare Edition Neverborn lucius box set : lucius without his mask and some neverborn mimics models (like candy because i don't want to buy a pandora box set only for her) and some minions (like illuminated...) with alternate sculpt !

Add the new changeling for the (temporary) exclusivity and voila!

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I'm going!

I'm entering the Malifaux masters event, and another non-wyrd tournament and doing some workshops.

I'd love the nightmare model to be a single model rather than a box set - but anything is cool!

I'd love to see a Comedy Miss Model, a flesh construct in drag for example - something fun :)

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I just realized that I hadn't actually answered the questions I posed to everyone.

Of course I shall be there!

As far as Wyrd events go, I will be taking part in the "Welcome to the Boxcar" henchman hardcore tourney, one of the speed painting competition rounds (which I anticipate leaving with a half painted model as I am a notoriously slow painter), and I'll be trying to get in a few pick up games of Malifaux here and there. I am also taking a couple of hobby workshops and am going to the AEG big game night.

My guess as to what the Nightmare model will be is that it will either be a model in the third book or one of the crews we haven't seen any renders for yet (Shenlong or Hamelin). Whatever it ends up being, I know I will end up getting at least one because I will end up not getting any about 5 minutes after Gen Con closes otherwise.

As to the Miss Model, I am going off of what Aaron said that it's not a rare model. I am also guessing that it will be from the Crossroads book. Miss models are usually female versions of model that is generally male. My guess for the Miss Model is that it will be a Ten Thunders Brother (or I suppose sister in this case) and it will be named Miss Direction. I was thinking that a female version of the Firestarter named Miss Fire would be fun, but Aaron said not rare. Whatever they come up with for the Miss Model, I will end up with several in my possesion (already painted 2.5 of my Miss Erys from last year and still have another untouched).

While not specifically an event or answer to any of the questions I posed, I am looking forward to trying out the new game Wyrd has teased several times, "When Darkness Comes Rattling"; looks like a really cool concept.

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I will repeat my original miss prediction months ago: Miss Understood - the emo ronin. :)

Nightmare box will hopefully be Jack Daw - because I really don't like his plastic boxset. :/

More likely though - I really hope that it is neverborn lucius for reasons stated - or maybe a nightmare So'mer just because. Nightmare Rasputina would be sweet. ;)

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