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Gencon Help with Malifaux

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I don't have a lot of people to play with at home so my wife and I were both hoping to play some Malifaux at Gencon - we're going for the first time this year.


As far as I can tell, there isn't any 'regular' malifaux being played at gencon (or at least... nothing available?)  The enforcer brawl ones are just one mini, right?


Is there any way to play full games at the event?  Malifaux and Through the breach are literally 85% of the reason we're going, and both of them are sold or not available.  (I thought registration started today, not sunday.  Ugh!)  Is there a waitlist system for events?  Are there other events not listed on the site?


Thanks for any suggestions..

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You can buy generic tickets through the website, which can then be used to get into tournaments if not everyone shows up. 


Last year there were places available for people to play casual games of Malifaux in the events hall. I can't say for sure whether there will be the same available this year. However I'm pretty sure you'll be allowed to play on the boards when they're not being used for the tournaments. :)


Have fun at Gencon. I went there last year and had a blast! 


If it helps, I also wrote a bit of a guide on attending Gencon based on my experience last year, which is available here;


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I was about to suggest that you will likely be able to get a few pick up games whilst you are there, and to organise them through here.


And then up pops Victoria to offer her services!


Wait, that sounded wrong.....



If you would like a pickup game, I will be happy to play you at some point!


That's actually great.  We have very little plans for the entire weekend so if people want to do some pickups, maybe we can either arrange times here and see if anyone else is interested.  Does Wyrd have their own 'zone' at the convention where all the events they do take place?  


Is there a place they can do a pickup game waiting area or sign up sheet, or should we just make those arrangements on the forum beforehand?

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They will have a big section of tables with terrain on them for demos and tournaments.  They don't have a problem with people using them when those things aren't going on.  :)  There won't be a sign up sheet, this is something you would need to arrange.

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I don't have a lot of people to play with at home so my wife and I were both hoping to play some Malifaux at Gencon - we're going for the first time this year.


As far as I can tell, there isn't any 'regular' malifaux being played at gencon (or at least... nothing available?)  The enforcer brawl ones are just one mini, right?


Is there any way to play full games at the event?  Malifaux and Through the breach are literally 85% of the reason we're going, and both of them are sold or not available.  (I thought registration started today, not sunday.  Ugh!)  Is there a waitlist system for events?  Are there other events not listed on the site?


Thanks for any suggestions..

There are a few different tournaments of various types and sizes Wyrd is running at Gen Con, so check the Gen Con events for those. Outside of those, there is gaming of all types going on 24hours a day for the entire run of the con. If you hang by the Wyrd tables in the gaming hall (not the vendor hall) you should be able to find some games when their tables aren't in use. Also while you're there, make sure you take some time to browse the boardgames too (I hear Wyrd makes a few of those too  ;) ) because chances are if you like Malifaux, you're someone who will probably enjoy boardgames too.


If you're looking to meet up with people for games this forum (or perhaps a post to be created at some point in the future specifically for this purpose ) or the A Wyrd Place Facebook Group are good places to put feelers out.


Gen Con is my favorite time of year, I know  you will have a  :blast  :blast !

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