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Leveticus - Ramos style


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On a plane passing the time thinking up strange Malifaux combinations got me to the following scenario:

We all know the classic Ramos opener; Electrical Creation activates, takes damage an moves. Joss or Ramos kills it through Magnetism or Joss' attack. Ramos turns resulting scrap into a revolting amount of spiders. The opponent despairs.

Using the Pariah of Iron, Leveticus can achieve something similar by using:
Leveticus - Pariah of Iron, From Ash
Rusty Alice - From the Aether


Electrical Creation

<Further upgrades and models to taste>


The plan:

Electrical Creation activates, takes damage, moves forward. Joss takes a single move action and kills the electrical creation with is shooting attack (generating 2 scrap iirc). Rusty Alice double walks into position and uses From the Aether to generate a scrap marker. Leveticus activates and turns the scrap into abominations.
Potentially a gain of 3 models at the cost of 1 and a potentially strong start - letting you out-activate the opponent early on, even if bringing an expensive crew.

The range of Transfigure is rather abysmal, if memory serves, so it will most likely be better to just summon to abominations from the scrap dropped by the Electrical creation, instead of clustering the entire crew too much. The crew alice generated can be turned into an abomination next turn by either her or Levi.


I cannot remember the TN of Transfigure or any suit requirements - and I do not have my cards handy - but have any of you tried this setup, and if so; was it any good?

Even if Transfigure is more expensive than I remember the setup of Levi, Alice, Joss is not bad by itself, so adding the Electrical Creation for the chance of an explosive start could be interesting?

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Its an interesting and kind of funny way of playing but its kind of like a gimmicky watered down version. I never really run From Ash - Levy's true power comes from 2 for 1'ing your opponent producing a scheme-capable roadbump.

You can run Levy like a pseudo-seamus or pseudo-hoffman too but running levy like a levy is pretty hard to beat.

If you do it and you are able to actually beat them then it would be great for trolling. ;)

I definently like the idea of beating Ramos with his own crew - fucking ramos... ;)

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Its an interesting and kind of funny way of playing but its kind of like a gimmicky watered down version. I never really run From Ash - Levy's true power comes from 2 for 1'ing your opponent producing a scheme-capable roadbump.

You can run Levy like a pseudo-seamus or pseudo-hoffman too but running levy like a levy is pretty hard to beat.


Completely agree!


That said, I have tried something similar before by using a Large Steam Arachnid. You start with 2 Abominations who use Vile Reclamation on each other, then the LSA kills both netting two cards and 4 scrap.  Then Rusty and Levy summon 4 more Aboms, and the cycle continues.  It's a huge amount of fun and pretty neat to see on the table, but the problem is that all your assets are locked up in the summoning engine instead of scoring you VP.


I can see it working in a strategy/scheme pool like Turf War, Bodyguard, Protect Territory, etc. but the Abominations are relatively expensive to summon and not very good at running schemes since they don't move quickly.  Like Specter said, Levy is usually more valuable to the crew when eliminating key enemy models that spamming summons. That said, try it out! At the very least you'll have a lot of fun.

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It is also worth noting that once you hit four aboms, you get a Desolation Engine. So with two Abominations, Joss, Electrical Creation, and Alyce, you could do:


-Creation moves up.

-Abomination Vile Reclaims, moves up.

-Abomination Vile Reclaims, moves up.

-Joss kills the Creation.

-Alyce summons an Abomination.

-Levi summons an abomination.

-Abomination Vile Reclaims

-Abomination summons Desolation Engine.


You can Vile Reclaim multiple times, just once per Abomination, right? You are spending resources to get the summon off, but otherwise, you get a ton of cards and a desolation for 8ss of minions. It also generates a lot of trash activations to pad your crew with... sometimes you just want to out-activate some Gremlins.


Also worth noting: Leveticus is going to get access to the Mechanical Porkchop with the next book, the premier scrap-generating model in the game. For seven Soulstones, it will generate a scrap counter, for free, at the end of every activation. Using Alyce's Aetheric Creation, you can summon an Abomination, which can then Immediately Vile Reclaim the Porkchop. Next turn, you summon another Abomination which can Vile Reclaim the first Abomination.


Its a Hamelin-style trash summoning engine that gets you cards and activations. If ignored, it gets you a Desolation Engine. Because it uses an ability on the Porkchop and Alyce's (0), it doesn't slow down either of them. It's going to be pretty powerful, and its the reason you can't bring the Porkchop with the legitimate scrap-using power players (Hoffman, Collodi, and Ramos).

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You can Vile Reclaim multiple times, just once per Abomination, right? You are spending resources to get the summon off, but otherwise, you get a ton of cards and a desolation for 8ss of minions. It also generates a lot of trash activations to pad your crew with... sometimes you just want to out-activate some Gremlins.

Two Aboms and EC is 12 SS. You've also down two activations for next turn if you turn them into a DE.

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I think the best summoner of the abominations is

Von Schill!


Take his upgrade to allow 2  (0) actions and Rusty can summon a scrap and turn it into an abomination every turn.

And the abominations do a great card cycle, where they can deal one of them 2 damage to draw a card, which can then discard a card to make a 1/2/3 healing flip from the Steam Trunk.  

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If you want some real summoning craziness run a list like this:


Leveticus (3 cache) - Pariah of Iron, From Ash

Rusty Alyce - From the Aether

Mechanical Rider

2x Abomination

Large Steampunk Arachnid

2x Malifaux Rats

Obedient Wretch


On the first turn, you can summon a Rat Catcher, a Malifaux Rat, and 4 Abominations (net 2). After that, you can start to get the Rat summoning engine humming along by netting 2 Abominations per turn along with whatever the Mechanical Rider summons. It's really card intensive, but all the Vile Reclamations should keep your hand stacked nicely.  This list might work well in Turf War since you could physically exclude enemy models from the Turf War zone!

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So the answer to playing vs Ramos is to play a non-Ramos Ramos list, some how this seems like a logic flaw/fail to me.

Both the list have a some key issue, if I kill Joss or the Large Steampunk Arachnid then I have stunted your growth. The meta in my area is very armor focus so I never have a problem with killing Joss as I brought anti armor. Also if you want to make abomination and for the Desolation engine then it not like most of the Ramos list I have seen because they never fuse there spiders together.

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So the answer to playing vs Ramos is to play a non-Ramos Ramos list, some how this seems like a logic flaw/fail to me.


I don't think anyone has claimed this in this thread.  The original poster wanted to know whether the Ramos mimic list was a powerful build, and the first couple posts suggest that playing Levy like Levy is better than trying to play Levy like Ramos. After that people were mostly just throwing out fun builds for the original poster to try out.


For example, the list I posted in post #14 is a "for fun" list I tried out once just too see how much summoning I could accomplish. For Levy, summoning is either an added bonus to killing enemy models or a rare use of AP; focusing your list on summoning is a trap, because you ignore all the more powerful things Levy can do. 


If you're trying to beat Ramos specifically you want Rusty with Desolate Soul, Ashes and Dust, and Levy with Desolate Soul (maybe To the Earth Return if you suspect the presence of multiple high Wd enemy models).  The rest of your crew is then tailored to schemes.  If Ramos is playing Arachnid heavy, Rusty and Levy should be able to easily convert them into Abominations.  If Ramos only summons a few Arachnids, then you don't have to worry about attrition and can focus fire down Ramos's heavy hitters.

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The second post comments on the liking of the idea of beating Ramos with his own tricks and that it would be good for trolling. There is atleast 1 person that thought about beating Ramos with a Ramos inspired list and that person obviously dislike Ramos which I assume is from playing vs Ramos. My point is that if you feel that you have to win by playing essentially the same thing as that that you dislike then why play it.

I understand having a tough fun list.

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