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Painters Challenge - 2015!!!!!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok so looking over the results we have

Trapthem in 1st, Bengt in 2nd and everyone tied in third 

so no one will receive 3rd place

if Trapthem and Bengt can send me their email address or Paypal I will forward them their cash prize.

as a side note my personal life has gotten out of control and yes I've been abscent and I really don't appreciate snide comments by some people

Frankly if you don't have anything good to say, shut your F@&&@! Mouth

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  • 2 weeks later...

2016 would be good prizes or no and all that but was a shame seeing so many people sign up but not paint.

Prize got thrown across via PayPal so definitely copping a Leveticus Box from a local retailer with that one. 


Would people paint and update for a monthly updated thread or only if it's like iron painter or something?

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I used to take part in a similar system on Warseer.  The main difference is you signed up to say how many points you'd paint every month - then a tally was kept and updated each month.

The organisation is the hardest part I think, keeping on top of updates can be quite tedious.  That being said, if there was enough interest, I'd be happy to act as a scorekeeper of sorts and maintain a spreadsheet of everyones achievements?

I'd suggest 10 or 5 stones a month.  Thoughts?

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On ‎29‎.‎1‎.‎2016 at 2:47 PM, Vaiuri said:

I used to take part in a similar system on Warseer.  The main difference is you signed up to say how many points you'd paint every month - then a tally was kept and updated each month.

The organisation is the hardest part I think, keeping on top of updates can be quite tedious.  That being said, if there was enough interest, I'd be happy to act as a scorekeeper of sorts and maintain a spreadsheet of everyones achievements?

I'd suggest 10 or 5 stones a month.  Thoughts?

To take a further cue from Warseer, I believe that there were different categories there for painters with varying production speeds. So 5-10 per month for the slow ones, 10-20 for the moderates and 20-50 for the really fast ones.

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On 1/29/2016 at 6:25 PM, trapthem said:

2016 would be good prizes or no and all that but was a shame seeing so many people sign up but not paint.

Prize got thrown across via PayPal so definitely copping a Leveticus Box from a local retailer with that one. 


Would people paint and update for a monthly updated thread or only if it's like iron painter or something?

The problem with the last contest was the run away lead to first that was unable to be caught up to. When the points get that high, there is little point to trying. Maybe a cap limit per month would be a good idea just to keep everyone in the contest. 

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Okay i will admit it. Maybe i am not alone. For me i couldnt figure out the format of how to hide the pictures. I thought of posting my starter set since it wasnt available before the contest started...  I dont think it was the big leap some one had in finished minis since there was little activity. May want to do seasonally as well, less months more resets. 

also keep in mind this was suported by an individual. Not Wyrd.  So saying "hey you did 2015 we expect a 2016" might be a little much. Unless some one else knows they want to pick it up?

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How does this stone limit actually work? Because my output can vary quite a bit from month to month.

I also think that stones are a terrible measurement of painting time, when looking at anything but the most basic minion it feels completely arbitrary, e.g. Whisky Golem vs Fingers. A score based on base size and/or Ht stat will at least say something about the size of the model, perhaps giving the bases sized 1-3 numbers and multiplying them by the Ht.

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19 hours ago, Bengt said:

How does this stone limit actually work? Because my output can vary quite a bit from month to month.

I also think that stones are a terrible measurement of painting time, when looking at anything but the most basic minion it feels completely arbitrary, e.g. Whisky Golem vs Fingers. A score based on base size and/or Ht stat will at least say something about the size of the model, perhaps giving the bases sized 1-3 numbers and multiplying them by the Ht.

I personally would go by stones as this is how the game is played and it's a good measure of where you are up to in painting your collection.  Also, if I have a 10 stone Ht 2 model on a 30mm base and a 3 stone Ht 2 model on a 30mm base I'm more likely to spend some extra time painting the 10 stone guy.

Simplicity is key here, and in the end it's just a way for people to come together and motivate each other to get some painting done.  It's not really a competition.  At least that's my take on it.

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