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misaki list help


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I'm quite new to Malifaux, but in the games I've played I've gotten good use out of Lone Swordsman. Save a good tome for his Perfect Cut trigger (ignore armor, hard to wound, hard to kill and incorporeal) and he can quickly kill models that would otherwise be near impossible to take down. He is a bit squishy though, so I like putting recalled training on him. An extra card on every single flip for a round (meaning attack, damage, defense, horror duels, etc.) lets him wreak some serious havoc, especially if you activate You Shall Not See Another Sunrise and get reactivate. Double activations with Recalled trainging is awesome!

I don't really see what you would do with two Oiran. Getting access to a Lure can be a gamechanger, but you seldom need more than one. Especially as there are lots of models that are better than Oiran at just about everything else. As you're using Izamu and a Samurai, I would suggest hiring two Archers and getting Blot Out The Sky on the Samurai. That way Izamu can tie things up in melee and your Archers can use Rapid Fire to kill the things Izamu is engaging.


If you're playing against Ressurectionists or Arcanists, you should try switching Samurai out for Kang. He is amazing with his Immunity to Horror Aura and ability to give models around him positive flips to both attack and damage.


As always, you should try adapting your crew to fit the current strategy and schemes. Reckoning and Assassinate in the pool? Focus on getting models that kill things. Are there schemes that require scheme markers? Get two tengu to drop them and build the rest of your list to protect them. It all comes down to lots of practice to build an understanding of when to use which models.

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I find yamaziko with brace yari is a good defensive shield while you get the big hitters across the board, so you charge and don't get charged. She can also take smoke and shadows which is useful against a shooty crew. Remember Misaki can cast this as well.


For Misaki I prefer disguise and recalled training to misdirection. If I run recalled training then I would always try to fit a kamaitachi in my list now as well.


Tengu seem to work better in pairs as they can drop markers for each other to bounce across to.


Oiran you need that suit trigger for the lure, so I've tended not to run them. 10T Thunders are supposed to be really good though, I'm just still trying to find some suitable models for them.


Archers I've just found lacklustre. Their range is just not long enough for a model with no melee attack and I'd rather take a kamatachi sniper but has both the extra range and can look after himself in melee.


Samurai is decent, but I've not been tempted to run more than one of them. Lone swordsman does sound interesting.

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Sounds like you've got a good idea of what you want with her. Have you considered Brothers? They are incredibly useful and really solid minions. They are particularly good at defending scheme markers. Graves is a solid choice for an Enforcer as is the Lone Swordsman. Chiaki is also particularly useful with her condition removal and healing actions. 


As for your feelings on the Oiran don't discount them. They have a lot more than a sub-par Lure going for them. They are pretty tough and can happily hold objectives for a turn of two. They are Last Blossom Minions and so can use the Smoke and Shadows upgrade. They give out +1 Wp and they cannot be charged. On top of all that with their personal upgrade from Wave 2 they can also lay down a respectable amount of damage. 


Don't forget though that Misaki is also an Outcast Master, she has a lot of very fun options available to her even if you are playing her as a 10T Master instead, never forget to consider the humble mercenary if you can't find a 10T model to fill in the gaps. Taelor, Johan, Hans, Bishop, Killjoy, Sue, Lazarus, Freikorps Librarians etc... they are all incredibly useful and solid mercenary choices worth considering for her 10T crews. 

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ok, now have studing your helping , and then answer you...




without open another topic, can helping to find a good list wth yan lo.....?



To do what?

What Size?

What do you own?


My Last list did fine, but its not a normal list

Yan Lo, Brutal Khanakhara, Fotify the Spirit, Recalled training

Soul Porter


Sidir, Promises

Samurai, Mark of Jigkuko

Tannen, Smke Grenades

Monk of Low River


Scored Collect the bounty twice, conceeded it once, score full points for spring the trap and Take prisoner. Conceeded Assasinate turn 5 and a 2 point spring the trap.


But He would work ok by just replacing Misaki in your list above. That would let you see how the 2 masters differed. It would also let you see how you played them, and where you needed to improve the list. You might find that Yan Lo needs an extra beater that Misaki ddin't need, but doesn't need as much ranged.

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Honestly? Your Misaki list seems a little bit... scattered. I think you would have a lot more success if you added a little bit more support to the various models in the crew.


For instance, instead of taking one Tengu and one Oiran, you can take two Tengu. They can use Shooting Star to leapfrog up the field *extremely* fast, leaving a trail of scheme markers behind them. Or, you can take two Oiran and put Smoke and Shadows on Misaki and Hidden Agenda on the Samurai or Izamu. Oiran are way better when they are Fast, Focused, and able to teleport around the board/block line of sight.


I'd echo everyone recommending the Lone Swordsman. Misaki is really good at getting to and killing stuff that is not really tough, but she kind of bounces off stuff that has a lot of Armor. The Lone Swordsman can kill the heck out of something, no matter how tough it is. They go together like peanut butter and chocolate, in my eyes.

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I've played against misaki a fair bit and her with bisento misdirection and recalled training plus Otto with the teleport upgrade (can't remember the name) and recalled training works well as a kill squad then a pair of tengus for scheme running and either katana snipers or thunder brothers to make up the model count works quite well. I've also heard sensei yu can be real nasty with her

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I still really like Ototo for Misaki and he would wrk pretty well with Yan Lo too with the combination of Hard to Kill/Enraged and Yan Lo's heal. But yeah a lot of people see him as slow but Wk 5 makes him about average.


He's only really considered slow because most of the other crew members are Wk 6. Misaki is only Wk 5 but she has 3 AP and can Charge 8 so she gets around the board quick easily. Ototo is a pretty good henchman. He hits hard, takes a beating, can support with Slow and heals himself. He's an all rounder, he just doesn't get much love for some reason. 

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I use Ototo a fair bit, and have had those games. He really, really doesn't like McCabe's netgun, for example, and Terrifying is a pretty big hurdle for a 10SS beatstick to be failing at.


There are ways around it, of course; Oiran can give him an extra point of WP, and can pull him around the table to speed him up a bit, to make it more likely he'll get a flurry in rather than a charge. Misaki's untouchable upgrade makes the Terrifying problem go away, and if a canny opponent leaves Ototo on 7HP you can exploit the damage it does to him to enrage him, then heal up afterward. Chiaki is also a great choice to strip stuff like slow and paralyse from him.


Obey is the real danger, since its effect is immediate, and if there's nothing in range for him to hit, it's likely your opponent will try to paralyse him out of order by targeting a terrifying model.


That said, even in games where low willpower could be an issue, he can be an absolute monster. In a fixed-list tournament, my final game was against Pandora with two (two!) teddies. Ototo ran into the middle, yelling at the teddies to come at him; the first did, failed to kill him, and was instantly squashed to a pulp. Admittedly the second finished the job (and was soon after torn to shreds by a Lone Swordsman), but few models have both the resilience and the hitting power to soak up a Teddy in the face before killing it in one fell swoop (Ototo SMASH!).


If you want to keep him in your lists, he works well with a Disguise+On Wings Of Wind Misaki, or with Mr Graves to push him along. I've found his unique upgrade to not really be worth it; the trigger is redundant (Critical Strike all the way), and he almost always wants to be adding to his health pool with his (0) action - the soulstone is best spent elsewhere (or to give him Recalled Training, because an Enraged Ototo with Recalled Training active is utterly deadly). He does get a bad rap, I feel, and there are times when it's best to leave him at home, but he can also be a very big thorn in your opponent's side if they haven't brought the tools to deal with him.

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I find yamaziko with brace yari is a good defensive shield while you get the big hitters across the board, so you charge and don't get charged. She can also take smoke and shadows which is useful against a shooty crew. Remember Misaki can cast this as well.


How can Misaki or anyone that isn't a minion, cast this?

The card reads last blossom minions may take this action...

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