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To Tuco or Not Tuco


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So for 7 SS we have a average stat enforcer nephilim with Black Blood, From the Shadows, Disguised and a fairly decent defensive ability. He also has a 10 inch blast with decent damage but a fantastic trigger, and a (0) action that can set a model up for a beating.


When do you bring Tuco? Has he ever done work for you or do you feel that our crowded 7SS slot is better filled with Illuminated and Silurids?

When you do bring him, what upgrades if any do you attach to him?

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As Crush_Jansen says, Tuco can give buff by Nephilim Upgrade to others 'safely'.

And Tuco is more useful in Growth List, because Tuco can use his shotgun for 'Feed the Brood'.   


If you don't need to use Nephilim upgrade, you must focus his 'From the Shadows'.

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He's a cackling madman with a sawn off shotgun and a trench coat. So to answer your question... when do you take Tuco? ALL THE DAMN TIME!! :D


I've been using him with Lilith and he's a great model to sling a model or two up field with by using Tangled Shadows on in the early game. He's also a fairly reliable source of shooting which is something the Neverborn sorely lack. He's the Von Schill of the Neverborn, he does a little bit of everything but he's definitely not the best at anything he does. He's a solid piece but sometimes it is hard to justify his presence over Illuminated or Silurid. 

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I always take Tuco when I am taking frame for murder: you can make place him in the face of a key henchman, like Howard and make the opponent either deal with Tuco netting you points, or ignore a model that really can't be ignored because he is terribly annoying, between blasts and flay and a massive wp debuff/reposition that your opponent often ignores.



The wp debuff is almost his best power, in my opinion: great synergy with Pandora

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I'd play Tuco if I had the model. He seems cool enough. I tried him once in Vassal and he did quite well as a bodyguard target. He did nothing else though. :D


I was given mine by a friend and after lovingly painting about 4-5 shades of brown all over him I've only used him once or twice. He felt pretty good for his cost. I mainly take him for the trench coat and shotgun though. Everything else is gravy! :D

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I've found his biggest asset is that he gives my neverborn crews a ranged attack. Most of the time my opponents don't consider that threat when I declare NB. Not game winning, but it's a bit of mind games and that can always be useful.


As for when I take him, usually in Bodyguard, Frame for Murder, or some of the killy schemes. I've found that he's not bad, but I wouldn't try to force him into a list at the expense of other synergies.

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One of the traps with From the Shadows ranged models is placing them too far forward. Usually, by the end of turn 2, the opponent has crossed the center line. If there is a good shooting spot with a long line of sight on your half of the table, preferably half distance from your deployment to the center, that's the time to hire Tuco.

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One of the traps with From the Shadows ranged models is placing them too far forward. Usually, by the end of turn 2, the opponent has crossed the center line. If there is a good shooting spot with a long line of sight on your half of the table, preferably half distance from your deployment to the center, that's the time to hire Tuco.


This. Additionally, any players (especially newer ones), and I used to be guilty of this as well, feel that because FtS allows you to be deployed up to the center line then they have to place the model that far up. Sometimes you just need that extra inch or two* outside your deployment zone for optimal placement. 



*zFiend, all you.

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"Range attack" is good, but insufficient as best asset. Because Neverborn can take Freikorp Trapper.

Longer Range & Same cost, From the Shadow.  


And If you really want to use From the Shadow more, use Lucius(Pathfinder) + Swampfiend Henchman(Hex among you) Crew.  

In this Crew, your Pathfinders & Swampfiend Minions can wait in opponent's front yard.... This is not perfect, but good for surprising tactic.

Also, Tuco is never bad choice in this crew.   

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I'm a big fan of him in a few circumstances.


Mostly when I see protect territory in the pool and the terrain looks favorable to support him placing markers turn 2 and turn 3. Turn 1 with From the Shadows he can do some good shooting but he is really there as a very strong objective grabber in my crews. Furthermore, he can be a great piece to take Bodyguard on, its something a lot of people don't expect and with his From the Shadows you can get him in a nice spot early and just have him turtle until you declare it.


When I do take Tuco I typically like to couple him with a Waldgeist and/or a Black Blood Shaman (BBS). The BBS can use him as a Black Blood Postulate target to further enhance his objective protecting capability. With a Waldgeist using its rooted trigger he can also shotgun and push a model that has been rooted further doing more damage.


Tuco is a phenomenal model but has to be used for his strengths. Put him out in the middle and he will die, but you will find he is quite strong. 

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