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Chronicles 17

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Well done to both authors for giving us a slice of life from those lower on the totem pole than Masters, Minions, etc. both had similar elements (ordinary people, celebrations over food, supernatural intervention in gang related problems...) but went in such different directions...

If that's the Paschal Hare, I'd hate to see the Yule Father of Malifaux. But I also echo the call for wanting that Hare as a model... Perhaps instead of another alt teddy, it can be next year's alt Sabertooth Cerberus?

BTW, I always read the fiction first, and I think both authors nailed the Malifaux feel quite well.

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Too long. Didn't read.


So have you thought about making like a swimsuit edition? Of Sybelle? Now that would surely get readers. 


Seems like a good issue, can't read it as I'm at work but it'll might for a good read this evening as I spank some Ressers! 


Oh.. and somebody lock this guy up!!! Nobody wants to see that! *Holds back the vomit*

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In issue 15 the "Blackwood Hospital" story was credited to one Robert Kuzmeski, in this issue the "Festival Day" story was credited to Bob Kuzemeski. Is this the same person? If so, is there one or two Es in their surname?


Anyway, I really liked the "Luther the Pascha Hare" story.

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