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Most points summoned...


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Ok Nico players, I want to hear what is the most amount of points you have summoned in a game? I was curious because I played a tourney over the weekend 50ss gaining grounds and in my first game, we played three turns and I managed to summon 5 punk zombies and 2 hanged. 54 points.


So how bout it what is the most amount of points you have summoned in a game with Nico.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hm. It's been a while since I've played Nico but I think I've gotten over 70pts in a game. I think it was around 3 Hanged, 4 Punk Zombies and 2 Shikomes or something like that. Not 100% on this though. But a lot anyway. :D


When I played your Nico you summoned something like 3 Shikome, 2-3 Necropunks a couple of Belles and maybe some other bits. I killed about 20ss and by the time game ended you still had 98ss on the board compared to 25ss of my crew. It was definitely in the 70ss ball park! 

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When I played your Nico you summoned something like 3 Shikome, 2-3 Necropunks a couple of Belles and maybe some other bits. I killed about 20ss and by the time game ended you still had 98ss on the board compared to 25ss of my crew. It was definitely in the 70ss ball park! 


Oh yeah. Fun game! Right that was because I promised I wouldn't summon the Hanged. :D 

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Lst Molly Game

3 dead doxy - 18 points. 5 Belles - 25 points. 5 Mindless zombies - 10 points.53.


Her opponent - Tara

4 Guild Autopsy - 16 points.

1 Student of Sinew -7 points

3 mindless zombies - 6 points.

29 points.


We were only playign 25 ss a side in prepartaion for a double game, and I took neitehr Molly upgrade, and Tara couldn't unbury the Student when it buried itself.

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Ah I never account the mindless zombies. 


Most I've ever summoned is roughly 15-16 in one game. The most in one Muahaha was 6. I nearly got 16 Mindless Zombies in one Muahaha on a University of Transmortis encounter once but my opponent used a Nurse to paralyze Nico then have a Flesh Construct devour him before I could activate. 

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Most I've ever summoned is roughly 15-16 in one game. The most in one Muahaha was 6. I nearly got 16 Mindless Zombies in one Muahaha on a University of Transmortis encounter once but my opponent used a Nurse to paralyze Nico then have a Flesh Construct devour him before I could activate. 


That would've been legendary.


But I don't account them as summons as I just summon them in and them summon out of them. They aren't on the table really. :P If they were accounted for then it would break the 70pts. 

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That would've been legendary.


But I don't account them as summons as I just summon them in and them summon out of them. They aren't on the table really. :P If they were accounted for then it would break the 70pts. 


I had no use for corpse counters, so they were being used as activations, and preventing him summoning a Rogue Necromancy. His mindless zombies were summoned by Guild Autopsies. So we really used them, they weren't just card draw engine. Tehy all activated, or were killed by the enemy using AP to do so.

(It being inetrference, they actually had an in game use!)

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